my pet is boss

Chapter 177 Resident Evil Syndrome

Chapter 177 Resident Evil Syndrome

A gust of cold wind suddenly blew in the square at the foot of Shushan Mountain. The disciples of the inner sect who had been sitting slumped on the ground suddenly jumped up on the spot as if they had been electrocuted.

This is completely a sequela of the trial, and any movement can make them react the fastest.

After a while, inner disciples began to be teleported to the square.Because the strength of these inner disciples is similar, the progress is also similar.

The first thing everyone sent out was to meet each other and stare at the faces of their companions.Everyone exchanged a look, and saw the same sad eyes, and immediately there was a lot of fiery complaints, "slamming" trials of various terrifying monsters and settings.

In the past, the relationship between these inner disciples at the end of the crane could only be regarded as nodding acquaintances, and they didn't even know each other's names.But after experiencing the trials of Resident Evil together, they are good brothers with the strongest relationship!
To be able to go through this cruel and inhuman trial together is to be a friend in need.

"As expected, it was written by the Supreme Elder. To be honest, this biohazard trial is really terrifying. I used to think that the level of the illusion trial was already unbearable, but now it seems that I am still too young... "

"Although I failed the Resident Evil Trial this time, I think I will challenge the Illusion Trial now, and my results will definitely be better than last year."

"Hey, you have challenged a hundred times, where did you end up? How is Miss Lawrence in the piano room going to fight? I failed to challenge her the last five times. But the key to the door on the second floor is in the The piano room, if you can't open it, you can't get the key..."

The inner disciples who came out all sat on the vacant tables and chairs in the square, sitting around and discussing together.

Resident Evil is their common topic, especially in terms of dealing with monsters, equipment selection and even manor exploration. They can communicate too much.

"Well, I've called Miss Lawrence from the piano room..." Suddenly a weak voice sounded from the crowd, and everyone followed the voice and saw Longlong who raised his hand timidly in the crowd.

Li Xiang and Liu Mang in the same dormitory were all shocked, and the faces of the other inner disciples were also shocked. Isn't this the little fat guy who was too scared to go in before the trial?He actually killed Miss Lawrence!

This news undoubtedly caused a big earthquake among the inner disciples who participated in the trial.This kind of strong contrast is like you usually see a beggar who is often bullied, and one day you find out that he is the leader of the beggar gang with excellent martial arts...

The non-existent Longlong immediately became the focus of everyone, and they all gathered around curiously to ask him how he killed Miss Lawrence.

One hundred times of trial opportunities, all the disciples who come out now fight against the eldest lady, and the terrifying resilience and extremely fast speed left a deep impression on everyone.

Longlong scratched his head and said: "I just tried to blow off her left leg with a heavy sniper rifle. After her movement was hindered, I exploded her other leg. The eldest lady who lost both legs is not a threat at all. "

" also know that the interval between heavy sniper rifle attacks is too long. After I took the key and went up to the second floor, I was sucked by the oncoming lickers and killed."

Everyone suddenly realized that it turned out that Longlong had chosen the heavy sniper rifle that did the most damage. This gun was so powerful that it could crush the head of any zombie with one shot.Longlong's cleverness was that he shot Miss Lawrence's legs first, and when the bullet went down, her entire leg exploded, almost losing her ability to move.

"No! I also tried to use a heavy sniper rifle later, not to mention the piano room, I didn't even hit the soldiers who were transformed into zombies."

"I also used a sniper rifle, but I ran out of bullets before I passed the corridor. How did you use the sniper rifle to kill the piano room?" Some disciples raised questions. The ammunition of the sniper rifle was not enough to kill the piano room. house.

"Because my agility is not very good, I didn't think about choosing an assault rifle or a submachine gun at the beginning. I have always used a sniper rifle from the beginning to the end. I found that the sniper rifle has super damage and penetrating power. Generally, two or three zombies are pulled, and three monsters can be pierced to death with one shot, so that they can persist to the soldiers. After killing the infected soldiers, they can get ammunition supplies.”

"I also summed up a set myself. If you encounter slow-moving ordinary zombies, the bullets of the sniper rifle can penetrate five in one. If you encounter violent zombies, zombie dogs or spiders, the bullets can penetrate three in one. When encountering lickers If you don't want to wear it, don't even think about wearing it, if you let the licker get close, you will have to wait for death."

Using sniper rifles from beginning to end, and summing up a set of experience in using sniper rifles, this is too stupid...

Li Xiang and Liu Mang in the same dormitory patted Longlong's shoulder, feeling proud.Longlong, who has always been timid and low-key, actually made a splash in the trial this time.

"By the way, who else hasn't come out?"

"Everyone, look around for people you know and see who else hasn't come out."

Now there are only 43 people in Shushan Square, and 7 people have not come out of the trial.

Everyone looked around and began to look for friends who were familiar with them.

Long Long, Li Xiang and Liu Mang got together and found that several people in their dormitory were not here.

"Zhao Hao, Wang Lei, and Cao Jian didn't come out?"

Everyone is at the bottom of the inner sect, there is no big difference in strength, so there are only two possibilities for those who have not come out yet.

One is that the number of times of fear of death has not been used up, and the other is to pass through the first floor of the bungalow and start exploring the content of the second floor...

Li Xiang and Liu Mang looked at each other: "Among the six of us, Longlong is the most timid, and even he has used up all the times, Zhao Hao and the others shouldn't be timid and hiding in the corner..."

"Yeah, it's the trial. The Supreme Elder told us the news through Zhao Hao. The Supreme Elder has a lot of love for him. Could this guy start to explore the plot on the second floor of the bungalow?"

As soon as this statement came out, it was immediately recognized by many inner disciples present.

They may not be clear about other people, but Zhao Hao is someone Shen Fei favors, maybe this time he can really create a miracle.

In the past, when they saw inner disciples working together to pass the illusion trial, carp jumping over the dragon gate to become elite disciples, they were both envious and jealous.But this time all the disciples hope that one person can complete the trial, and this feeling has never been stronger.


A few more white lights appeared on the square, and another inner disciple was sent out.

All the inner disciples who were sitting stood up and greeted him.

The two people who came out this time were Wang Lei and Cao Jian.

Although the two were still a little uncomfortable with everyone's sudden enthusiasm, they still accepted everyone's welcome.In other people's inquiries, the two also revealed that they each committed suicide on the second floor of the bungalow, but the zombies here are stronger, and there are even "high IQ" zombies with rifles and revolvers!
"I'll go, is the bungalow on the second floor so scary? It seems that you can't consume too much ammunition on the first floor..."

"Now there are 49 people, only Zhao Hao is left."

Although it was getting late, none of the 49 people left. They were all waiting for Zhao Hao in the square, hoping that he could create a miracle.

(End of this chapter)

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