my pet is boss

Chapter 178 Awesome! My Days Are Overwhelmed!

Chapter 178 Awesome! My Days Are Overwhelmed!

Everyone waited for an hour and still did not see Zhao Hao, so they were a little anxious.

During this period of time, the disciples worked together to discuss the details of the trial and their personal skills.If it were a normal illusion trial, maybe they would all hide it and would never give away their little skills.But this time the Resident Evil Trial is different. They are all the bottom of the inner disciples, and they are considered to be elite disciples who can't be promoted to elite disciples no matter how hard they work, they feel the same way.

After everyone exchanged opinions, many new ideas burst out, and they wished to enter the Resident Evil Trial again right now.

They believe that this time will definitely be better than the last time.

Suddenly a beam of light appeared on the square, and Zhao Hao was teleported out of the bungalow.Breaking away from the thrilling battle just now, Zhao Hao lost all strength in his legs and fell to his knees with a thump.

The inner disciples who were waiting were all excited. After waiting for an hour, Zhao Hao finally came out. They couldn't wait to ask Zhao Hao if he passed the trial.

The other five people in the same dormitory rushed the fastest, rushed over to help Zhao Hao at the first time, and then a group of people swarmed up like a swarm, asking questions non-stop.

"Zhao Hao, have you passed the test?"

"What kind of monster did you encounter behind?"

"As expected of a person that is valued by the Supreme Elders, Zhao Hao is doing well!"

The faces of these inner disciples were filled with the most brilliant and sincere smiles and blessings, and they were sincerely happy for Zhao Hao.

Although Zhao Hao didn't know what was going on, he saw everyone come out and surround him. He, who had just been released from the fighting state, had no time to catch his breath and fell into chaos again.

It took a while for Zhao Hao to come back to his senses and roughly understand the current situation.It turned out that he was the last one to complete the 100 trials, and these inner disciples thought he was celebrating for passing the trials.

"Actually, I didn't pass the trial..." Zhao Hao's words sounded like a thunder, and all the cheering inner disciples froze in place. The expressions on everyone's faces froze, and there were four large characters written - unbelievable .

Liu Mang and Li Xiang in the same dormitory couldn't help but ask, "You didn't pass the test, why did you come out so late?"

This sentence reminded Zhao Hao of the previous scene in the trial battle.

He managed to get to the second floor of the bungalow, passed all the obstacles dangerously, and finally came to the largest room on the second floor.Here he meets Jax, the missing security captain.If it had been when Zhao Hao had just entered the trial, Zhao Hao would have rushed up without saying a word, and if he found the captain, he would have completed the task.

But after experiencing 99 deaths and various accidents, Zhao Hao has a kind of vigilance towards everything.

Captain Jax finally disclosed his identity, because he was sure that Zhao Hao could not leave here alive.It turns out that Jax is the mastermind behind this biochemical crisis.The Lawrence family, Jax and the Royal Apothecary of Touk County cooperated to extract a Z virus from the mutated and highly poisonous tarantula for human experiments, and found that the virus was extremely powerful.

The Lawrence family wants to increase the proportion of cooperation, and the lion opens his mouth, but forgets about Jax's strength and identity.The owner of Lawrence was directly killed by Jax. When he left, he released the Z virus in the manor. The virus infected the entire manor. Jax would regularly use his identity as the captain of the security brigade to bring in some living or dead bodies. , to study them.

The entire Lawrence Manor and Resident Evil are all Jax's conspiracy.

After Jax finished speaking, he released the strongest zombie tyrant he had successfully developed, and then left the room, leaving the tyrant and Zhao Hao to fight each other.

As a result, Zhao Hao was still killed by the tyrant after struggling hard, and ended a hundred trials.

Everyone was stunned when they learned the truth. It turned out that the security captain they were going to rescue turned out to be the mastermind behind the scenes!The final challenge of the entire Resident Evil is a super powerful zombie called Tyrant.

The inner disciple who had recovered his senses excitedly patted Zhao Hao on the shoulder and said, "Don't be discouraged, we will definitely pass the biohazard test next time!"

The other disciples stopped cooking when they hit the second floor at most. Zhao Hao almost swept the entire second floor and solved the truth of the incident.The only regret is not being able to defeat the tyrant.

"It's strange, we stayed in the trial for almost a day, and we didn't feel tired without eating or drinking." Finally, some disciples discovered this. Facing the crisis that may appear at any time in the bungalow, everyone concentrated on the test. refining.It was only after I came out that I noticed that there was no abnormality in my body.

"It must have been specially designed by the Supreme Elder. He didn't want us to be distracted during the trial. If food and water appeared regularly like the illusion trial, I'm afraid we would all be attacked while eating."

"As expected of the Supreme Elder, you are so thoughtful. Compared with the Resident Evil Trial, the Illusion Trial is stinky and long, and it's useless..."

These are two completely different experiences.

It's like a child who only knows the game of Tetris suddenly sees a 3A masterpiece. The shock can shatter all the three inherent views.

It turns out that trials can still come like this?
"It's getting late today, so let's go back first and discuss it in the morning class tomorrow."

Zhao Hao, as Shen Fei's "microphone", plus the person who walked the farthest in this biohazard trial, has already formed the right to speak among these inner disciples. What a terrible thing Zhao Hao's progress is, naturally he has more respect for Zhao Hao.

After these fifty people signed the contract, Shen Fei had already informed the inner sect that they would not have to attend all the courses of the inner sect, and they were completely open-minded.

Returning to the dormitory wearing stars and wearing moons, these disciples all had a feeling of vicissitudes when they recalled the experience of today's trial.

God knows what they've been through.

In the early morning of the next day, all the inner disciples came to the place where the morning class was done in high spirits.

Everyone has friends in the inner sect, but regardless of their previous relationship, this time all fifty people gathered together to form a special small group.

Everyone gathered together to continue discussing about the trial. Everyone had a brainstorm and experienced a brainstorm.

The other inner sect disciples who were meditating always had a strange feeling when they saw them getting together and flying with passion.Everyone is an inner sect disciple, but their current performance is very different.

These disciples who were originally at the tail of the crane were usually extremely low-key, and the inner sect wished that they had no sense of existence.

But now, looking at their ostentatious and excited appearances, they don't seem to be meditating at all.

Some inner disciples who were reading in the morning class couldn't stand it any longer, so they got up and walked towards the crowd not far away.

When the other inner disciples saw that it was Sun Xing walking over, they immediately showed gloating expressions.Sun Xing is one of the top ten disciples in the inner sect, and he is a strong contender for next year's elite disciples.Now that he is looking for it, it will be a good show!

 Very angry!Last night, I reinstalled the system and did it myself, but it still hasn’t been repaired. I got up at [-] o’clock this morning and carried the computer to repair it. When I got to the computer city, I plugged it in and started it up——OK!I don't want to...

(End of this chapter)

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