my pet is boss

Chapter 179 Brother, Do You Know Resident Evil?

Chapter 179 Brother, Do You Know Resident Evil?

Sun Xing frowned, and sneered at this behavior of making loud noises in the morning class and not caring for others.

Although reading, reciting, meditating, and performing martial arts are all allowed in the morning class regulations, the inner sect has long formed its own set of rules in its long history.

In the morning class, priority is given to inner disciples with higher rankings.If they perform martial arts, then other people can do whatever they want in the morning class.

But if these stronger inner disciples are meditating or reading, then other inner disciples can't perform martial arts, recite and make loud noises, and create a quiet atmosphere for these top-ranked inner disciples.

Unfortunately, today Sun Xing was meditating with his eyes closed. Although he was far away from the corner, the sound basically had no effect on his ears.However, the long-established rules of the inner sect were broken, which made Sun Xing feel that this group of crane tails did not take him, the top ten disciple, into their eyes at all.Today I will kindly remind them.

The inner disciples next to him saw Sun Xing passing by, they all stopped their morning class, and stepped back slightly to make way to show respect.

But the group of cranes around the corner didn't seem to see Sun Xing at all, and they were still discussing in full swing, talking about words that "tyrant", "licker", and "zombie dog" couldn't understand .

After Sun Xing approached, he coughed twice. After all, they were all top ten disciples in the inner sect. If he coughed a little to attract the attention of these people, they should have winks and awareness.

It's a pity that these people are discussing intensely, so it doesn't matter if someone is coughing.

If you have a cough, you should take medicine quickly. It is not good to infect others.

Sun Xing found that he seemed to be playing the piano to a cow, and no one paid attention to him after coughing.The disciples of the inner sect who watched the excitement covered their mouths and snickered. Tianjiao, who used to walk sideways in the inner sect, lost face in front of a group of crane tails today, which is ridiculous.

Sun Xing turned his head and stared sharply. The disciples who were watching the theater hurriedly lowered their heads to read, some were shaking their heads while reciting, and some were meditating with their eyes closed.

"Cough cough!"

Sun Xing coughed heavily again, this time the voice was especially strong, even overshadowing the discussions of dozens of people.

Everyone was discussing their interest—on the possibility of using sniper rifles and kite tyrants. Suddenly, a cough blocked everyone's discussion, and even interrupted Zhao Hao's analysis.It was like the feeling of forcefully pulling up the pants to hold back halfway through urination, and a fierce energy suddenly gathered above everyone's heads.

"Treat yourself if you are sick, can a cough save your life?" Zhao Hao's words were very sharp. The feeling of being interrupted was really uncomfortable, and it also disturbed his follow-up thoughts. The feeling of grabbing the head is really excruciating.

In fact, he had already heard the first cough, but he didn't pay much attention to it at the time.But the coughing in the back made people feel like their lungs were about to be coughed out, and the sound of severe coughing could be heard throughout the morning classroom of the inner school.

Zhao Hao also heard a lot of deliberation, and instantly characterized this person—someone is deliberately making trouble!

So Zhao Hao didn't even look back, and just started cursing.

In the past, as a crane tail of the inner sect, none of the inner sect disciples he met after studying for a day was weaker than himself, and he wished he could be a man with his tail between his legs.But since he came out of the biohazard trial, although he didn't pass the trial, Zhao Hao has a new life, and some things that he thought were scary, now it seems that they are not a big deal.

All the inner disciples were startled, Zhao Hao's words struck the morning classroom like a thunderbolt.In any case, they never thought that a crane tail would dare to say such words to the top ten disciples.

The disciples who participated in the trial turned their heads one by one to see who was looking for trouble, but they saw Sun Xing standing behind him with a cold face. I want revenge" four words.

Sun Xing quickly stepped forward to push away the crowd, and there were white electric sparks on his outstretched palms.

"The white tiger is furious! Sun Xing wants to teach Zhao Hao a lesson!"

The inner disciples who were watching the show all gasped. Normally, even the top ten inner disciples wanted to teach the ignorant monks, but they used punches and kicks, but they never borrowed the power of the gods.

This time Sun Xing was really angry, and he even directly strengthened the strength of the white tiger. This level is no longer a sparring or beating, but a direct strike.

Sun Xing was stunned for a moment when he heard Zhao Hao's words, and immediately felt like his whole body was on fire.Sun Xing felt like a needle pricked his back, and everyone's eyes were on him.He has not suffered such humiliation after entering the inner gate!

Sun Xing was extremely fast, even faster than everyone's reaction time.

These outer disciples wanted to open their mouths to remind Zhao Hao, but as soon as they opened their mouths, Sun Xing had already appeared behind Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao sensed a force behind them. Although he didn't know who the other party was, he deliberately came to their side to cause trouble, and now he was preparing to sneak attack from behind.

The trial of Resident Evil has just ended, and the biggest gain for all inner disciples is that they can enter a state of high nervous tension all the time.

The moment Sun Xing put his hand on his shoulder, Zhao Hao gathered all his strength and slammed into Sun Xing's chest in a mountain posture.


Sun Xing was like a kite that was disconnected and flew upside down. After Zhao Hao finished using the "backer pose", he saw that the person who flew upside down in the air was Sun Xing, one of the top ten inner sect disciples, and his mouth was completely closed. Not close.

All the disciples of the inner sect who were present made the sound of gasping for breath, and Sun Xing's majestic top ten disciples of the inner sect were blown out by the tail of a crane. No one could accept this kind of scene.

After Zhao Hao regained his senses, he immediately chased after him, and grabbed Sun Xing while he was in the air, preventing him from falling directly to the ground.

When Sun Xing flew out backwards, he was in a daze. Obviously he wanted to teach Zhao Hao a lesson. Why did this kid react so fast, like a flash of lightning, and he didn't have time to make any defenses.

Fortunately, when he was in the air, he felt a force pulling him, and he staggered and fell to the ground, avoiding the embarrassment of falling to the ground.

Taking a closer look, it was Zhao Hao who came to help him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't know it was the top ten in the inner sect just now, please forgive me if I offend you."

Zhao Hao smiled awkwardly, and reached out to shake the dust on Sun Xing's shoulders. The sincere apology made Sun Xing clench his fists several times, and he couldn't find a reason to make a move.

The other party didn't pay attention to the accidental injury, smiled apologetically and bowed, Sun Xing couldn't make a move at all.

With so many inner sect disciples behind him watching, if he forcibly made a move, he would definitely gain a reputation for being brave and ruthless, and instead stain his own feathers.

But when he was hit by the tail of a crane, although Sun Xing knew that everyone still respected him as before on the surface, they would definitely make a laughingstock behind their backs.The dignified top ten were hit by the tail of a crane, and they didn't even have time to defend, and had to rely on the opponent's shots to barely protect their face.

It's hard to swallow...

Sun Xing almost suffered internal injuries, Zhao Hao kept explaining.

"Brother, do you know about Biohazard? I entered the trial yesterday and was always in fear. I have been in a tense state for less than a day after I came out, and I haven't recovered yet. I hope you have a lot of..."

The elder Taishang randomly gave a trial, and the top ten disciples who could be beaten in a day were completely helpless?

He hasn't recovered yet, only ghosts will believe this excuse!

Sun Xing suddenly felt the qi and blood in his body churning, his throat was slightly sweet, and he spat out a mouthful of blood, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

 Today's winners list:
  Starting point: Xingyu Xinghai, Wanjun women's clothing bar
  Koukou reading: Lack of money. Kou, chushen
(End of this chapter)

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