my pet is boss

Chapter 180 Let's run, inner disciple!

Chapter 180 Let's run, inner disciple!

Zhao Hao pulled back the moment Sun Xing vomited blood to avoid the embarrassment of being sprayed all over his face.

The inner disciples watching the excitement were all stunned at this moment.

Zhao Hao's series of dazzling operations just now, and Sun Xing's sudden vomiting of blood caught all the inner disciples present by surprise.

When did Zhao Hao's reaction and speed become so fast?Especially when Sun Xing vomited blood, he dodged and retreated, perfectly avoiding the blood mist that Sun Xing spit out.

The other outer disciples couldn't understand it at all, but the disciples who had experienced the trial all smiled. This scene was so familiar. When they were hiding from the licker's tongue, their reaction speed was even faster than this!
"Hurry up and come, let's carry Senior Brother Sun to the medical center together." Zhao Hao didn't expect this situation at all, and hurriedly carried Sun Xing with the others to leave the morning class.

The rest of the inner disciples who were discussing also followed in a swarm, leaving only the disciples who watched the excitement in the morning class, and there was nothing left.

Why do you wake up and feel that the whole inner door has changed?
Zhao Hao and the others carried Sun Xing to the medical center. After receiving treatment, Sun Xing gradually woke up. When he opened his eyes, he was confronted with all kinds of greetings from Zhao Hao.

Zhao Hao and others were asked out of the medical center by the doctor because the patients needed to rest, and Sun Xing dared to open his eyes after everyone left.

The change came so fast that he was caught off guard.

It was obvious that half an hour ago he was a top ten disciple that everyone admired, but when he turned around, Sun Xing was already lying on the hospital bed, utterly ashamed and indignant.

Is it the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality.

Sun Xing was lying on the hospital bed without being disturbed, and he finally calmed down.Thinking about it carefully, this guy Zhao Hao's shots just now were so fast that he couldn't even react.YouQi obviously made the move behind his back first, and his palms were already pressed on this guy's arm, but he was pushed away by him instantly with a backing pose...

Sun Xing stretched out his hand to cover his chest, Zhao Hao's backing gesture was still not very powerful, it was relieved a lot by the energy in his body, at most he suffered some skin trauma.

But this guy's speed and reaction are really amazing, and then he reacted and raised his hand, and finally avoided the blood mist...

Sun Xing was lucky enough to be recruited by elite disciples. After seeing the terrifying speed of elite disciples, he was immediately shocked and understood the difference in strength between inner disciples and elite disciples.But now he actually saw the reaction and speed of an elite on the tail of a crane.

Once this absurd idea was born, even Sun Xing himself was taken aback: "How is this possible? A guy who has no hope of being an elite disciple in this life is actually similar in speed to a veteran elite disciple. Isn't this a joke!"

With this kind of speed, let alone two days in the illusion trial, it is absolutely possible to persist for four days.

However, Zhao Hao clearly lasted only two days in the illusion trial last time, so why did he undergo such a rapid change?

Sun Xing thought of the "Resident Evil Trial" that Zhao Hao kept talking about, and also thought of what other inner disciples said about "tyrant", "licker" and "zombie". Could it be a trial of the Supreme Elder? , just let them get a terror boost?
Sun Xing shook his head again and again, the strength of a monk is composed of two parts: penance and comprehension, both are indispensable.

The illusion trial proves that these cranes have no understanding at the end of the day, and the hard work like a dead end is useless at all. How could there be such a terrifying improvement in the trial of less than a day?

Sun Xing comforted himself in this way, but he already had the answer deep in his heart.Combined with the abnormal performance of these inner disciples today, this "Resident Evil Trial" must have something extraordinary, which can allow these disciples to improve quickly in a short period of time.

As one of the top ten in the inner sect, it would be a lie if Sun Xing was not envious.

Practicing together is like sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

Out of the [-] inner disciples in the previous session, only eight were successfully promoted to elites.

Although the top ten say they are extremely powerful, they are actually on the verge of promotion. Now there are trials that can improve their strength. To be honest, Sun Xing really wants to experience it for himself.

As long as his strength improves a little bit, he may be the top eight in this promotion.

He had also heard a little about Zhao Hao getting people to sign up in the inner sect. Some disciples with fair strength went to sign up, but they were all brought back, saying that the Supreme Elder didn't want too strong disciples.

Thinking of this, Sun Xing's brows were clustered into a ball, and he felt that there was a suffocation in his chest that was difficult to express.

In the end, he choked out a sentence, "Crooked ways!"


Zhao Hao and the others were still dizzy after they left, and some disciples beside them were overjoyed: "Zhao Hao, you are amazing! That's Sun Xing, who is one of the top ten in the inner sect, and he was blown away by you!"

In the past, this was simply impossible.When Zhao Hao fought against the disciples in the middle of the inner sect, he was directly manipulated, let alone the top ten in the inner sect. In the past, he would only be killed in seconds.

But today, he used his speed to break through Sun Xing's defense one after another, and even injured him.

"This is really a trial. If we can participate in the trial frequently in the future, I believe that it won't take long for us to pass the illusion trial and become elite disciples."

The trial designed by Shen Fei is extremely difficult, but the improvement of the disciples is soaring.In an extremely difficult environment, squeeze out their full potential.

It turns out that these inner sect crane tails already know that it is impossible to be promoted to elite disciples in a lifetime.But Shen Fei's trial was like a key, reopening their eagerness to make progress. At this moment, even the unobtainable illusion trial was no longer their final goal.

The three trials, this is what they really want to work hard for.

"Zhao Hao, do you know when we can enter the Resident Evil Trial next time?"

"I can't wait now, this time I want 200 chances! No, 300!"

"With everyone conspiring together, I think this time there must be many people who can kill the tyrant and directly complete the trial."

On the way back, the inner disciples gathered together again.In the past, why didn’t I find that this group of guys were so eloquent, and I never felt that they were so appetizing. They became confidantes and friends, and they said things that other people couldn’t understand at all, and only they could tell and agree with each other.

"The Supreme Elder didn't say when we can go to the trial again, but I think in order to maintain the effect, we can also hold a trial competition." Zhao Hao thought for a moment and had his own idea.

Everyone looked at Zhao Hao in unison, waiting for him to come up with a solution.

Zhao Hao has never had this feeling of being under the spotlight and becoming the backbone.

"Only 50 of us, each with a nameplate on his back, can make a move at any time and anywhere, as long as the opponent's nameplate is torn off, he will win, and the person whose nameplate is torn off will be announced to be eliminated. Although the environment in the trial cannot be compared , but we can use more skills after integrating into reality, so we also need more energy to protect our nameplate."

"Of course, in order to increase the competitiveness and urgency, if there are no disciples who have won within two days, they will be eliminated directly..."

Zhao Hao's eyes lit up, and the plan in his mind became clearer and more perfect as he talked.

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (16/30)

(End of this chapter)

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