my pet is boss

Chapter 181

Chapter 181

The rest of the inner disciples were all overwhelmed by Zhao Hao's whimsical ideas, and it was wonderful to think about it carefully.

The zombies in the trial are replaced by inner disciples, the scope of activities is limited to the entire inner sect, and various monk skills can be used. The nameplate is located on the back where the body's defense is weakest, which greatly increases the difficulty of the challenge.And to avoid the embarrassment of inner disciples hiding, they must gain something within two days, otherwise they will be considered eliminated.

The situation that this activity can encounter is even more harsh than the Resident Evil Trial.

For the monsters in Resident Evil, as long as you "die" a few more times, you can figure out their attack methods and find a way to deal with them.But people are different, their thinking is all kinds of strange, and their imagination is richer and more varied. No one would have thought of what kind of method the other party would carry out in the next sneak attack.

Zhao Hao is worthy of being someone who is valued even by the Supreme Elder, and he can think of such a complete method in such a short time.Everyone was very excited, and now they can guarantee high-intensity training without going into trials.

Everyone immediately got together and began to discuss details, such as the production of nameplates and the framing of the scope of activities.

In less than half an hour, everyone had already designed a relatively complete game and put it into practice.

Everyone put up their nameplates, and then scattered and left. When the bell rang for the afternoon class, the game was officially announced.

There are no referees for this event, and it all depends on the participants' self-consciousness.But none of the disciples would think carefully. Their original intention of designing this activity was also to improve their own strength. Now there is an invisible gap between the inner disciples who have participated in the biohazard trial and the disciples who have not participated.

They think that the level of trials in the illusion is too boring, and the improvement is very limited.The other inner disciples also had no idea what the Resident Evil Trial represented and what kind of monsters it contained.

The inability to communicate has formed an invisible barrier.

These inner disciples who have participated in the trial call themselves awakened, and there are only 50 people in the circle. If they use small means, they will be easily isolated by others.One person offended the circles on both sides of the inner sect, and after thinking about it, he knew that he would probably not be able to get along in the future.

The reality is no more than trials. They need to eat, drink, and scatter. These time periods are when people's vigilance is weakest, and it is also the time when the probability of sneak attacks is the highest.Everyone took the nameplates and found a place to hide. Unexpectedly, they all appeared in the inner door cafeteria in the blink of an eye. Now everyone knew the "insidious" thoughts of the other party.

Later, in the pharmacy in the inner door, many people spent money to buy Bigu Dan and Qingmei Dan, just to directly cut off eating, drinking, and lax, and keep themselves in the best fighting state.In just two hours, the sales of Neimen Pharmacy exceeded the previous whole month!Moreover, the disciples who came to buy them were all like the tail of a crane in the inner door.

It is absolutely impossible for these disciples to come to the pharmacy to spend money at ordinary times. After all, it is impossible for this kind of crane tail to be promoted to the elite in a lifetime, so there is no need to spend money to buy these pills for cultivation.But today they spent a lot of money uncharacteristically, and some people even bought a bottle and took it home. Are these guys crazy?

After taking a look at Shushan, Shen Fei asked Fuman to bring all the jade discs in the Buddhist temple to Xiaozhuxuan.

Wu Monk Temple is too Buddhist, neither humble nor overbearing, but neither competitive nor robbing, it is at the bottom of the three college forces.

Whether it is holy light or magic, they are all high-level things, and the threshold is extremely high. It is easy to make people feel very powerful when they come and go.

Only a true expert can understand how terrifying a master-level monk is, whether it is spells or melee.

Shen Fei wants to point out the direction and path for the future development of Wuseng Temple. As the chief designer, Shen Fei still has a lot to do.

As the first phase of the project of cultivating elite disciples, Shushan Sanben will soon be able to make its first appearance, but this is only the beginning.In Shen Fei's expectation, cultivating elders who are stronger than elite disciples is the top priority.

Shen Fei drew two circles on elders and prestige, this is the direction of the future development of the Zen monastery.

The task system is quite considerate, showing all the task objectives of the task [Tai Shang Elder] in the form of numbers.

Inner Disciple→Elite Disciple: 0/50
Elite disciple → Zen master: 0/2
Holy Light Cathedral reputation: 3542
Floating City Mage Academy reputation: 3217
Monk Temple Reputation: 2318
The prestige of the Chanyuan is more than 1200 points behind that of the No. 1200 Holy Light Cathedral.Although Shen Fei didn't know what the difference of 200 points meant, it must have been very difficult. Even these days when he received the mission, the reputation of Wu Monk Temple dropped by more than [-] points.

According to Shen Fei's understanding, it should be that the annual enrollment has raised a lot of enthusiasm. Now that the enrollment is over, the popularity of the Zen Temple is also falling.

In contrast to the other two, their prestige has risen steadily, and there are still a few points of growth every day.

Now that Shen Fei has become the Supreme Elder, the previous policy of the Chanyuan will change, and he must no longer be as independent as before, with an attitude of not eating the fireworks of the world.

There are so many outer sects, inner sects, and even elite disciples who cannot stay in the monastery all day to practice penance.

Reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles. Sometimes we should let them go out and experience life.Even epiphany requires a certain event as an opportunity. Staying in the Chanyuan and facing the daily mechanized courses will not have any effect.

The new system designed by Shen Fei can not only allow the disciples of the Buddhist monastery to practice in the world, but also continuously improve the prestige of the Monk Monastery.

Facing the Holy Light Cathedral and the Floating Void City Mage Academy, the Martial Monk Temple has an unparalleled advantage, and that is the number of disciples.

Just because the threshold of holy light and magic is high, they are destined to only become the privilege of a small number of people.The advantage of Wuseng Temple is that the threshold is low, so there are many disciples under the sect.Even if the Holy Light Cathedral and the Floating Void City Mage Academy noticed the rise of the Monk Temple in the later period, and wanted to learn from Shen Fei to establish a new system, but the Holy Light System and Magic System that they were proud of at this time have become restrictions on them. As a stumbling block to development, we can only sigh with regret in the face of the Chanyuan's turnaround.

The plot has been written, and it will be gradually implemented after Shen Fei's succession ceremony the day after tomorrow.

Just when Shen Fei was complacent about his grand plan, thinking about how Wu Monk Temple would become the most powerful force in the mainland step by step under his leadership, Fat Tiger poked him with his tail: "Someone is looking for you, there is something urgent .”

Shen Fei took the plan he had made into the backpack, and then came to the living room, where he saw the elite teacher teaching inner disciples.

When Shen Fei saw the elite teacher, his heart skipped a beat.Seeing the expression on the elite teacher's hesitant to speak, I probably guessed it in my heart.

Could it be that it took Fuman two days to clear the inner door?
(End of this chapter)

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