my pet is boss

Chapter 182 This has nothing to do with me, Fei Chen!

Chapter 182 This has nothing to do with me, Fei Chen!

"Teacher, you are here to talk about Fuman, right? Well, I understand, and then I will arrange for him to be promoted to an elite disciple, so as not to harm the inner disciples."

What Shen Fei said was sincere. He also hoped to select fifty elite disciples from this group of inner disciples to complete the task.

Teacher Elite was still thinking about what to say, but when he found out that the elder Taishang had misunderstood him, he quickly waved his hands and explained: "It's not about Chanzi. Chanzi performed very well in the inner sect, but this time it's not about him."

Isn't it Fuman's business?
The elite teacher hesitated and struggled for a moment, then sighed anxiously: "To be honest, I came here this time for the inner disciples."

The elite teacher told the whole story, and the inner disciples headed by Zhao Hao engaged in an activity of tearing up the famous brand, which made the whole inner sect jump.

During classes, breaks, and even eating and going to the toilet, you can see disciples with nameplates behind them competing with each other everywhere in the inner gate.

It is even uneasy to sleep at night. In many dormitories, there were incidents of tearing up name tags at three or four in the morning. In the dark night, a group of people did not sleep and fought around the inner door.It made the elite teacher and other inner disciples miserable.

Shen Fei's eyes sparkled even more when he heard the elite teacher's description.

"As expected of the inner sect disciple whom even I am optimistic about, this fellow Zhao Hao's mind is really brilliant, he even managed to tear up the nameplate!" Shen Fei made a point of substituting tea for wine.

It's just that after he finished speaking, he found that the elite teacher was stunned in place.

"Ahem, what I mean is that this matter has nothing to do with me, Shen Fei! This Zhao Hao really deserves to die! He dared to destroy the order of the inner sect and affect other people's cultivation! Elite teacher, don't worry, although I let this Zhao Hao convey it on his behalf. Some things, but it is definitely not letting him work as a minion, how to deal with this matter, they violated those regulations, you can deal with it as usual, you don't need to look at my face."

The elite teacher was so moved that he almost cried.

In fact, when he came to Xiaozhuxuan this time, he felt uneasy, just holding the attitude of giving it a try.After all, Zhao Hao holds the "golden medal for avoiding death", and now he directly finds the Supreme Elder, the other party will definitely choose to favor Zhao Hao.

It's just that I didn't expect the elder Taishang to be so eloquent, even the elite teachers were shocked.In a trance, Shen Fei sent him out of Xiaozhuxuan, and immediately went to rectify these daring disciples.

This matter reminded Shen Fei, this kid Zhao Hao is quite smart, he even made him mess up the activity of tearing up the famous brand.

"It seems that the enthusiasm of these young people has no place to rest. I was planning to let them rest for two days..."

However, Zhao Hao's creativity also reminded Shen Fei that the NPC's confrontation mode has always been doomed to be single, even though Shen Fei has tried to make random changes, most of these changes are similar, and the effect is only to improve the reaction force.After understanding the characteristics of all zombies, you can basically pass this test as long as you have a super fast reaction and a calm mind.

The original intention of the Resident Evil Trial is to improve the reaction speed, adaptability and a strong heart of inner disciples.

The setting of Shushan Sanben is to comprehensively improve the quality of inner disciples, so that they can instantly reach the standard line of illusion trials.

However, after becoming an elite disciple, the task requires training two elders.

A great man said it well, fighting with others is a lot of fun.

The Chanyuan also holds martial arts competitions every year, but the one-on-one scenes in the arena can only test one's personal strength, and can't improve one's strength at all.

No matter how complicated the AI ​​setting is, he is just an AI.But people are different. A person will have all kinds of variables and decisions, some of which have rules to follow, but some have no rules at all.The difficulty also increases exponentially.

Using Shushan Sanyuan to hone inner disciples, now with Zhao Hao's idea, Shen Fei finally thought of the trial of hone elite disciples.

Thinking about it, I really want to thank myself.

If he hadn't taken a fancy to Zhao Hao, this kid wouldn't have been able to participate in the Resident Evil Trial, let alone make progress, and it was impossible for him to think of tearing up the famous brand for special training.Therefore, the idea of ​​tearing up the famous brand that Shen Fei came up with is really good!
Move as soon as you say it, Shen Fei came to the Dreaming Zen Realm in a blink of an eye, what he created this time is not a mountain, but the whole...

The ground shaking and mountain shaking in the Zen dream lasted for a whole half a day before it stopped. Looking at the world he had built, Shen Fei felt a strong sense of pride, and now there was only a few details left to set.And this matter has to be discussed with the three elders, to see if we can take out the secret knowledge of the monastery...

Zhao Hao and the others were also punished in the end. Nianzai did not cause casualties, and all the disciples involved were ordered to work for a day, and the wounds caused by the battle were repaired.

It's just that the elite teachers are a little creepy. This group of guys smile brightly when they are working. The rows of big white teeth are abnormally shiny under the reflection of the moonlight, and they can even be used as searchlights.

Those who didn't know thought that there was some big event in the inner gate tonight.

When the elite teacher rushed over to announce the news, the battle to tear up the name tag had just come to an end, and the last survivor turned out to be Liu Mang.In the final one-on-one battle, Zhao Hao suffered a loss of physical strength due to too many attacks before.Liu Mang has been hiding in the dark to save his energy. After killing one person to ensure that he will not be eliminated on the first day, Dongdong XZ has not become anyone's target.

Only then did he take the initiative in the final battle and successfully tore off Zhao Hao's nameplate.

Zhao Hao is also very helpless, because he performed too well in the Resident Evil trial before, and became the target of public criticism in tearing up the famous brand.This kind of strongest person naturally needs to be dealt with first, otherwise there will be fewer and fewer people in the back, then everyone will definitely not be Zhao Hao's opponent.

It's just that Zhao Hao is also really stubborn. He deserves to be a man with a hundred lives to see a tyrant.

It was only in the final stage that Liu Mang, who was hiding, showed up, and a dormitory derby battle took place. In the end, Liu Mang, who was full of strength, survived to the end with the record of tearing up two people. Zhao Hao tore out 12 people and came in second. .

Before everyone finished celebrating, they were all captured by the elite teacher and punished.

It's just that this little punishment is nothing to them, because everyone has proved with practical actions that this method is really feasible!
During the period of tearing up the famous brand, everyone's mental strength was expanded to the maximum, and they were always vigilant, and they didn't even dare to relax when they went to the bathroom.

During the period, there were all kinds of unconstrained ideas, and from various unexpected angles, the skills used were also strange.This kind of competition is even stronger and more difficult than the trials of Resident Evil.

Each person has only one nameplate, and will be eliminated after death!

 Today's winners list:
  Starting point: Master of the Second World, Wanjun Women's Clothing Bar, Xingyu Xinghai

  Button reading: chushen, short of money. button, chushen
  Please award-winning readers join the group and find the management to receive red envelopes
(End of this chapter)

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