my pet is boss

Chapter 183 The Wishing Pool

Chapter 183 The Wishing Pool

Everyone felt exhausted after tearing up the famous brand in one round.

This kind of activity consumes a lot, but the reward is also quite large. They regained the feeling of the Resident Evil Trial, even stronger than before.

Although they were punished to work for a day, they finally found a daily training method comparable to trials.

Even when they were working, everyone was joking. Zhao Hao said with a smile: "Liu Mang, you won the first place this time, and it will be difficult to save energy and hide from XZ next time."

Liu Mang had a bitter look on his face. He knew that he shouldn't be so serious, so he secretly hid his hand and let Zhao Hao win.

This time I won the first place, and next time I tear up the famous brand, I will definitely be targeted by others.

"Then take the time to practice more before tearing up the famous brand next time, so as not to be the first one to be eliminated."

In this atmosphere, everyone has formed a sense of competition that is positive and competitive.It would be too embarrassing to be at the bottom of the team after entering the biohazard trial.

It's just that they didn't know yet that an hourglass appeared on the contract scroll that Shen Fei placed in Xiaozhuxuan, and the fine sand inside gradually slipped down, and only two-thirds of it was left to fall into the other end of the hourglass...

Shen Fei stayed in the Wuseng Temple for several days in a row, entered the trial and planned, and almost became a workaholic and an otaku.Taking advantage of the two hours left before going offline, Shen Fei walked out of the Buddhist monastery and wandered alone in the holy city.

The setting sun sprinkled on the white bricks and stones of the holy city, shining thousands of rays of light, and the whole city was shining with golden light.

Shen Fei walked to the Fountain Square in the civilian area. After a hard day's work, many citizens would choose to bring their families and children here to enjoy a moment of tranquility.

The children were playing next to the fountain, and the water column of the fountain turned into thin golden columns under the light of the setting sun.

Tomorrow is the day when Shen Fei will officially take up his post. The Monk Temple has been completely renovated and is ready to welcome guests tomorrow.

The four humerus ministers of the empire had already heard the news, but neither the other officials nor the people of the empire knew the news, nor did other races.

After the official announcement, Shen Fei's identity and status will be recognized by everyone.

At the same time, the most important thing is that the Wuseng Temple is releasing an important message to the outside world - from now on, the Wuseng Temple will have a true god sitting there.

Shen Fei didn't think too much about it, although the past few days were the most comfortable days after entering the game.

Every day in the Monk Temple, no matter who they met on the road, they would respectfully greet Shen Fei, which caused Shen Fei to walk with his hands behind his back, feeling like a leader inspecting.

After officially taking office, Shen Fei won't have so much free time.

[Taishang Elder] This task lasted for one year, and the clues were lost to find Er Gouzi and fell into interruption.

Shen Fei stood by, watching the children jumping and jumping by the fountain.

Stop and go to the wishing pool next to the fountain.

A young couple took out a coin and put it in the palm of their hand. After making a wish, they threw the coin into the pool. The water in the pool rippled, and then the couple snuggled together and sprinkled a handful of dog food.

"Tch, boring!"

Shen Fei sneered at this kind of behavior, and was deeply saddened by the behavior of the young couple throwing coins in the wishing well.

Judging by the clothes of the two, they are ordinary people. It would be nice to buy an extra piece of bread with this money. Is it worth throwing it in the wishing well?
The dog food for the two of them made Shen Fei feel very full. Thinking about it this way, it seemed that they saved the money for a dinner?But when I think about it carefully, my dinner is the top-level vegetarian food provided by the Buddhist monastery. Wouldn't it be a loss if I can't eat it later?
Shen Fei felt a little uncomfortable, he didn't know if it was because he was shown his affection or because he lost a chance to eat and drink.

The water in the wishing pool sparkles under the setting sun, and the rippling light hits the stacked coins at the bottom of the pool, reflecting wonderful light, which complements the sunlight on the water.

"What a loser!"

According to Shen Fei's incomplete statistics, the coins at the bottom of the pool may add up to dozens of gold coins, ranging from copper coins to gold coins in face value.

It seems that these days, the rich and the poor are playing romance.

If the Wishing Pool wasn't filled with people 24 hours a day, Shen Fei really wanted to find a chance to drain the pool and take away all the money in it.

Just as Shen Fei was about to turn around and leave, Shen Fei suddenly saw a little girl holding the hand of a little boy and happily running to the side of the wishing pool.

"Hurry up, it won't work when the sun goes down." The little girl urged and carefully took out a coin from her pocket.

The two were out of breath, and looked immature. They were about eight or nine years old, but imitating those adults with clasped hands, the expressions on their faces were more sincere than all the believers Shen Fei had ever seen.

"Mo'er, is this wishing pool really alive?"

The little boy crossed his fingers and clasped his fists like a little girl, but asked curiously with his eyes wide open.

The little girl's tone was a little stubborn, but also a little bit determined: "Spiritual, their adults say that sincerity is spiritual."

The little boy hurriedly closed his eyes, for fear that the wish he made with his eyes open would fail.

"Although the whole family will move out tomorrow, I will always like Julian, and I will always like it."

"Julian, will we meet again in the future?"

"Yes, three years later, at this evening, I will come to Flaubert to pick up a girl named Mo'er."

"I want her to be mine..."

"Hush, it won't work if you say it." As the coin in the palm of the hand bounced lightly, there was a light trembling sound, and then circles of ripples appeared on the water surface of the wishing pool.

Seeing the two children holding hands and leaving contentedly, Shen Fei couldn't help laughing.

This is how old the child is, and he starts to have sex.He was fed dog food by an adult, and he is still being mocked by a child today.

It seems that I should never have done it today, I should not have come to the wishing pool to seek abuse.

Shen Fei put his hands in his trouser pockets and left, walked five or six steps but stopped suddenly, and looked back at the sparkling Wishing Pool.

He accidentally touched a coin in his pocket.

All of Shen Fei's money is placed in the backpack, which is the system space, and the money in the pocket can only be stuffed by Fuman.

"Isn't it going to work when the sun goes down..."

Shen Fei took a look at the setting sun that had mostly sunk into the sea, and pinched a coin in his hand.

"Forget it, I'll just trust you once."

"I hope to find Ergouzi this year."

Shen Fei turned and left, gently picked up the coin resting on his index finger with his thumb.

The copper coin with the head of Countess Margaret turned over in the air, making a light and ethereal sound.

The coin fell into the water with a bang, and slowly sank to the bottom of the wishing pool...

It landed on a gold coin with the face of King Lucian printed on it.

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (17/30)

(End of this chapter)

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