my pet is boss

Chapter 184 Minions in the Darkness

Chapter 184 Minions in the Darkness
Shen Fei left the wishing pool gracefully, leaving only a copper coin as evidence of his presence.

"Tch, I'm so upset to be fooled by a child!"

Thinking of the copper coin he tossed just now, Shen Fei felt a pain in the flesh.It's only him, Shen Fei, who is fooling others, why is it the other way around today?

The sun sleeps with the ocean, leaving the sky for the crescent and the stars.

The lights in the holy city were turned on one by one, and Shen Fei had already walked to the rich area on foot. Looking back at the civilian area below, it seemed to be soaked in the sea of ​​stars, and there was light everywhere.The lighting in the wealthy area is not as good as that in the civilian area, but it can still be called a bustling one. Looking up at the royal area on the top floor, there are only sporadic lights, and there is always a feeling of deep walls and palaces, deserted and isolated.

That's right, the original royal family was at least happy and happy, and Lucian and the queen were in harmony.

But from Joshua's birth, the queen's death in dystocia, and later Lucian's inexplicable disappearance, Joshua was the only one left in the entire royal family.

Countess Margaret, who is Joshua's aunt, has her own mansion and only returns to the palace three or five days a month to be with the little prince.For the rest of the time, only loyal guards guarded the little prince.

Speaking of which, after I take office tomorrow, I have to find some time to meet this little nephew.

Shen Fei glanced at the system, there was still half an hour until the forced logout time, enough time for him to go back to Xiaozhuxuan to log out.

The higher you go up the Holy City, the more dilute the lights.Even the popularity has decreased a lot, only the desertedness that can penetrate all defenses is left, coming from all directions like a wave.

The lights on both sides of the road are embraced by half-height trees, and only sporadic lights shine through the mottled leaves, sprinkled on the ground with stars.

Suddenly, Shen Fei's ears moved, he heard the soft sound of metal rubbing against the air at high speed, this sound was a bit like buzzing, and it was close to his ears!

Shen Fei frowned instantly, because of the relationship between coins and forging, he was very good at distinguishing the sounds made by metal in various situations.

This sound is the sound of sharp metal rubbing against the air, it is a dagger!
Shen Fei's reaction was extremely fast, he immediately took out the vine-wood sword pinned to his waist, and activated the "Counterattack Storm" the moment he turned around.

"Counterattack Storm": derived from the superb melee defense skills of the weapon master Jax, use your one-handed sword to parry attacks from all directions. Every time you successfully parry an attack, it will cause equal damage to the enemy. You can parry 4 times in total, lasting 10 Second. (Note, this skill can only parry physical attacks, the skill cannot be upgraded)

There were no sparks, nor any air waves or loud noises. Shen Fei's reaction and consciousness saved him, and he successfully blocked the killing blow from behind. , the assassin who didn't even show his eyes.

The vine wood sword blocked the enemy's sharp dagger, and at the same time, the tip of the sword was picking at the enemy's arm joints, reciprocating the enemy's assassination.

The exquisite sword skills from the weapon master Jax fully return the damage to the opponent.


Before the enemy could react, the dagger stabbed firmly into the enemy's throat, piercing through the black night clothes to break out a brilliant flower of blood.

The man in black made a gurgling sound from his throat, and struggled for a moment to lose his breath.

"You killed [Men in Black Assassin] (Lv40), experience +2000, full rest experience +2000."

Shen Fei's eyes were extremely sharp, he looked around vigilantly to see if there were other assassins.

Inexplicably encountering an assassin in the holy city, if he hadn't reacted quickly, he might have become a corpse at this moment.

Standing aside, Shen Fei used the vine-wood sword to lift off the assassin's mask, only to see the gloomy green flames flickering in the eye sockets of this guy gradually extinguished, and his whole face was as thin as a skeleton covered in human skin.

This time it can be said to be dangerous and dangerous. Shen Fei's "Counterattack Storm" can at most resist targets 10 levels higher than himself. A fatal blow in the back.

At this moment, the sound of a convoy suddenly came from the corner of the road. The carriage escorted by attendants and guards slowly came down from the royal area, and they saw Shen Fei in the middle of the road and the corpse of the man in black on the ground.

The guard immediately drew out his long sword to guard the carriage, shouting: "There is an assassin!"

Only a few people in the holy city had seen Shen Fei and knew his identity. These guards suddenly saw the dead body in the middle of the road and Shen Fei holding a weapon, and subconsciously regarded him as an assassin.

The Grand Duke opened the curtain of the carriage, but saw Shen Fei standing in the middle of the road with a look of astonishment.

Ferdinand raised his hand to stop his subordinates: "Elder Shen is not an assassin." Then he immediately got off the carriage to see what happened.

Shen Fei was a little surprised. Isn't it too coincidental that the Grand Duke appeared here at this time?

The guard hesitated for a moment, put away his weapon, and walked up behind the Grand Duke.

When Ferdinand got off the carriage, he saw the black-clothed assassin lying on the ground. He frowned and stepped forward to check.

"Is Elder Shen alright?"

This is the junction of the royal area and the wealthy area, and an assassin appeared, and the target of the assassination was Shen Fei, whose identity was extremely sensitive. The problem revealed behind this was a bit serious!

Shen Fei looked at Ferdinand, but couldn't find any answer from his face.

Looking at Ferdinand, and then at the assassin's corpse on the ground, Shen Fei felt that the appearance of the Grand Duke here did not seem like a coincidence.

"This assassin is very skillful. I don't even know when he followed behind. Has the Duke returned home so late?"

Ferdinand squatted down and looked at the assassin, while responding: "I have some government affairs to report in the palace today, so I am late."

When the Grand Duke got off the carriage, he had already ordered his men to notify SI3. In less than [-] minutes, Shadow personally led the team to appear at the scene of the crime.

Knowing that the boss was assassinated, Shadow was extremely furious. Someone dared to attack the top officer of MI[-]. Is this tired of work?

Bringing the most elite personnel from MI[-] to the scene of the crime, they expressed their comfort when they saw that Shen Fei was fine.

Shen Fei glanced at the time, there were still 7 minutes left before the forced logout time, and signaled for Shadow to take the assassin's body back for a thorough investigation, and report the results to him tomorrow.

Ferdinand also ordered the soldiers immediately, and at the same time informed the Royal Guards to strengthen the patrol and defense of the Royal District.

Since the disappearance of King Lucien, although various forces have been undercurrents, this is the first time that a blatant assassination has occurred.This time, he came directly to Shen Fei, the purpose couldn't be more obvious, he didn't want him to become the Supreme Elder, or the highest officer of MI[-], or the highest circle of power in the empire.

Shen Fei left very gracefully, but his heart was not as carefree as walking.Because when Shen Fei was leaving, the system suddenly popped up a task.

(End of this chapter)

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