my pet is boss

Chapter 185

Chapter 185
Shen Fei knew it was useless to think too much, so he simply went back to Xiaozhuxuan to rest directly, and waited until the shadow's report tomorrow.

When Shen Fei woke up the next day, he found that there were already elite disciples outside Xiaozhuxuan. After asking, he found out that Lan Chan had specially arranged for the assassination incident last night.

Shen Fei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved his hands to make these elite disciples leave quickly.

Not to mention that the Monk Temple itself has restrictions, and it is very difficult for outsiders to break through the restrictions without noticing.There is still Fat Tiger living in Xiaozhuxuan, if someone can escape the eyes and ears of the gods, the strength must still be higher than the gods, so it doesn't make sense for Shen Fei to escape or not.

Just in case, Shen Fei gave all the money on his body to Fuman.

As a player, he is actually not afraid of death, what he is afraid of is only 10% experience and money loss.Now that he has no money and no psychological burden, Shen Fei has never taken the loss of experience seriously. He has accumulated double experience for 95 years, and he may not be able to use it up when he lands on the new earth.

Since there will be an assassination, Shen Fei will never stop his actions just because he has joined the highest circle of power in the empire.In the future, Shen Fei will encounter more and more assassinations.

After Fat Tiger woke up and heard this from Lan Chan, his sleepy eyes instantly became sharp, and his terrifying aura made Lan Chan back again and again.

Although Fat Tiger usually eats food and is lazy, he likes to compete with Fuman to be jealous, and loves to hate Shen Fei, he is generally a good dog.When I heard this, I couldn't bear it immediately.It waited 92 years to reunite with Shen Fei, and now someone wants to assassinate Shen Fei.It's best not to let it know who did it. Not everyone can bear the anger of a true god.

The inauguration ceremony of the Supreme Elder is today, and Fuman is busy as a Zen master, helping to arrange the venue to welcome the guests.

There are not many guests who can be invited to the Wuseng Temple to observe the ceremony in person, and most of them are leaders with status and background.As for folk propaganda, it will be handed over to various departments of the empire for promotion.

Different status and status will have different circles, especially the circle at the top of the empire like the Monk Temple.

This time, the Duke's Mansion representing the military, the snobbish head of the Royal Guards, the Imperial Consortium Chamber of Commerce, the Holy Light Sect, the Floating City Mage Academy, and the Empire's trading partners the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce and the White Elf Chamber of Commerce were invited.

As for intelligence organizations like MI[-], they never appear on the open and above board.

But when Shen Fei was packing up and getting ready, the shadow appeared in front of him and handed Shen Fei a copy of the investigation results at the same time.

Shen Fei was a little surprised, and asked after receiving the investigation results: "Did you come in secretly?"

"Master Lanchan has given me the qualification to enter and leave the Zen Temple. Let's take a look at the investigation results. You must be very interested."

Shen Fei was wondering that at the very moment when he was assassinated, the security of the Monk Temple should be at the highest level ever, and even the slightest disturbance would alarm the elders.In this case, the shadow can sneak in without being noticed, which is quite powerful.It turned out that Lan Chan gave the shadow permission to enter and exit in advance after learning of Shen Fei's other identity.

After all, the two organizations that were originally irrelevant, because of Shen Fei's connection, I am afraid that they will get along friendly and cooperate closely.

Shen Fei opened the investigation results, and it didn't take long for his brows to frown together. After reading it, his brows stretched and he couldn't help but sneer and said, "This is really interesting. Is someone deliberately confusing the public, or is it framed?"

Looking at the results of the investigation, in simple terms, the assassin was full of loopholes, but he didn't have any loopholes.The dagger he used was a special stabbing dagger for the military. The dagger was not only fed with poison but also had a blood groove. It can be said that those who hit it would undoubtedly die. The military equipment has special marks, and the source can be traced.However, according to MI[-]'s investigation, this batch of daggers belonged to the batch of equipment that was lost by someone in the logistics support department investigated by the military half a year ago, and the official who was involved in ink reselling was executed four months ago. The thread is completely broken.

The identity of the assassin has been determined, and he is an ordinary guy from the Merchant Guild of Mitral City. This merchant guild happens to belong to Countess Margaret's property.According to the overnight investigation, the assassin asked the boss of the Chamber of Commerce for leave suddenly five days ago, saying that he would come to visit relatives in the Holy City. It happened that there was a batch of goods in Miyin City that was going to be shipped to the Holy City, so he asked the young man to go with the team, and by the way, he was approved for a week. holiday.After arriving in the holy city to complete the task, he left the caravan in the name of meeting relatives and disappeared.

This assassin actually possesses a black magic that can lock targets and latent images. According to the intelligence investigation of MI[-], only the Mage Academy of Floating Void City possesses this kind of black magic, and it is also listed as a forbidden technique that students are strictly prohibited from learning.The creator of this spell is Archmage Jordan.When I saw the secret agent ability of MI[-], I was inspired to create a magic with a similar effect.

It's just that this kind of magic is harmful to the world, and you need to sacrifice yourself to gain short-term power, so it is listed as a forbidden technique, and it is strictly forbidden for mages below the seventh level to learn it.

An assassin directly brought in the three most powerful forces in the empire, and they all had that kind of "close" relationship. It's no wonder that Shen Fei laughed, this is the rhythm that is going to drag everyone into the water.

The three forces all had motives for committing crimes, and even the Holy Light Cathedral was involved. After all, it was the only one that was not dragged into the water. Looking at it this way, the suspicion is even greater.Even MI[-] has an indisputable relationship. After all, allowing an assassin to have so many identities, disguises, and abilities, no matter how you look at it, it is more likely that agents and spies can do it.

"Shadow, could it be that you hired someone to do it? An assassin, who has been involved with almost all forces..."

Shadow quickly denied that this matter really had nothing to do with him.

"If I want to make this kind of arrangement, then MI[-] must leave all kinds of records and clues. But after you left MI[-] the next day, I decided to make you the highest officer. The motive and the timeline of the assassins are not right. Getting on the number, not to mention preparing so many conditions for blindfolding, is definitely not something that can be done in just a few days, and..."

"Okay, okay, I was just joking, why are you explaining in a serious manner? Do you think that Shen Fei, the founder of MI[-], is not as logical as you?"

Shadow was silenced by a sentence, and hurriedly lowered his head: "Don't dare."

Moving out of the identity of the founder, Shadow really dared not say anything.

"There is no need to investigate this matter any further. Since the other party can do it so carefully, it is clear that they don't want us to find anything, and even deliberately lead it to several other companies. If the investigation continues, it will only make you suspicious. You should mainly focus on Focusing on the mission of investigating Xiao En's murder, I think MI[-] has a lot of loopholes, and has even hidden a lot of insiders from outside forces."

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(End of this chapter)

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