my pet is boss

Chapter 186

Chapter 186

Since the other party can make such a thorough plan, it must have been prepared long ago.If you continue to investigate, you will be led by the nose, and you will not know the truth of what you find out in the end.Instead of this, it is better to devote limited energy to more important things.

SI15 could not find any information about the disappearance of Deputy Director Sean [-] years ago, but Sean himself said that he was exposed and killed during the execution of the mission. Fuman's mother was also killed, and both the agent and his wife died.You must know that the mission performed by the deputy director is a secret among the secrets. With Sean's "shuangjue" strength, even if he is defeated by a powerful enemy, he can completely retreat completely.

However, Sean and his wife were accidentally killed during the mission. It is conceivable what kind of lineup the enemy sent to push the agent couple to a dead end.

If there is no insider tipping off, plus the enemy's careful deployment and arrangement in advance, how could someone directly kill the most powerful spy assassin?
Moreover, this kind of matter cannot be investigated by other members of MI[-]. Shen Fei can only rely on the strong personal strength of the shadow, who can pull out the cocoons bit by bit, and pull out the stubborn diseases of MI[-] one by one.Even Shen Fei has already started to pave the way for the shadow, perhaps the final ending may be unacceptable.

Shen Fei faintly felt that the enemy had completely penetrated into the empire. From Xiao En's murder to the king's disappearance, it seemed that there was a pair of big hands pushing behind him. He boldly assumed that maybe these two incidents were done by the same force!
Shen Fei watched the shadow retreat to the door, and then his body gradually merged into the shadow and disappeared.

"The latent image technique is really weird, and it's almost impossible to guard against at night." He shuddered as he said that, if the assassin last night was a shadow, he might have already been decapitated.

This latent image technique was created by Shadow. It has to be said that this guy has a unique talent in spy intelligence, and he can create this skill by himself.

After the shadow left, Shen Fei then came to the main hall of the Wu Monk Temple, and together with the three elders, prepared to welcome the leaders of the major forces.

"Uncle Master, why did you withdraw all the elite guards you sent?" Master Lan Chan broke out in a cold sweat after hearing about Shen Fei's assassination yesterday. This is because someone is against their monk monastery!If Shen Fei really has three advantages and two disadvantages, the Wuseng Temple will not only fail to become the top of the mainland Buddhist temples in the future, but will also become the laughing stock of other Buddhist temples.Therefore, Master Lanchan summoned the most powerful elite disciples overnight to patrol and guard outside Xiaozhuxuan in 24-hour shifts.

"It's fine for Xiaozhuxuan to be guarded by Fat Tiger. If even Fat Tiger can't handle it, most of the elite disciples you sent are cannon fodder. Let them concentrate on studying Zen and martial arts." Not to mention whether Shen Fei needs it or not, these The elite disciples are all baby bumps, and they are all the hope of being promoted to elders in the future, so it is naturally impossible for Shen Fei to let them stand in front.

Besides, the narration of Xiaozhuxuan is next to the Dreaming Zen Realm.

As long as Fat Tiger delays for a little while, and when Shen Fei enters the dream state, he will be the master.Even if a true god comes in, he can kill it!

While everyone was chatting, the leaders of the major forces appeared together and came to the Wu Monk Temple to congratulate, as if they had discussed it in advance.

Since it's called Congratulations, it's definitely impossible to come empty-handed.Shen Fei originally planned to take this opportunity to make a fortune, but he didn't expect that the gifts from these people were all fancy and fake, either rare landscape plants or golden statues of double cicadas.These things are unique, and there is no way to cash them out. If you find a pawn shop, no one will dare to accept them.

Shen Fei has a new understanding of the crooked intestines of these leaders, and he gives things as they are given, which is not straightforward at all!Wouldn't it be better to send money directly?
These things given away now can't be sold, they can only be put aside to dry, I really don't know what to think.

The leaders of the first-line forces sat at a table, and the rest of the elite disciples and the guards brought by the major forces were outside the hall.The inner disciples and the outer disciples benefited from this grand ceremony, and were also fortunate to eat the delicacies that would only be prepared for a grand event in the Buddhist monastery. Each of them carried the bowls and chopsticks, and waited to eat all over the place.

Zhao Hao and the others were all leaning around in front of three or four round tables. The day before yesterday, they had worked hard in the Resident Evil trial, and the day before yesterday they were worried because they tore up famous tags. Refresh yourself after a meal.

After all, the delicacies served at the banquets of the Wu Monk Temple are not ordinary.All the ingredients are plucked from the aura-rich Dreamland, full of aura.The specifications of this kind of banquet are also strictly required by the kitchen. Even the open flames used to cook the pots are all generated by firepower circles, so as not to destroy the texture and aura of the ingredients themselves, and even enhance the relationship between the ingredients after mixing them. reaction.

Eating such a meal can last for more than a month of penance!

It's no wonder that all inner sect and elite disciples are eager to try.

Outer sect disciples are not so lucky, because they need to lay a good foundation when they first started, so they didn't have a feast of spiritual energy, but today's food is much better than usual.

Grand Duke Ferdinand Shen Fei has met before, after all, he is the number one person on Shen Fei's blacklist.

The most attractive thing about Archbishop Mailer of the Holy Light Monastery is that pair of reading glasses. This kind of attire seemed absurd to Shen Fei.It's not that he promised the Holy Light to save the world, but in the end he couldn't even save his own presbyopia.The old man is getting old, but he has a sense of immortality, like a spring breeze.

The archmage Jordan of the Floating Void City Mage Academy also rushed back, but it was different from the handsome and handsome archmage image in Shen Fei's mind. You would never have imagined that this archmage's physique was even stronger than Jax's, with explosive muscles almost To tear the robes, there is still a beard on his face.If you put a ponytail on him, give him a butcher's knife, and put a cigarette in his mouth, the standard image of a butcher will not be inconsistent.

What shocked Shen Fei the most was the Countess Margaret. After all, she was Er Gouzi's sister-in-law and Joshua's only relative. Shen Fei felt that she must be a middle-aged woman in her 40s. It is glamorous and moving, and there is even a girlish feeling between the brows.

Shen Fei calmly gave a fair score, she should be the most magnificent woman among all the women he has ever seen, let's give it a 9.

It's just that Master Lan Chan seemed to know that this scene would happen, so he vaccinated Shen Fei in advance. The woman who was as delicate and beautiful as a rose in front of him was actually over 40 years old, more than enough to be Shen Fei's mother.

The remaining two are the heads of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce and the White Elf Chamber of Commerce in the Human Empire.

So far, all the bosses at the table have arrived, and the banquet has officially begun.

Shen Fei has long coveted the meals on the table, and the system shows that these meals can increase attributes, or they are permanent.

With Shen Fei's status and status, to be honest, these are juniors in front of him, so he really didn't need to give any face, and he took the lead in eating.Seeing this, the others quickly moved their chopsticks.

It wasn't until Shen Fei took a bite of each dish and increased its attributes that he put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth with a napkin, and started today's very important link.

"Grand Duke, did the shadow tell you about the investigation report on my assassination yesterday?"

With just one sentence, the atmosphere on the table suddenly became weird.

Shen Fei started his own prestige.

(End of this chapter)

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