my pet is boss

Chapter 187 I don't like these stupid people...

Chapter 187 I don't like these stupid people...

Ferdinand froze for a moment, and rested his chopsticks on the dishes.

Ever since the shadow recognized Shen Fei's leadership of SI[-], he naturally began to alienate the military and the Grand Duke. After all, now that SI[-] has its own leader, there is no need to report everything to the military.

Judging by the look in Ferdinand's eyes, I don't know.

Everyone else knew about this through their own channels last night, even the dwarves and the two leaders of the White Elf Chamber of Commerce also knew about it.It's just that no one expected that Shen Fei would directly bring up this topic at the banquet.

Even the three elders of the monastery, who are used to seeing big scenes, couldn't help but exchanged glances with each other.

If it was a junior, they would just say a word of silence and tell him to shut up, but this is the grand elder and their uncle, the three of them as juniors can only sit aside and listen carefully.

After being stunned for a moment, Ferdinand quickly realized that Shen Fei was going to bring this matter up.

Although he didn't know what Shen Fei meant, Ferdinand still chose to cooperate.

"Elder Shen is the top leader of MI[-], so he must have known about it immediately. I am also curious about the results of the investigation, to see who is so bold as to assassinate Elder Shen."

Now that Ferdinand gave him a good start, Shen Fei took the time to start his performance.

"Grand Duke, the military seems to have lost a batch of weapons half a year ago, right?"

Ferdinand faintly felt Shen Fei's targeting, combined with the previous opening remarks, it seemed that the target was coming towards him.At this moment, he had a bold guess: "So, the weapons used by the assassins yesterday were the ones that were lost by reselling by the military?"

"Short dagger, poisoned, with a blood tank, and a military-specific identification code and batch number on it. If the investigation level of MI[-] is okay, then it should be."

Grand Duke Ferdinand's face was calm as usual, and he didn't open his mouth to defend.

"Master, I heard that you used to create a black magic that can hide in the dark based on the latent shadow technique of shadows, but it was shelved because the sacrifice required was too expensive?"

Jordan used to enjoy the feast of the Buddhist monastery. The last time he ate a feast of delicacies was back when King Lucian was married. He only loved three things in his life, traveling, food, and creating magic.

The feast of delicacies in the Monk Temple is the first-class food in the world.

Originally, he was serious about being a melon-eating crowd, but he never thought that the fire would burn himself.

"There is such a thing, that black magic is placed in the restricted area of ​​the library, and only magicians above the seventh level can study it."

Although Jordan looked confused, he still answered Shen Fei's question truthfully, even though he didn't know the connection between the two.

"Unfortunately, the assassin who sneaked in yesterday used this kind of forbidden technique. He was skinny and skinny, with hollow eye sockets, and only two balls of dark green ghost fire remained."

Ferdinand and Jordan looked at each other, already aware that something was wrong, the real culprit was planning to drag people into the water!
"Hehe, this is interesting now, Fei Gong, Archmage, how do you explain it now?" The countess' silvery laughter eased the embarrassment at the table, and poked the two people on the left and right with her fingers. shoulders, with a look of gloating and watching the show, full of girlishness.

But every time at this time, Shen Fei thought of the scene when Lan Chan pulled him aside and muttered the countess's name, and by the way reminded the countess that her biggest weakness was her real age.

"Ahem, I forgot to mention that. The identity of the assassin has also been confirmed. He is a young man at the front desk of the Chamber of Commerce in Miyin City. A week ago, he asked for leave to visit relatives in the holy city, and then he followed and assassinated last night."

After Shen Fei finished speaking, everyone at the table was stunned, and their eyes were fixed on the countess.

The countess, who was smiling like a flower, froze completely. This Miyin City Chamber of Commerce seems to be her direct business...

On the other hand, Ferdinand and Jordan were completely at ease. An assassin with the characteristics of three families in a row is already obviously splashing dirty water. In other words, the three families should have no motive for committing the crime.But behind the smiles of the two of them, the anxiety in their hearts was hidden.

Whether it's the military's special weapons or the black magic cheats of the Mage Academy, these should be important "secret" things, but it's easy for outsiders to get their hands on and use them to splash dirty water. This is a very serious problem in itself.

Archbishop Mailer on the side adjusted his glasses and stared at Shen Fei expectantly: "Elder Shen, does this assassin have something like the Holy Light Cathedral spell..."

Shen Fei shook his head, Archbishop Mailer's face was full of disappointment.

"The army and the consortium have been splashed with dirty water, but my cathedral stays out of it, and the people behind the scenes are acting sinister!" Mailer said that the tears in his eyes had begun to roll. The old man of Shangpengci has the same effect.

Shen Fei picked up his chopsticks and picked up a dumpling and said, "Old Mei, don't panic, eat vegetables! I would never believe this kind of clumsy method of framing the blame. And I have already told the shadow that there is no need to investigate further, because even if the investigation continues Going down is just being led by the nose by the black hands behind the scenes, so there is no need to waste time on this kind of thing."

Archbishop Mailer wiped away his tears, and couldn't help sighing: "Elder Shen has insight into the truth and insight."

The eyes of the three elders brightened, and what the uncle said made sense.

He will not pursue it, but can the military, consortium and mage academy involved in this matter not pursue it?This matter should be explained to Shen Fei no matter what.

"Our cathedral has a harp that can restore the spirit. I will send someone to bring it over tomorrow. Elder Shen was assassinated yesterday, so he must have had a lot of mental fluctuations. Fiddle with the harp before going to bed at night, it will relax your spirit and help you sleep. "Except for the absence of the Holy Light Cathedral, this matter seemed rather abrupt. Mailer had already begun to think of ways to remove the Cathedral and establish a good relationship with Shen Fei.

Shen Fei thanked with a smile, and then refused: "Lao Mei, you are welcome, my spirit has always been good, I have never been interested in these false names and treasures. It seems to me that the congratulatory gift you sent today is completely unnecessary Well, it cost you a lot of money, right? I don’t like these vain things..."

Archbishop Mailer understood, and began to humility with a smile on his face: "Don't dare, Elder Shen just call me by my name. We are all juniors in front of you."

These words are not false, Shen Fei was born to die with King Lucien, at least over a hundred years old at that time.

Who can become the Minister of Military Aircraft of the Empire is not a human being? Everyone has a clear look on their faces, except the Grand Duke Ferdinand's eyebrows are covered with a cloud.

Then everyone moved their chopsticks and continued to eat and drink.

Until Shen Fei put down his chopsticks again and faced the leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce with a smile...

(End of this chapter)

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