my pet is boss

Chapter 188 People who have passed it all, be more mature!

Chapter 188 There are over a hundred people, be more mature!

The knife and fork in the hands of the leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce was almost frightened, and he shivered and said: "Elder Shen, this matter has nothing to do with our Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, please believe the solemn words of the dwarves."

Shen Fei was stunned, he just wanted to ask about the dwarves and white elves.

Even the leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce is already thinking about whether he will prepare a big gift for Shen Fei tomorrow.

After all, this is the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple, and he also has his own place in the highest circle of power in the empire.Whether it's the Monk's Temple or the Holy City, the dwarves' trade dependence is not low.If it is targeted by Shen Fei, it will become difficult for the dwarf caravan to make profits through cross-border trade in the future.

"The solemnity of a dwarf is as precious as a diamond."

Shen Fei made the leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce dumbfounded with just one sentence.Dwarves are not good at using chopsticks, so he used a knife and fork. After Shen Fei finished speaking in standard dwarf language, the dwarf chamber of commerce leader's knife and fork clanged and fell on the plate.

"This is the most standard dwarven language, even with a Nicholas accent..."

Even in the entire dwarven race, only the dwarves of the Brotherhood mastered this accent, that is the real dwarven royal family.

Dwarfs are distinguished by their bloodlines. Only the descendants of Nicholas with the purest bloodlines can become kings, and they are respected and loved by all dwarves.The organization formed by Nicholas and other families with Nicholas' blood is called the Dwarf Brotherhood, which is the concentration of dwarf rights, and the Dwarf Brotherhood can determine almost all issues of the dwarf race.

How could the leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce not be shocked when he heard the purest Nicholas-accented Dwarf language from a human?
It's like a foreigner suddenly telling you that his surname is Zhao...

In other words, anyone would feel that the sky is falling apart, and the three views are completely destroyed.

Moreover, the words Shen Fei said were exactly the words engraved in the palace deep in the lonely mountain by the first ancestor of the dwarves, Nicholas I, as the motto of the whole dwarf family.The dwarves have kept their promises and integrity for generations, and all of them come from this aphorism for future generations.

"Is the leader of the dwarves still Ryan?" Shen Fei's expression was normal, chatting with the leader of the dwarf chamber of commerce was like seeing relatives who had been with each other for many years, and the parents chatted briefly.

The others were surprised at first, and then they thought that Fei Shen and King Lucian started as commoners, so they had naturally experienced major events in the history of the human race and knew the other two races.

But after Shen Fei finished speaking, the leader of the dwarf chamber of commerce looked a little embarrassed, and the countess opened his mouth and said: "The dwarf king Ryan wandered around in search of rare ore ten years ago, and then disappeared. Now the dwarf clan is in charge of Ryan's younger brother Ao En. "

Lane is missing too?

Now it was Shen Fei's turn to be dumbfounded.

Lucien disappeared inexplicably with his son on an outing, and Ryan also disappeared when he went out to search for rare ores. Are these guys who are the leaders of the clan so willful?Or did Lucian see Ryan wandering around in style, and he followed suit and went missing?

But Shen Fei immediately thought of a question: "Did Ryan take the Brotherhood Sword with him when he was traveling?"

The leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce is already confused. Not many people in the entire Dwarf Kingdom know about this. The news is only spread among a few bloodline families of the Dwarf Brotherhood. Even Aoun even issued a gag order, and this matter is forbidden to be leaked. go out.

After all, the Sword of the Brotherhood was the only artifact forged by the entire dwarves, and it was later regarded as a symbol of royal power and the prosperity of the dwarves.The common people would be mad if they learned that the Sword of the Brotherhood had gone missing with the King.

Because there is no sword of the Brotherhood, Ornn has no way to formally govern the country in the name of the king, and can only discuss and govern the country with the Dwarf Brotherhood as a supervisor.

Seeing the panicked expression of the leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce, Shen Fei nodded to show that he understood.

The matter of Lucian has not been resolved, and now it is learned that Ryan has disappeared with the sword of the Brotherhood. This news is no less explosive than Lucian's disappearance.

The point is, the Sword of the Brotherhood is the first artifact that Shen Fei and Dwarf King Ryan forged together, and it is also the only artifact.

The sword of the Brotherhood is so powerful that it can even level a country with one sword.

The impact of leaving this kind of thing outside can be imagined.

Shen Fei always felt that there would be such a thing as a child picking up the nuclear bomb activation switch...

The other military ministers present were all stunned. The reason why the dwarves could stand on the mainland and become a huge empire in the east of the human empire was because of their superb casting technology, and second because they possessed a destructive artifact as a deterrent.

But now, this artifact... is lost!
The leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce panicked, but he didn't say anything!

"Elder Shen is worrying too much, this is completely a rumor, it is nothing!"

Shen Fei: "Yes yes yes yes!"

"Elder Shen, this is really a rumor. The sword of the Brotherhood is now safely stored in the Gushan Palace!"

Shen Fei: "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

"Elder Shen, I beg you to believe my words! The sword of the Brotherhood is not lost!"

Shen Fei: "Trust me!"

Shen Fei dealt with it casually, but his mood was a little depressed. It seems that Shadow needs to work overtime recently.

Everyone at the table also had their own thoughts, but they didn't expect that today's banquet would reveal a shocking secret.

The Sword of the Brotherhood, that is the most important weapon of the country!
Now it has been missing with Dwarf King Ryan for more than ten years. If this is picked up by someone with evil intentions, which race can compete with the artifact?

The leader of the Dwarf Chamber of Commerce wanted to cry, but this was probably the last time he went to sea.When he returned to Gushan Palace, he might be put under house arrest for leaking state secrets, but he really didn't reveal a word!

Shen Fei turned his gaze to the leader of the White Elf Chamber of Commerce, who was so frightened that the leader of the White Elf Chamber of Commerce also put down the knife and fork in his hand, and was even more nervous facing Shen Fei than facing the elders of the Moon God Temple.

"Cui... Is the priestess okay? Don't say she is also missing."

The leader of the White Elf Chamber of Commerce nodded slightly: "The priestess is fine."

Hearing this, Shen Fei let out a long sigh of relief, and finally had something normal.Take a sip of tea and relax, but the next sentence of the leader of the White Elf Chamber of Commerce made Shen Fei spit out all the tea he just drank.

"It's just that the priestess started retreat five years ago, and she hasn't left the retreat yet."

What retreat takes five years?It hasn't come out yet, what's the difference between this and disappearing?

Shen Fei really wanted to ask, what happened after he left, did these race leaders throw away, hide, play hide and seek?
Is this going to wait for me, Shen Fei, to come out of the mountain and find them all one by one?
This is too much, you guys!

Everyone is over a hundred years old, be more mature!
 Starting point: meiyougui, take off the shirt, it is better to put on women's clothes, meiyougui
  Button reading: Shuai, Shuai, muxiaoge
  Award-winning readers, please join the group and find the management to receive the red envelope. The Junyang number is at the end of the introduction

  Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (18/30)

(End of this chapter)

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