my pet is boss

Chapter 17 Where is it small?

Chapter 17 Where is it small?

The employer who placed the order before saw his order being picked up, and hurried back from outside the village, just wanting to watch his weapons come out of the oven as soon as possible.

"Is it the player who forged the green weapon before taking the order?"

This person squeezed in from the crowd, looking hopefully at Shen Fei who had accepted the task.

At this time, Ba Ge looked smug: "You see, everyone said that they are looking for players who have forged green weapons before, so consciously hand over the commission."

At this time, the players on the side added fuel and jealousy, saying that the person in front of him was not, but the Ba Ge on the side was.This person grabbed the order in advance purely because of the order fee of 50 copper coins.

The player who placed the order seemed to understand the ins and outs. At this time, the workers of Huayao Forge looked at Shen Fei jokingly. The boss said that he was looking for Brother Ba. Let's see what you have to say!
Just when the player was about to ask for a commission, he suddenly saw the name of the person who accepted the commission.

"You are Shen Fei, the Shen Fei who killed the first boss in the world?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone present was shocked.

If there is any player who can make everyone call his name today, it must be Shen Fei.

When everyone is generally at level one or two, this guy actually killed a BOSS and became the first person in the game world to kill a BOSS. Although I don't know if it is a team or an individual, it is a bit difficult to beat wild wolves on average. It was difficult, but he still went to challenge the BOSS, and he succeeded!
No matter how the game progresses in the future, Shen Fei's ID is definitely an unavoidable hurdle.

The corners of Shen Fei's mouth twitched slightly, he chose to disclose the killing information today, and he was indeed right, isn't this the best proof of his fame.

The workers of Huayao Forge also had horror written on their faces, including that brother Ba.

He just forged a green weapon, this thin young man was the first one to kill the boss in the whole server.

The two are not at the same level at all.

Shen Fei just nodded slightly, this is the time to show off his mastery.

"Is this order going back now?"

Shen Fei first looked at the client, and then at Brother Ba.

Brother Ba was timid, and immediately turned his gaze away, not daring to look at Shen Fei.

The player who placed the order was a little tangled, frowning, hesitated for a moment and said: "Well, I still want to take back the order, after all, Brother Ba is the first player to forge green weapons, and his proficiency must be higher, sorry Shen Boss Fei."

As soon as these words came out, Brother Ba's arrogance just now returned, and his back was straight.This is right, although Shen Fei is awesome and kills the boss for the first time, but my bully brother is not weak, he was the first to forge a green weapon, as the saying goes, he has a specialization in art...

"That's right, did you hear me, hand over the order quickly, don't waste everyone's time."

Shen Fei was slightly taken aback, and immediately regained his composure.

Since even the single owner repented, there was no need for him to continue arguing, and he returned the order to the player directly.

Seeing Shen Fei return the order, everyone booed.

You, Shen Fei, are awesome, but you are still inferior to us in forging.

"Brother Ba is awesome!"

"Brother Ba is mighty!"

"The number one blacksmith in the server!"

Losing an order is a trivial matter, and now this group of players questioned Shen Fei's "professional" ability, Shen Fei felt that it was necessary to respond.

Shen Fei took two steps suddenly, looked at the vast number of players and asked, "Who among you still have forging blueprints that need to be manufactured?"

The surrounding players just stared straight at Shen Fei, and no one stood up.

They were just here to watch the excitement, and they didn't have blueprints on them.

Besides, even if you have blueprints, you will definitely find Brother Ba. At this stage, who has worked so hard to expose the blueprints for you to ruin?
Seeing that no one responded, Shen Fei turned his head and glanced at the two orders of 5 copper coins hanging on the board, thinking that if there is no other way, he can use this drawing to make a surgery, 5 copper coins are also money...

No, Shen Fei, you need to be more sober!
Now it's not a question of money, it's about venting!

"I have the forging blueprint here, and I will place an entrustment order for 60 copper coins." As soon as the voice fell, there was an additional entrustment order on the board behind him, and it was still a designated entrustment!

"60 copper coins, who is so generous?"

"Is this person crazy? Ask Shen Fei to forge 60 copper coins. Money doesn't mean you lose like this, right?"

"The world of the rich really doesn't understand..."

Even Brother Ba, who was about to forge, was stunned. The price of 60 copper coins was obviously just to support Shen Fei and deliberately suppress him.

He would like to see who paid so much money to listen to it.

The crowd gradually dispersed, and two players in plate armor walked over, one tall and one short.

Suddenly everyone gasped, a pair of twin sisters, and they are all beautiful beauties!

At this moment, everyone envied Shen Fei.Everyone is not a fool, this pair of sisters obviously came here for Shen Fei.

When Shen Fei saw Leng Qingqiu and Leng Ling, he was also taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect to meet the Leng family sisters again in this place.

Leng Ling still pouted, with a dignified and righteous look, as if Shen Fei was the big villain who did bad things to seduce his sister.

"Hmph, we've worked so hard to save a silver coin, and now I'll pay you a commission!"

As for Leng Qingqiu at the side, as his name suggests, he didn't say much.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll mess it up?"

Leng Qingqiu didn't speak, but Leng Ling said again: "If you screw it up, you screw it up. Anyway, we didn't send the blueprints, but you have to return the 60 copper coins to us when the time comes!"

Shen Fei laughed messily: "Although you are a small girl, you have a pretty shrewd mind. Anyway, don't do things that are disadvantaged, right?"

Leng Ling's face turned dark immediately, and he put his hands on his hips: "Where is it small?"

After saying this, Leng Qingqiu's face darkened.

(End of this chapter)

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