Chapter 18
The players around also gave out good-natured smiles.

For beautiful women, people always exude the most natural kindness, but for Shen Fei it is natural hostility, envy and hatred.

"Isn't it a bit of a loss to forge 50 copper coins for a piece of green equipment, and 60 copper coins for a piece of blue excellent equipment?"

Leng Ling's fists were already clenched, if she had a handy weapon in her hand, she would be able to kill Shen Fei right now.

This guy's talk is really annoying!

In order to win over Shen Fei, the older sister threw out most of the money they had worked so hard to raise, which made Leng Ling feel distressed.

And what the other players said is right, Shen Fei is good at single-handedly bossing bosses, but that doesn't mean he is also good at forging!

From Leng Ling's point of view, the 60 copper coins were completely in vain.

Shen Fei accepted the designated commission on the board, and his mood suddenly became more balanced.

I got 60 copper coins. Fortunately, I didn't accept the 50 copper coin order just now. It's a good idea...

"Since you paid a big price, I won't charge the forging ore fee!"

The material requirements for the initial forging drawings are very simple, just a few pieces of ore.

Although Shen Fei is stingy, he is definitely not as stingy as Shangguan Ergou, these three ores are still affordable.

The sisters of the Leng family drew their knives to help each other when they saw injustice on the road twice. Even if Shen Fei is so unscrupulous, can he still ask for this little ore money?

But when Shen Fei saw the three pieces of ore that Ba Ge opened the order, he felt unbalanced.

Three pieces of ore cost 15 copper coins, so this order only earned 45 copper coins and lost 5 copper coins.

"Ah, my heart hurts so much..." Shen Fei clutched his heart, heartbroken, his mind was full of those 5 copper coins.

Seeing this, Leng Ling said speechlessly: "Sister, this guy is just a showman, we shouldn't help him..."

When Shen Fei heard this, he straightened his hair and restrained his expression: "I'm just brewing up feelings, and this is the beginning."

From other people's point of view, Shen Fei's current appearance is completely a sensational clown, and his evaluation of him has also dropped a lot. It is estimated that being able to kill the BOSS for the first time in the world is only due to luck.

Brother Ba has already taken out the ore and is ready to start making weapons.

In terms of forging, everyone present did not regard Shen Fei as an opponent.

"By the way, I guess you don't know the identity of Brother Ba. He is the heir of Longquan Sword Foundry. Later, the Sword Foundry couldn't continue to operate and was acquired, so he entered the factory to make a living."

There was a strong show off in the worker's tone.

The other players who joined in the fun suddenly realized: "It turns out that Brother Ba is actually the heir of Longquan Sword Foundry. No wonder he can forge green weapons. His family has a long history!"

After a short period of building, with the last drop of the hammer, the building of Brother Ba ended.

The equipment created for players does not display attributes, and the attributes of the items can only be seen after using the appraisal scroll.

After trading the forged dagger to his employer, the player hurriedly took out the identification scroll that he had prepared, and with a flash of light, the dagger's attributes were also identified.

"The painting of these 50 copper coins is really worth it!"

When the player blurted out, Brother Ba knew that the forging should explode this time.

"What equipment, quickly post it to see!" The players watching the show around encouraged this player to post the weapon.

The man stuck the dagger out without saying a word.

【Vigor Dagger】

Rating: 5
Quality: Excellent
Attack Power: 4-8
+2 Stamina
+2 Dexterity
Durability: 30/30
Manufacturer: Ba Ge
Green dress, green dress again!
It's still a dual-attribute green outfit!

The crowd was shocked again. If Ba Ge's previous green outfit was unexpected, then this green outfit completely confirmed his status as "Master Blacksmith".

The employer on the side was shaking with excitement, green weapons!Green weapons!
While everyone was still using the whiteboard, he could already get the green weapon.And this [Vitality Dagger] has excellent attributes, it can be regarded as the best weapon for early-stage thieves.

Increase stamina and agility, the blood volume of the thief is not much in the early stage, the extra 2 points of stamina is 20 points of blood volume, it can resist more attacks, and the attack power of 4-8 is much better than the current 2-3 small dagger !

Such a piece of equipment is enough to increase the thief's damage and survivability by a level.

The players present compared their own whiteboard weapons, and all of them felt envious.

With this green weapon, the speed of leveling and killing monsters will be much faster.

The smile on Brother Ba's mouth turned into a contemptuous smile after seeing Shen Fei.

It's ridiculous that such a person actually tried to snatch the order from him.

Needless to say now, everyone has regarded Brother Ba as the number one blacksmith in the novice area, and will even become the number one blacksmith in the light camp in the future.

"Brother Ba, after I get the blueprint in a few days, I will also ask you to help me forge it."

"Brother Ba, why don't you add a friend first..."

The most important equipment for a player is the weapon. Now that there is such a powerful blacksmith, how can he not curry favor with him.

With a faint smile, Brother Ba raised his hand to stop the disturbing crowd: "It's easy to say, everyone can come to me at that time, I will definitely give you a discounted price, and everyone don't forget to promote our Huayao Forge .”

"Don't be impatient, everyone. After all, there is still an order that has not been completed."

These words obviously wanted everyone to focus on Shen Fei, watch him make a fool of himself, and ruin his reputation.

Leng Ling had a knife-mouthed bean curd heart, seeing that the current situation was unfavorable, he couldn't help but put his arms around his sister's arm and said: "This is really miserable for Shen Fei! Although I hate this stingy guy very much, it must be very hard for so many people not to come down?"

Leng Qingqiu just stared at Shen Fei, no panic could be seen on his face, even when the other party identified the green equipment just now, Shen Fei's expression was very indifferent, even with a bit of... disdain.

Shen Fei took the ore to the forging table.

At this time, there were already a lot of sarcastic remarks, and some even made Shen Fei run away with his tail between his legs.

From everyone's point of view, how can Shen Fei, a player who has learned forging skills, be compared with the heir of Longquan Sword Foundry who has a rich heritage?

Smelting ore, Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang Dang!
The forging blueprint that Leng Qingqiu took out was the level 6 long sword forging blueprint that Shen Fei had given them to repay the favor.

"Level 6 forging blueprints, and you want to be green, it's crazy!" Ba Ge sneered at the side.

Even now he can only create blueprints around level 5 at most, and blueprints of level 6 still want to be green, idiots!

(End of this chapter)

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