my pet is boss

Chapter 19 I am the father you will never get

Chapter 19 I am the father you will never get
The forging time on the iron felt was only a few seconds, and no one around believed that Shen Fei could forge a green quality weapon, let alone the blue excellent weapon he boasted about.

Forged into shape, Shen Fei returned the unidentified weapon to Leng Qingqiu.

All eyes were fixed on Leng Qingqiu.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid this time would have been like sitting on pins and needles, but Leng Qingqiu is already the chairman of a large company at a young age, and he is used to being watched by others, and there is nothing unusual about it.

"Leng Ling, go and buy me an identification scroll."

The two of them just came here to join in the fun, and making weapons was only a temporary idea, and they didn't have an appraisal scroll on them.

"It's natural to catch up with the excitement. I have an appraisal scroll here, so why not give you one."

Now is the time to reveal the answer, how did Brother Ba let the place go cold, and hurriedly applied for a deal with Leng Qingqiu, originally it was free to spend 1 copper coin to watch the fun, but Leng Qingqiu questioned the payment.

Leng Qingqiu who got the appraisal scroll didn't talk nonsense and started the appraisal directly.

There was even laughter from the crowd, it was definitely whiteboard equipment.

Leng Qingqiu's whole body exuded an elegant light blue glow of appraisal, and then the whole person froze in place without saying a word.

"I feel sorry for this player, so I bought a whiteboard for 60 copper coins."

"To be precise, it's 61 copper coins. This is really a big loss. If you find Brother Ba to forge it, maybe you can get a piece of green equipment this time."

"You're stupid, these 60 copper coins are not a loss, they helped Shen Fei out of the siege, and when the time comes, just take it and fight two bosses and come back, short-sighted!"

"2333 Are you sure this is a rescue?"

Seeing Leng Qingqiu's expression, the surrounding players were almost certain that Shen Fei had messed up the forging this time.

Even Shen Fei himself, who was originally extremely determined, felt a little flustered.

Seeing this expression, Brother Ba at the side immediately felt relieved, and said with a sneer, "It must be some good equipment, don't be happy alone, just post it for everyone to open their eyes."

The irony that Brother Ba said made the other players snigger when they heard it.

In this wave of forging competition, Shen Fei lost completely, and I am afraid that he will be ashamed to appear in the blacksmith's shop again in the future.

Leng Qingqiu came back to his senses, looking at Shen Fei with complicated eyes.

"It's really good equipment." Leng Qingqiu's words made everyone laugh, and they were still saying good things for Shen Fei at any time, but no matter how they heard these words, they were pale and powerless.

"What are you talking about so much, just post it for everyone to see!"

Leng Qingqiu displayed the equipment neatly.

Just for a moment, everyone in front of the blacksmith shop fell silent.

【Bright Gospel】

Rating: 10
Quality: excellent

Physical attack power: 10-15
+5 Stamina
+5 intelligence
+5 spirit
Melee attacks have a 25% chance to restore health equal to the damage to teammates

Durability: 40/40
Manufacturer: Shen Fei
Leng Qingqiu even heard the sound of gasping for air all around.Not only the players around, even she was in shock just now.It's really a blue excellent weapon!Or her long sword for Templars.

"An excellent weapon with three attributes, this is too scary! It also has additional effects, this is completely the best weapon of the Templar Knights!"

There are even players who start to do mental calculations. When the Templar reaches level 10, his own attack power should be around 20 or [-], plus the weapon damage is around [-]. Melee attacks have a [-]/[-] probability of recovering the same amount of life , that is, more than [-] blood points at once, the effect is almost equivalent to a small recovery skill, and the more important thing is that it does not consume mana!

For Templars, the most important attributes are stamina, intelligence, and spirit. The three affect health, mana, and battle mana respectively, which can be called the best attributes!
Compared with this excellent blue weapon, the [Vitality Dagger] that was forged just now is nothing worth mentioning!
"I'm afraid it's okay to use this long sword from level 10 to level 20!"

The surrounding players were all dumbfounded, frightened by the effect of the blue sophisticated weapon.

With this weapon, the team's output is equivalent to half more, and the team's healing effect has also been raised to a higher level.

Seeing the attributes of this weapon, Shen Fei felt no joy in his heart, instead, the words three pieces of ore and 15 copper coins kept flashing in his mind.


This wave is a big loss!

You shouldn't be pretending, it's really pretending to be struck by lightning!
Brother Ba, who was arrogant and yin-yang before, is now like an eggplant beaten by frost, suddenly wilting.

Level 6 weapon blueprints can actually create excellent weapons. How powerful is this guy's forging technique.

You must know that every time you create a piece of equipment, your proficiency will increase by 10 points.The level of forging proficiency will affect the level of forging equipment.

Although Brother Ba was shocked, he was still unconvinced in his heart, but he had already forged two pieces of equipment today, so there was no way to compete again.

The number of forgings per day is also limited. This limit is linked to the level. The number of forgings per day cannot exceed the level, in order to prevent some people from constantly improving their proficiency. Other life skills also have a limit on the number of times, and it is linked to the level.

Many players gradually came to their senses, their eyes filled with envy: "I'm afraid this is the first sophisticated weapon in the entire game, right?"

"I knew that 60 copper coins could forge excellent weapons, so I would do it!"

"The three pieces of ore were provided by Shen Fei himself. According to the market price, it is converted into 15 copper coins. Including the 1 copper coin purchased for the appraisal scroll, it means that this excellent weapon only cost 46 copper coins..."

Shen Feigang was still consoling himself, at least he forged the first excellent weapon and earned his reputation.As a result, when a player said that, there was another heartbreaking sound...

15 copper coins, this is a pain that cannot be avoided.

Shen Fei stared at Brother Ba at the side, and smiled after a while: "Couldn't your profession be the Holy Word Mage? Before you posted it, you already knew it was a good weapon, you have a good eye!"

This sarcasm made Brother Ba wish he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.At this moment, he only regrets why he said so much nonsense just now, and every word and every word has been slapped heavily on his face.

"I said a long time ago that I can forge blue excellent weapons, why don't you believe me?" Shen Fei sighed after finishing speaking.

This sigh pierced deeply into the heart of the client just now, blood was stabbed one after another!

When I first got the green dagger, I felt lucky that I didn't ask Shen Fei to forge it out of fear of offending Shen Fei, and got a dual-attribute green weapon.

But looking back now, his behavior is no different from that of a fool.

Lost a blue excellent weapon for a green weapon?
Thinking of this, the whole body's facial features are twisted together, as uncomfortable as eating shit.

Of course, what was lost was not only a blue excellent weapon, but also Shen Fei's friendship.In the future, anyone can ask Shen Fei to forge it, but I'm afraid he won't be able to.

(End of this chapter)

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