my pet is boss

Chapter 20 Start the mission

Chapter 20 Start the mission

The heirs of Longquan Sword Foundry, Huayao Forge, all became a joke in front of Shen Fei's first blue excellent weapon forged at this moment!

As for the players who were watching to join in the fun, they all greeted each other with smiles at this moment, leaned towards Shen Fei and said, "Boss Shen Fei, let's add a friend, I will find you to build the blueprints in the future."

"Boss Shen Fei, me too, can you give me a friend seat~"

Shen Fei looked at the players surrounding him, as if they were not enthusiastic players, but coins.

"Forging, so to speak, this is the material..."

"We prepare our own materials!" The player on the side replied hurriedly.

"Then the price..."

"It is definitely the tallest on the market!" Several players vowed.

Shen Fei scratched his head again, as if he was thinking about something: "It still doesn't work, you have to know that there is a chance for this sophisticated equipment, if you don't make a whiteboard, this..."

Everyone waved their hands in unison: "It doesn't matter if you have a whiteboard, how can you produce excellent equipment every time!"

Shen Fei smiled with satisfaction, this is the right attitude!
But friend Shen Fei didn't add casually, after all, as a celebrity, how could he just give out his friend position casually, at least he had to bring some price, right?

After the excitement was over, many players scattered and left. Being able to witness the birth of the first blue excellent weapon in the game is definitely something worth bragging about.

This made the enthusiasm of the players even higher, and they felt inexplicably excited when they thought that they would be lucky enough to get this level of weapons in the future.

After the crowd dispersed, Leng Qingqiu stepped forward and made a trade request to Shen Fei.

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Leng Qingqiu wanted to do, but when he saw the 40 copper coins in the transaction column, he accepted it by accident.

"This excellent blue weapon costs more than 60 copper coins."

Although Leng Qingqiu still had a straight face, his words sounded like the sounds of nature.It is really comfortable to do business with people with winks, and the "unhappiness" of the previous 15 copper coins has disappeared.

Leng Ling, who "has justice in his heart", snorted softly, and finally had to admit: "Your forging level is still a little bit okay."

After all, she is the young lady of a wealthy family, so to be able to say such a thing is already an acknowledgment of Shen Fei's ability.

"Ah? This kind of level can only be considered a little bit, then next time you come to me for forging, I will increase the price." Shen Fei, with the presence of the old god, sat on the ground and raised the price.This pair of sisters is really interesting. The older sister tried so hard to win her over, but the younger sister was not helping her. If it was his younger sister, she would have been beaten to death countless times.

"Shen Fei, your forging skills are astonishing and weeping ghosts and gods. There is no one in the game, and you deserve the number one!"

Hearing that they were going to be slaughtered as fat pigs, Leng Ling certainly didn't want to hear it. The ghost knows how much they have endured in order to save a silver coin.

Shen Fei nodded in satisfaction, how could this little loli Leng Ling speak the truth!

"This way, can the forging be cheaper next time?"

Shen Fei shook his head and refused, it is impossible to be cheap, not even a single thing.

"You just state the facts, why should I give you cheap."

Speaking of forging technology, apart from the lonely mountain dwarf Wang Ryan, there is really no one in the world who is better than him.

If you want to be cheap by stating the facts, how can there be such a good thing?

Leng Ling took a deep breath and was completely defeated by Shen Fei's narcissism. Where did this guy get his confidence? He really thought that his forging level was invincible in the world?

The two didn't stay long, and left after a while to upgrade.

Shen Fei then left the blacksmith shop and found the village head to take on the follow-up task.

The village chief just kept talking nonsense that there are still bigger disasters that have not been solved, and there is no next task at all.

Shen Fei understands that there should be some link that has not been opened, resulting in the subsequent task line not being opened.

The quest in Novice Village was interrupted, Shen Fei thought for a while, and remembered that after killing the black-backed giant wolf BOSS, a bunch of wolf hairs fell from the BOSS, which seemed to be a quest item.

Open the backpack and take a closer look, there is really a related task.

[Wrath of the Earth]: The beasts sensed the anger of the earth and became irritable. After all, the appearance of the black-backed giant wolf in the area where humans live is just the beginning.Go deep into the forest, find the giant wolf's crypt, and find out what caused the wild beast.

Task reward: Open the copy of the Giant Wolf Crypt, and open the next part of the story line of Novice Village.

Shen Fei suddenly realized that after picking up the things at that time, he was afraid that the group of five would come back, so he didn't have time to look carefully.

It turns out that the black-backed giant wolf boss in the wild is the key to opening the next quest line, and it is also the key to opening the dungeon.

The setting of the system still makes some sense. Let everyone be familiar with the process of fighting the BOSS first, and then open the dungeon map for the dropped mission, and open the next stage of the mission line. There will be no sudden situation where the player will not fight the dungeon.

It didn't say whether this mission was done in a team or alone, with Shen Fei's "calculating and budgeting" character, if he could do it alone, he would never ask others to help.

Shen Fei left Novice Village and walked deep into the forest.

After completing the two novice tasks, many players simply brushed wild wolves in the forest without limit to improve their level because they could not receive the follow-up tasks.

Including around the pond where the black-backed giant wolf was single-handed before, players have also begun to get involved.

Shen Fei walked all the way to the depths of the forest. Originally, there were mottled sunlight shining through the leaves from time to time above his head. As the trees went deeper and straight above his head, the broad-leaved forest was layered on top of each other to form a canopy, completely blocking the sunlight.

Originally, Shen Fei thought that there would be more and more wild wolves as he went deeper, but he hardly encountered wild wolves after coming here for so long.

The task is only roughly said to be in the depths of the forest, but the specific location is not specified. It is quite difficult to find a crypt entrance in the dark forest.

"This place was just a bush a hundred years ago, but I didn't expect the trees to block out the sun now."

After the landslide, the dwarves helped humans build a new home, and Shen Fei once expelled the beasts near the village.

I remember that the scourges around the village at that time were wild wolves and poisonous spiders.

The wild wolf was driven into the deep mountains by Shen Fei, and the mine cave where the poisonous spider was located was also sealed with huge stones with everyone's concerted efforts.After solving the two scourges, the villages of the human race began to gradually develop and stabilize.

The memories of the past were brought back, and Shen Fei suddenly realized.

When the village was established before, the wild wolves were driven back to the deep mountains, and the wolves fled to the mountains under the leadership of the wolf leader.Now that a hundred years have passed, is it possible that their old nest is still on the mountainside?

Shen Fei followed the route in his memory to climb up the mountain. In less than a quarter of an hour, he finally found a bare place with no weeds on the mountainside. Two piles of boulders stood next to each other, which happened to leave a sparkling entrance. .

There is also a huge three-person-high boulder standing at the door, with mysterious symbols engraved on it. This is the gathering stone at the door of the dungeon to attract people.

PS: Thanks to Good.rains and Tuoba Liuyun for their rewards, and other friends for their rewards, I love you~
(End of this chapter)

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