my pet is boss

Chapter 190 The World Is Too Crazy

Chapter 190 The World Is Too Crazy

Shen Fei doesn't care if others have a headache, anyway, the happiness of asking for money is beyond the imagination of others.

Of course, not everyone is happy.

Just 2 minutes before the official opening of the meal, a bizarre collective disappearance occurred in the Neimen cafeteria.

The fifty inner disciples headed by Zhao Hao disappeared in place just before the meal, which shocked the other inner disciples.

Fortunately, Shen Fei had greeted the elite teacher in advance, saying that they would enter the trial again in the next two days, and the elite teacher came forward to appease the other inner disciples.

Just sympathize with Zhao Hao and the others.

It is rare to experience a banquet of this scale once in a lifetime. The delicious food on the table has the effect of increasing aura and skill, and can even improve the innate muscles and aptitude of the disciples.The elite teacher is extremely happy. With this table of delicacies, there will definitely be more inner disciples who can be promoted next year.

For Zhao Hao and other fifty disciples, the elite teacher could only feel extremely sorry.

This is such a good opportunity to change their aptitude, but they were all sent into the trial when they moved their chopsticks at the end. This might be their fate!
The bell rang and the food was eaten.

The bell for dinner rang, and Zhao Hao and the others were about to start eating, but just as they picked up the chopsticks, before they could start eating, they came to the Biohazard Trial in the dark.

"Ahh! Why did you suddenly teleport into the trial at this time!"

Everyone was assigned to their own separate trial space, and many people were crying in pain at this moment.With the promotion of the Resident Evil Trial and the delicious feast in good time, everyone is full of confidence in the next Mirage Trial.But before they could move their chopsticks, they were all sent into the Biohazard Trial.

"One chopstick, even if you let me eat with one chopstick!"

The system ignored the people whose mentality had collapsed, and coldly read out the requirements of the trial.

"The second phase of the Resident Evil Trial is officially open, and a new death penalty is added. Every time the challenger consumes a trial opportunity, the blood volume and attack of all monsters in the trial will increase by 200%. This trial challenge opportunity is 1 times, Please choose your suitable weapons and equipment, the trial will officially start in [-] minute, I wish you a happy trial."

Everyone felt chills after hearing this, and hadn't come out of the grief of the delicious banquet. Now they are told that death punishment has been added this time. Every death will make the monsters in the trial stronger. The 200 challenges are really for Give you a chance to pass?No, it will only make the trial more difficult.

You must know that in this situation, everyone has already stumbled to the second floor, and then give the mobs a boost...

The key point is that this enhancement was sent out by themselves, and the mood is even more complicated.

It was originally a festive day, but now it is a leaky house and it rains overnight. It is as miserable as it can be.

Zhao Hao was the first to adjust his mentality, and suddenly realized: "The elder Taishang wants us to improve through our own strength, rather than relying on external forces to encourage us to grow! Damn, I only now understand the elder's good intentions!"

Zhao Hao cleared up his mood, and when he stood up again, his mental temperament became sharper, and he regained the feeling he had when he was doing the trial.

Today, he vowed to pass the Resident Evil Trial!
After the banquet, Shen Fei approached the senior agents of MI[-] and asked them to help find out about the accessories of the suit.This was the first time the director had given them a task, and all the senior agents were gearing up to perform well in front of Shen Fei.

The three elders sent people to invite Shen Fei to Lianchi, saying that there was something important to tell him.

Shen Fei immediately became vigilant, he had just officially assumed office today, and within a few hours after the banquet ended, he suddenly had to announce an important matter, this was obviously the rhythm of cheating him!
"Master Uncle, today you are officially succeeding the Supreme Elder. There are two matters here that need to be announced internally by the senior management of the Chanyuan."

Seeing the radiant smile on Lan Chan's face, Shen Fei knew that nothing good would happen.

"Let's talk, I guess there must be nothing good." Shen Fei said unhappily.

Shen Fei is not a fool, the ceremony is just for outsiders.If it needs to be discussed within the Monk Temple, there is actually no difference between before and now.

I only said it now that I officially took office, and I made it clear that there is nothing good.

But Shen Fei "doing business" is innocent, since he has taken advantage of the status of the Supreme Elder, then he will be guaranteed in the Wu Monk Temple from now on!

"The first thing is the authority to enter the Dream Zen Realm, but you have already got it, Shishu, so we don't need to do a separate handover. Then the second thing..."

Master Lan Chan hadn't finished speaking when he was interrupted by Shen Fei.

No matter how you hear this, it sounds a bit wrong. What is a separate handover?Normally, Shen Fei has a high status, so he can get the most authority, and each of the three elders will share a little more. This is the most correct distribution, but now he already has [-]% of the authority to enter the dream Zen realm. Lazy Zen means that there is no need to It sounds a bit strange to hand over and confirm the share separately.

It's as if your neighbor suddenly pulled you over, saying that we are going to move, and you can use some unused things if you think they are useful, you are welcome...

Coupled with the incidents of "running away from home" heard one after another at today's banquet, Shen Fei was a little alerted by Lan Chan's abnormal attitude.

"Could it be that you also want to go out to seek the Tao and run away from home?"

Lazy Chan put his hands together with a smile and shook his head: "It's not going out to seek the Tao, nor is it running away from home."

Shen Fei heaved a sigh of relief, this is a very old person, if something goes wrong when he goes out, it will be hard to say.

In the past, Shen Fei felt that such a strong man could not go to the two continents of the north and the south?But today, knowing that Ryan went out to search for forging materials and ended up missing for 10 years, he didn't see it that way.

That is the king of the dwarves, a brave and skilled fighter, with the blood of Nicholas glory, and he is not timid in the face of evil dragons.Holding the universe artifact in his hand, he has been missing for ten years like this.Dwarves are good at traveling and exploring. In the past ten years, many caravans and expeditions have gone out, and they have gone through countless mountains, caves and caves, but they have not found any whereabouts of the dwarf king.

The outside world is too crazy, these guys with old arms and legs should just play mahjong at home obediently!
"I'm going to sit down and die, and return to the island of the gods, and I will always accompany the gods to listen to the teachings."

Before Shen Fei praised Master Lan Chan for not going to extremes, but in the end...

Look at the human words you said!
The first few are at least missing, life and death are uncertain.You are lazy, you are ready to die...

"No, I am rejected as an elder!"

Shen Fei vetoed Lazy Chan's suggestion without saying a word, what kind of joke are you kidding here, and he's going to go to Tenjin Island, where there are three missing one, to gather for a table?
Shen Fei snapped his fingers and summoned Fat Tiger to his side, and said with a serious face: "Lazy Zen wants to sit and transform into the ancient Buddha of Qingdeng on Tianshen Island, so I will kill his thoughts."

Fat Tiger himself escaped from Tianshen Island, so naturally he couldn't be real, seeing the look in Shen Fei's eyes, he knew he had to put on a good show.

Fat Tiger's Wang character frowned into a bold one, with a social tone: "Lazy Chan, your thinking problem is very serious!"

(End of this chapter)

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