my pet is boss

Chapter 191

Chapter 191
"The way of a monk is like sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat."

"Didn't I tell you the allusion of being born in sorrow and dying in peace, you are so nourished now..."

It is said that pets follow the master, but Shen Fei didn't see anything about Fat Tiger like him.Now the appearance of talking and laughing and citing scriptures is too unfamiliar. If you wear a pair of big black-rimmed glasses and comb your hair back, it will definitely be on the shooting list this month.

Shen Fei has always been curious, why a low-key, introverted and stylish person like him would have such a delicious, lazy, showy pet like Fat Tiger, it is really puzzling.

There must be something wrong. After thinking about it, I went to Shen Fei and found that the problem was in the 95 years when he was not around.

"It must be the fault of Tianshen Island! It was still fine before it was sent there, how did it become like this in 92!" Shen Fei regretted it.

Fat Tiger does ideological work for Lan Chan, and Shen Fei learns from Ai Chan and Bei Chan next to him why Lan Chan is so eager to sit down.

It turns out that after reaching a certain level of practice, monks can meditate and undergo the trial of Tenjin Island. After the spirit passes the trial, they are qualified to enter Tenjin Island. At this time, the monk's spiritual power can reach the state of "immortality".After the oil is exhausted and the lamp is dry, the spirit will be called back to Tenjin Island, and will stay on the island forever in the form of soul body.

Lazy Zen is just to be with the four gods and listen to the teachings, so I can't wait to get my soul out of my body.

Knowing the real reason, Shen Fei's complexion changed suddenly, he jumped up from the spot, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to rush straight up and fight for his life.

Ai Chan and Bei Chan quickly grabbed Shen Fei's trouser legs with sharp eyes and said, "Uncle Master, calm down, Uncle Master, calm down!"

But the runaway Shen Fei was like a steam train moving at full speed, and now there was no way to stop, and the left and right legs directly dragged the two elders to kill Lan Chan.

Shen Fei backhanded and pulled away the Fat Tiger who was standing in front of him, and grabbed Master Lan Chan who was unable to react in time.

"What do you mean, white tigers are my pets, would you rather sit down and listen to the teachings of other gods than listen to my teachings in the monastery? Or do you think the harvest here is not as good as that of Tianshen Island?"

As soon as Shen Fei came up, he put a big hat on Lan Chan, took the moral high ground and killed him by surprise first.

These words are a bit murderous, because no matter what you answer, you will be caught by Shen Fei.

"The way of the monk is the way of nature, the great way. Thanks to the fact that you have listened to the way of the monk for so long and still haven't realized it, Lan Chan, do you know that you have gone astray." Shen Fei's tone calmed down. , How strong is the contrast with the previous mood, how serious is Lazy Chan listening now.

Lazy Chan feels that he has dedicated himself to the Zen Academy and has been implementing his beliefs.How can it be said by the uncle that he has gone astray and is worthless?
Shen Fei couldn't help but sighed: "I've gone astray and don't know it, it's almost hopeless."

Lazy Zen is a bit dissatisfied, he practices the way of a monk, not to say that he is successful in enlightenment, but at least he is well versed in the principles of nature, how can he go astray and there is no cure?
Shen Fei let go of Lazy Zen and put him down and said, "Okay, then tell me what you think is the way of nature?"

Lazy Zen paused and said: "The way of nature is nothing more than harmony and balance. Nature has two invisible big hands to mediate everything. We can only grow and develop if we conform to nature. The same is true for life, old age, sickness and death."

This is the natural way that Lazy Chan thinks, and Sad Chan and Sad Chan both nodded.Although there are some differences in the details of the natural way they think, but generally speaking, both of them agree with the general direction of lazy Zen.

Shen Fei was so angry that he laughed back, Lan Chan only realized this level after so many years.

"It's useless to talk too much, I'll show you what is the way of nature when I go to the Dreaming Zen Realm."

As soon as Shen Fei bound his hands, the three obediently followed Shen Fei to the Dreaming Zen Realm.

Everything here is controlled by Shen Fei, everyone is suspended in the air, Shen Fei's thoughts are projected in the Dreaming Zen, and the imagination in his mind has become a reality.

This is a dark and chaotic space, and the quiet and empty black curtain is compressed into a singularity in an instant.

Accompanied by a big bang, everything was born and the universe was first formed. In one ten-thousandth of a second, the violent explosion has undergone a process from qualitative change to quantitative change.

This is a magnificent view of the vast universe, with countless nebulae, cosmic dust, and many substances closely "united" together, gradually stagnating to form stars.The interaction between the planets makes them form a tight system.

The three elders were completely stunned by the vast universe in front of them.

They have always focused on the nature that can be seen around them, thinking that all this is already a macro.But when Shen Fei put them in the prehistoric universe and saw tens of billions of planets without any one alike, they really realized what grandeur is.

View the small from the big, and the big from the small.

Soon everyone was galloping in the universe at a high speed, the stars moved and everything was updated, and the focus came to a newborn planet that was still tumbling magma.The magma began to condense, and the meteorite impacted from outside brought water elements.

The formation of the atmosphere...

The continuous agitation of electrons in the cloud produces lightning...

The emergence of first organic matter, until...

Birth of life.

A magnificent picture scroll appeared in front of the three elders, making them understand that this is the state at the beginning of life.

The earth began to become luxuriant. Who would have thought that the first few meteorites carrying water and organic matter would play the music of life in the constant turbulence and evolution.Life prospers, and then it is destroyed again, tenacious life rises up again, changing round after round...

The final perspective focuses on a forest.

The angle of view ranges from the towering trees that look like canopies to the low bushes under the shade of the trees, to the grass under the bushes and the new tender branches, to the cells on the surface of the grass, the division of energy transmission cells, and the subtle From the molecules, atoms, and electrons in the cells, what appeared in front of the three elders was an equally magnificent universe in a microcosmic state.

Who would have thought that the great and the small would overlap miraculously, turning into the same magnificent picture.

Everything returns to the original point, and the nature full of vitality returns in front of my eyes.

Dandelions floated everywhere on the breeze, some landed close, and some floated far away with the wind.

But they all have a common belief, that is to take root and reproduce again.

"Have you finished reading it, what do you think?"

Shen Fei's words pulled the three elders out of the scene, but they were still shocked by the majestic power of the world and nature.

After studying the way of nature for decades, they didn't even understand how nature was formed.

Today, Shen Fei taught them a lesson.

 Starting point: If you are happy, you will not be sad, if you are happy, you will not be sad, a cute duck
  Button reading: You will not know the happiness of women's clothing if you don't try it, Shuai, and you will not know the happiness of women's clothing if you don't try it

  Award-winning readers, please join the group and find the management to receive the award. The group number is at the end of the novel introduction

(End of this chapter)

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