my pet is boss

Chapter 195 On-site investigation

Chapter 195 On-site investigation
After all, this is the first friendly visit as the Taishang Elder of the Wuseng Temple, so naturally we can't lose the momentum.

Shen Fei brought Fat Tiger and Fu Man together, took the high-standard carriage of the Wu Monk Temple, passed the suspension bridge, and arrived at the holy place in the minds of all mages in the human empire - Floating Void City.

With Jordan's instructions, the Mage Academy had already prepared for it. The moment Shen Fei stepped onto the suspension bridge, all the mage disciples were ready to greet him and lined the road to welcome him.

The entire floating city was filled with magical fireworks, and colorful petals fell out of thin air and sprinkled on the ground, guiding the carriage.

The students of the Mage Academy heard from the dean yesterday that the Supreme Elder of the Martial Monk Temple is coming to Floating Void City to guide and communicate with each other.

For this Supreme Elder who turned out to be born out of nowhere, the students only knew some rumors.

It is said that this Supreme Elder surrendered the White Tiger God as a pet!
It is said that this Supreme Elder is over 100 years old!

It is said that...

It is said that since the official ceremony of the Monk Temple yesterday, news about Shen Fei has spread everywhere.Some people say that Fei Shen and King Lucian are sworn brothers, and the other statue in Inner Sea without a face is prepared for Fei Shen.There are still many rumors, and the students of the Master Academy have also heard a lot of rumors about Shen Fei, but in their opinion, there must be some truth and some falsehood.

It's just that they would never have thought that these rumors about Shen Fei were true without exception.

Dean Jordan and Vice-President Edward were already waiting in the central square. As the carriage slowly arrived, Shen Fei and Fuman Panghu got off the carriage.Many students greeted around couldn't help but gasp.

Originally, they thought that the countess and the archmage were the most well-maintained and least aged in the holy city. It seemed that time could not get any verification and feedback from them.But now that they saw Shen Fei, they knew what it meant to be beyond the sky.

"Is this really the face that people over 100 years old can have? Isn't this too scary?"

"It doesn't look as old as me, only teenagers..."

The students are completely messed up, is this really the Supreme Elder of Wuseng Temple?

Everyone exchanged a few words in the central square, and then Jordan took Shen Fei to visit the Floating Void City, with Vice President Edward as the guide and commentator.

Fat Tiger, as the White Tiger God, enjoys the same treatment as Shen Fei.It’s just that Fat Tiger has no interest in these “places of interest” in the Floating Void City. He put his arm around Jordan’s shoulders and asked socially what places in the Floating Void City have a quiet environment and a lot of food. After getting the answer, he slipped away to rest.

The students of the college saw the white tiger god in a wanton posture, and there was only admiration in their eyes: "Unrestrained and unrestrained, you are worthy of being a true god."

"Fuman, you also have a good exchange with your peers in the academy, you don't need to follow us." Shen Fei sent Fuman away, and Qiao Dan also wisely asked the outstanding disciples of the academy to accompany Fuman, and the young people communicated with each other.

After absent-mindedly browsing some buildings in the floating city, everyone came to the magic area of ​​the floating city.

"Elder Shen, the next step is the magic area of ​​our Floating Void City. This is where some mages study. In the innermost part of the magic area there is a garden isolated by a magic barrier. The garden is divided into five areas, each of which is kept With the corresponding ecological environment, here you can see the different environmental structures of the northern and southern continental plates."

Shen Fei's spirit shook slightly, and finally it was time for the main course.

When everyone entered the magic area, the scene here was more like a magic academy.

The houses suspended in the air, as well as the portals and magic circles that distort the space, are filled with magical energy fluctuations everywhere.

The first enchantment is a world of ice and snow. The surface of the branches is covered with crystal ice crystals, which looks like a masterpiece in the hands of a sculpture artist.

"This is the bitter cold place where the frost orcs in the north live."

96 years ago, Shen Fei once confronted the Frost-cold orcs head-on, but the Frost-cold orcs carried the army eastward to fight away in the land of elves.So this is the first time he has seen the living environment of the frost orcs.

As soon as he entered the enchantment, the bone-piercing cold wind blew inside, even Shen Fei felt his whole body tremble and hurriedly retreated.

No wonder only Frost Orcs can survive in this frozen land. No other race can survive such a harsh environment.Perhaps only dwarves have the ability to survive and reproduce here.

The second enchantment is very familiar to Shen Fei. The forest is lush and lush, and the plants and animals live in harmony. The forest is full of liveliness and vitality. This is a scene that only the land of elves can have.

Then there are the mountains and subterraneans where the dwarves are located, and the Wanli Desert where the apostles of the southern continent are located.

The last place is Shen Fei's destination today.

Vice-principal Edward saw that Shen Fei was staring at the last barrier, and explained: "This is the land within a radius of three miles on the day King Lucien disappeared. There are time barriers and recovery spells here, so no matter how hard you search Problem, the final enchantment will automatically restore to its original state."

Shen Fei walked into the barrier and set foot on this land three years ago.

The guarded tents and the simulated projected soldiers also stood in place, and the footprints on the grass and dirt were clearly visible.

Shen Fei looked around, squatted down and rummaged, carefully and carefully refusing to let go of any place.

Jordan and Edward were waiting outside the barrier, and Edward couldn't help asking: "Dean, there are dozens or even hundreds of people who have investigated this land, and none of them have found any useful information. Do you think Elder Shen can look into it?" Got any useful clues?"

Looking at the back of Shen Fei's investigation, Jordan was silent for a moment and said: "Elder Shen is very legendary, but some things have been verified by countless people, it is impossible to find a breakthrough just by coming to him."

This land has been inspected by the three elders of the monastery. The Grand Duke used to come to see it every week. The Countess Margaret even came to join in the fun. There are countless wise men from the empire, and even Jordan himself has countless Perceive this land with consciousness for the first time.But all got nothing, couldn't find any useful information.

This is also a question that has always puzzled everyone. His Majesty seems to have disappeared into the camp out of thin air.

Shen Fei did not let go of every inch of the land, but Shen Fei went through the three-mile barrier, but did not find any useful information.Even using the professional skills of his survival master, there is no gain.

Shen Fei stood up from the ground, the joints of his spine made crackling noises due to the long period of inactivity.

Shen Fei stepped out of the barrier neatly, without any disappointment on his face.

"Look, in fact, Elder Shen knows in his heart that he can't find the answer, it's just a thought in his heart." As soon as Qiao Dan finished speaking, Shen Fei had already walked over.

"I'm tired and hungry after investigating for a long time. Has the Archmage prepared afternoon tea?"

A bright smile appeared on Jordan's face, Shen Fei was really quite straightforward.

"Be prepared, Elder Shen, please move to the astrology building."

 Starting point: Xingyu Xinghai, Xingyu Xinghai, Shuai

  Button reading: It's better to tease men than to pick up any girls, and it's better to tease men than to pick up any girls, you
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(End of this chapter)

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