my pet is boss

Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Fuman Gets into Trouble Again
When the dragon was strangled in the lonely mountain, there were no magicians among the three tribes.

So this is Shen Fei's first time eating magic cheese and cake, and it can only be described as delicious.

It is silky and melts in the mouth, and the cooking level is no less than that of the chefs of Fuman or Zen Garden.

Afterwards, Shen Fei learned from Edward that Floating Void City also has a dedicated magic chef. The magic talent is average and the magic capacity is very small, but he only has unique insights in cooking techniques. The magic cheese and cakes he makes are much better than Others are much stronger.So at Edward's suggestion, he was specially hired as a special magic chef at the Master Academy.

The Astrology Building is the tallest building in the entire floating city, surrounded by 360 degrees, you can enjoy the beauty of the entire floating city, and even see most of the holy city.

Above the head is the magic dome built by the great mage. The entire dome is a screen and a magic circle, reflecting the stars in the vast universe. Through the astrology circle above the head, one can watch the stars and divination. From Shen Fei's perspective, this is a piece of art. An outstanding work of art, no less than the Moon God Temple of the White Elf.

"Great Master, I'm making a trial in Dream Zen Realm recently, and I may need your help."

Shen Fei took a sip of the strong coffee and made his second request.If this request can be successful, then he will go to the Holy Light Monastery and the Grand Duke's Mansion next, and strive to make this trial a level of influence covering the entire empire.Of course, with the addition of these big forces, it is indeed possible to achieve this level.

"I still have to listen to Elder Shen's opinion."

Archmage Jordan was also very curious. After Shen Fei officially became the Supreme Elder, he began to "ready to move" only two days ago, and it seemed that he had already started preparing for it.Yesterday's banquet made Archmage Jordan realize that Shen Fei is a well-informed legend, a living dictionary from a hundred years ago.

It is really necessary to listen to Shen Fei's trial.

Afterwards, Shen Fei expressed his thoughts. He had already fully prepared the trials and the skills of the monks. If the Mage Academy is willing to participate, then he can expand the scope of this trial, including the Holy Light Cathedral, the Grand Duke The government and even MI[-] are involved.

Archmage Jordan's eyes lit up, he was already awed by Shen Fei's whimsical ideas, and he looked at Shen Fei with a trace of respect in his eyes.

Shen Fei's idea was really terrifying, it completely opened a new door for Jordan.

Entrance to the Mage Academy is conditional. You must pass the Mage Combat Test and get the Battle Mage Medal before you are eligible to enter the Mage Academy.A mage can study knowledge, but in this turbulent era, the most important thing for a mage is to have combat experience to improve the chance of survival.

This is why Jordan regards having the Battle Mage Medal as the most rigid entry requirement.It's also the reason why his physique can be stronger than a fighter.Never underestimate the melee ability of a mage. You think the sword he draws out is a magic weapon, but it is actually a melee weapon.

This has always been a headache for Jordan. The mages who entered the mage academy seem to have lost their fighting skills, and instead shifted their focus to learning more advanced spells, not focusing on actual combat.

Jordan's original intention was to tell these students that the purpose of learning magic is to fight, but this group of students seems to have missed the magic tree, and the purpose of learning magic has become theoretical research.As for the Battle Mage Medal when I entered the school that year, it was more like a pass to enter the Mage Academy, and it was thrown away when it was used up.

But now this trial of Shen Fei is completely created for fighting.If the mage academy can also participate in it, it will not only improve the actual combat level of the students, but also understand the enemy's skills.After all, apart from monsters, the enemies encountered are nothing more than these types.

When Qiao Dan heard that Shen Fei even used the box-pressing skills of the Wu Monk Temple, he suddenly laughed and said: "Elder Shen has such a mind and courage, so naturally I can't fall behind as a junior. As the dean of the academy, I would like to represent all the teachers and students of Floating Void City to participate in this trial. In the afternoon, I will ask Edward to sort out all the skills of the Mage Academy."

Shen Fei didn't expect the Archmage to agree so quickly, all the skills are in the rhythm of bringing out the bottom-of-the-box skills.

Shen Fei couldn't help but look at Jordan high.

"I have always believed that there is no strongest skill, only the strongest person. I don't pay much attention to these so-called bottom-of-the-box skills. In this process, training students' actual combat ability is far better than burying their heads in a powerful spell or skill. , is much more useful."

Jordan's eyes shone with excitement, listening to Shen Fei's words, he seemed to have found a lifelong confidant.

Some people can become the principals of Zen monasteries because they are well versed in the way of nature.

Some people can become archmages, but it is because he only uses magic as a tool, not a belief.Jumping out of the circle is more able to see the origin of magic, but it makes Jordan go further.

After talking for a while, Shen Fei probably had an accurate impression of Jordan.

This guy is totally a militant.Being able to become an archmage is all because of being aggressive. After all, how can you go around if you are not good at martial arts?
Back then, he slayed the dragon with Archbishop Mailer. It was this guy who heard that there was a raging dragon in the country.As soon as he heard the news, he went straight to the Holy Light Cathedral and killed the old Archbishop Mailer with him.After the battle, the dragon's breath technique was created. Archbishop Mailer learned and recorded the dragon language. The two also co-authored a strange book that shocked the magic world at that time-"Dragon language is actually a kind of encrypted energy".

Shen Fei's intuition told him that Archmage Jordan should have nothing to do with Lucian's disappearance.

Although there was no evidence, Shen Fei still believed in his intuition.

"The Great Master is not good, there is something wrong with the students and Chanzi!"

Shen Fei's scalp tingled when he heard this, Fuman had clearly agreed before that he would not cause trouble, but he lost the chain as soon as he negotiated a cooperation with him.

"This Fuman is really useless, you shouldn't have brought him here today!" Shen Fei cursed.

On the contrary, the archmage Jordan on the side had a faint smile on his mouth, and comforted him: "It's okay, let's go down and have a look now."

After finishing speaking, with a wave of his hand, a portal appeared in front of him, and several people walked through the portal to the academy directly.

At this moment, the academy was already full of whispering students, Shen Fei rubbed his temples, and saw Fuman in the middle of the stage.

"Fuman, what trouble did you get into again? If I knew I wouldn't take you out today, I'll hold you back!" Shen Fei yelled angrily, and then changed his face and said to Jordan beside him: "My servant I'm a blunt talent, and I'm a servant by my side, and I haven't seen much in the world, so please forgive me if there's anything reckless!"

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (20/30)

(End of this chapter)

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