my pet is boss

Chapter 197 Nine Talents

Chapter 197 Nine Talents
Shen Fei talked to himself with this hand, the villain did everything by himself.In this way, even if Fuman really caused some trouble, and he has already criticized the education in public, Archmage Jordan can't pursue anything.It seemed that Fuman Yitong was scolded viciously, but it was equivalent to giving him a gold medal to avoid death.

Shen Fei didn't even think it was enough, so he added a few more words.

"You are not as good as a pig or a dog. If I bring you out, I will embarrass myself!"

"You have to know that what you lost is not the face of one person, but the face of the eighteen generations of ancestors of the Wu Monk Zen Academy. When you go back, you will go to the tomb of the dean of the past to reflect on your own mistakes. If you don't write enough The [-]-word inspection does not give food, and the kind that is not deeply typed back and rewritten!"

The students of the Mage Academy gasped. The [-]-word check is too scary, right?It needs to be profound, and if it is not profound, it must be typed back and rewritten. Elder Shen is a devil!Besides, it seems that this Zen master did not make any mistakes...

and many more!

If Chanzi is called something inferior to pigs and dogs, then what are they?
"Do you know what's wrong?"

Fuman looked confused, but if the young master said that he was wrong, he must have done something wrong. It is impossible for the young master to say wrong.

"I was wrong, I shouldn't have come to the Sorcerer's Stone to test the magic attributes and aptitude..."

Hearing that Fuman seemed to be doing nothing to test his magic aptitude at the Master Academy, Shen Fei blew his beard and stared at his seven orifices to smoke, pointed at Fuman's nose and cursed: "You said you are a Zen son of the Monk Temple, you are free to test What magical aptitude? Do you think that passing the Zenzi test is not enough, and you have to go up to try it? Greed is not enough to swallow an elephant! If you have magical aptitude, even pigs can climb trees."

What a shame!

It's like you, a cook who cooks Chinese food, insist on applying for a job in a western restaurant, and you're making fun of the world.

Fuman bowed his head in shame, and seriously reflected on his mistakes.

When the students around heard Elder Shen scolding Chanzi, they thought it was quite interesting.But the more he scolded everyone, the more uncomfortable he felt.If Zenzi are so unbearable, aren't they worse than pigs and dogs?

He also said that if Zenzi can test out his magical aptitude, sows can climb trees.Aren't they even inferior to sows?
Originally, Shen Fei was scolding Fuman angrily, but when all the students heard what Shen Fei scolded, they were all ashamed, wishing they could kneel down and beg Shen Fei to stop talking.

Even Archmage Jordan couldn't listen anymore, he quickly comforted Shen Fei and said, "Don't be angry, Elder Shen, it's better to find out what happened first."

Archmage Jordan looked around, and picked out the sixth-rank mage who was visiting with Zen Zi at that time, who was also the chairman of the student union of the mage college, to explain the truth.

"Tom, tell me what happened."

The president of the student union had an embarrassing expression on his face, and even his walking movements seemed unnatural.

"Dean, I took Chanzi to visit the academy before, and it happened that the academy was conducting a sorting ceremony for new students, so I watched it here. After all the newcomers were sorted, some students wondered whether the Chanzi of the Monk Zen Academy had magical talents. , and with the instigation of other students, Zenzi went up and tried it."

Tom said this, his cheeks were already flushed.None of the other students in the audience looked up. They all lowered their heads as if they had done something wrong, not daring to look up into the dean's eyes.

Fuman stood on the stage at a loss, and after being reprimanded by Shen Fei, he didn't even dare to lift his head, for fear of offending the young master again.


Archmage Jordan couldn't help frowning slightly, but in the end it was the students of the academy who caused the trouble.Asking Zen Zi from Wu Monk Zen Academy to test his magic aptitude on stage, they can figure out what this is, it's just nonsense!Asking a monk to do a magic test, or in front of so many people...

Chanzi is the next dean of Wuseng Temple, this move is tantamount to humiliating Chanzi.To put it a bit bigger, this is equivalent to humiliating the entire monk temple!If Shen Fei questioned and pursued the responsibility, this matter would not end well.

He had just discussed cooperation with Shen Fei, and these students caused trouble behind him, and Qiao Dan's face gradually became gloomy.It is better to find a way to appease Shen Fei and Chan Zi first, and then teach this group of freshmen and senior students severely.

"Okay, I figured it out. It turned out to be the fault of the college students. Please rest assured, Elder Shen and Chanzi, I will give you an explanation for this matter, and I will give an explanation to the Chanyuan." Archmage Jordan told Shen in front of new and old students. Fei bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

Shen Fei himself also felt quite ashamed, Fuman was not usually very clever, but why he became a stupid pig here.

You, a cook, are still on stage to test your magic aptitude, why don't you go to heaven?
Do you still have some tricks?
You go up when someone calls you up?If you, Shen Fei Chanzi, say no, can others force you?

So the fat man must have swollen himself, so he had to go up and test it.

Although the cause of the problem is the Mage Academy, but the [-]-word check is absolutely indispensable!

Tom felt a little uncomfortable. If Zenzi didn't go up for the test, hello, hello, hello everyone.

But Zenzi has already gone up to the test, and they, new and old students, were seriously injured, and now even the dean stood up to apologize in person, what a blood loss!
"That, Dean..."

Tom felt that it was better for the dean to know some facts.

"What's the matter?" Jordan's tone was a little impatient, and the magic power in his body was tumbling.

"Dean, Zenzi didn't make a fool of himself in the magic test, and the Philosopher's Stone showed a change."

Tom shut up immediately after speaking, for fear of making the Dean angry again.All senior students could see that the dean was on the verge of going berserk right now.

Jordan was taken aback when he heard that Zenzi had tested his magic talent.

As we all know, people generally have only one kind of talent.The Philosopher's Stone is specially used to test the magic talent and specialization of the freshmen entering the academy.

After all, there are thousands of ways of magic, and magic power is also divided into many attributes. Only by practicing spells with attributes that are the same or close to your own magic attributes will you get twice the result with half the effort, otherwise it will be difficult to move forward.

For example, if a magician with fire talent is taught to learn ice magic, no matter how hard he tries, he will definitely not succeed.

For another example, Zenzi passed the test of the monk academy in this way, and his mind was completely in line with the way of a monk, so he was regarded as a Zenzi.

It can be said that he is the monk with the greatest wisdom and potential among thousands of monks in the Monk Temple.And since he became a monk, he would never activate other talents, let alone pass the test of the Philosopher's Stone.

"Nonsense, how could Zenzi activate the test of the Philosopher's Stone! Stop arguing here!"

Tom wanted to cry, but why didn't the dean believe what he said, anyway, he is also the president of the student union and a sixth-level mage.

"Dean, we have all seen with our own eyes that Zenzi really has magical talent, and..."

"To shut up!"

Jordan rudely interrupted Tom, doesn't this guy think the farce is not enough?
Seeing Tom being reprimanded, Fuman looked up tremblingly on the stage.Tom was very kind to him, and the qualification test was indeed voluntary on his own initiative. How can this new friend be blamed!

In terms of taking the blame, he is a professional in Fuman.

Raising his hand tremblingly, Fuman explained: "Well, the Sorcerer's Stone did respond just now, and..."

"To shut up!"

Shen Fei was furious, Fuman, a stupid pig, was sold and still helping to count the money, is this the time to take the blame?This kid is quite loyal, he has only known each other for a few minutes...

"The Philosopher's Stone has responded, why don't you say that you are unparalleled in talent?" Shen Fei cursed.

Fuman put his raised hand on the Sorcerer's Stone, and for a moment the crystal clear Sorcerer's Stone began to shine with dazzling light.

For a moment, nine colors shone together, and the entire college hall was illuminated like a disco...

Shen Fei was stunned.

Vice President Edward was stunned.

Archmage Jordan was also stunned.

No matter how stupid Shen Fei was, he knew that it was not normal for the magic stone to flicker like this.

Everyone was blinded by the nine colors of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black and white.Except for Shen Fei, all the magicians present, including the two deans, were trembling all over.


this is,


Nine levels of talent!

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (21/30)

(End of this chapter)

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