my pet is boss

Chapter 199 Whereabouts of Suit Materials

Chapter 199 Whereabouts of Suit Materials

Shen Fei left with Fuman and Fat Hu, and ended today's friendly exchange with satisfaction.When I left, I still had [-] gold coins on my body, and I felt very happy.

Archmage Jordan and Edward went all the way to the suspension bridge, watched the carriage completely leave before going back.

"Dean, is it really okay to do this? After all, the other party is the Zen son of the Wushu Temple." Edward hesitated, and the Zenzi meant that he was destined to become the head of the Wushu Temple in the future.Teaching all the magic of the Floating Void City to the leader of another faction, this approach feels like being an enemy.

Archmage Jordan didn't answer Edward directly, and stared at the suspension bridge for a long time before speaking: "Do you think the nine-fold talent, if the body of Faol doesn't learn magic, it won't be wasted?"

Edward was speechless, this is the same as sitting on a treasure mountain but not mining, guarding his own two acres of broken land to live every day.

"May I ask who doesn't want to meet a living Dharma God?"

"You have also seen his talent. No matter whether he is Shen Fei's servant or the head of the Wu Monk Temple, as long as he has magic, he will take care of the floating city."

In theory, Edward admits that this is indeed the best way.But logically speaking, he still dare not agree with Jordan's approach.After all, he is a person who regards magic as a belief, while Jordan simply regards magic as a powerful tool, and the two have completely different attitudes towards magic.

How can a person with martial arts Zen mind devote himself to the study of magic?

But Jordan didn't mind at all. After all, there was no conflict between having a Zen heart and learning powerful spells.

The windfall from the sky dilutes Shen Fei's disappointment that he can't find any clues.He is already ready to bring Fuman and Fat Hu to visit the Holy Light Cathedral tomorrow.

Shen Fei and Mailer still have a lot of topics to talk about.

After Shen Fei returned to the monastery, Edward came to the monastery in the afternoon with a miniature library that recorded all the magics of the Floating Void City. While telling Shen Fei how to use them, he also added spell restrictions to ensure that all the spells in the library were only for Shen Fei. can be read.

Shen Fei immediately went into the miniature library and took a look around. When he came out, he couldn't help feeling the courage of Archmage Jordan, and marveled at these powerful spells.He even saw a magic circle that would destroy the sky and destroy the earth. He only needed to draw a picture on the ground, and it could instantly collapse a city and destroy it in one fell swoop.

In reality, this is properly at the level of nuclear weapons.

It would be interesting if these things appeared in the trial!

The Monk Temple also has a similar big move, and the trial will definitely be a battle of gods.

Tomorrow, I will go to the Holy Light Cathedral to kick the hall, and it is estimated that I can collect a lot of money again.

"Fuman, we will go to the Holy Light Cathedral tomorrow, you must behave well!"

Shen Fei patted Fuman's shoulder, very satisfied.

It is also a Zen son and a nine-level talent, the body of Fa'ao. Shen Fei originally thought that the protagonist of this game would be Lucien, but now it seems that Fuman has definitely left.

If this variable of mine does not appear, then the bishop of the Holy Light Cathedral has successfully rebelled, and the entire Tuke County has fallen into a mountain of corpses and blood. Son of version.

Shen Fei had already made up the story, it was definitely such a process.

Fuman is a little confused, do you want to go to another family tomorrow?

Today, my high-profile made the young master angry and heartbroken, so when I go to the Holy Light Cathedral tomorrow, I will keep a low profile, low-key, low-key, and never cause trouble for the young master.

After Fuman and Fat Tiger left, Shen Fei continued to study the magic of the Floating Void City, striving to load all these magic skills into the trial as soon as possible.

Not long after, there was another knock on the door of the study.

After Shen Fei agreed, a black shadow came in along the crack of the door, as if a pool of black water had gathered on the ground.

Then Heishui gradually stood up and turned into a shadow.

Shen Fei's expression was quite strange: "This is not in action, just open the door and walk in freely, do you have to use the latent image technique?"

Shadow was silent for a moment, feeling a little pricked, and replied: "I'm used to seeing the cracks in the door, I never thought of pushing the door in."

Then Shadow put an envelope on the table: "Here is the information you asked the senior agent to look up, and all the information inside has been found out." After that, Shadow's expression was a little weird and indescribable.

"How should I put it, you'll know it after you've seen it."

Shen Fei opened the envelope, and he asked the senior agent to check the remaining materials needed for the "Wealth of the Holy Light Sect" suit, but he didn't expect to find something clueless so quickly.

Although the current MI[-] is riddled with holes, some basic investigations are still good.At least for the suit materials that had troubled Shen Fei for a long time, the clues were immediately available.

Looking at the contents of the letter, Shen Fei frowned more and more deeply, and then showed a look of astonishment when he saw the second page.

Putting down the two letters in his hand, Shen Fei couldn't help but let out a long sigh, sometimes fate is so wonderful, it always makes such jokes on people.

Who would have thought that Merovingia, who Shen Fei searched hard for but has not been found, turned out to be the chief alchemist of Tuke County!

Merovingia's deeds were also recorded in detail in his own information, after all, the smashing of the Holy City caused quite a stir back then.

Merovingia is a senior alchemist of the Royal Pharmacists Association. He is very talented and very popular in the Holy City. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the number one star of the Royal Pharmacists Association.It’s just that a honorable man died suddenly after taking the potion he prepared. Originally, according to the regulations, he was going to be imprisoned and executed. Just in time for the queen’s pregnancy, Lucian gave amnesty to the world, so he was exiled to Tuk County, the most remote northwest of the empire. Became an ordinary alchemist in the city.

If Shen Fei wanted to get the "Merovingia's Stabilizer", he would have to travel back and forth for half a month before returning to Tuk County to find the chief alchemist.

As for the other "Aiken's Memoirs", it is even more interesting.

After investigation by MI[-], it was found that a person named Aiken was actually the priest of the Holy Light Monastery.

It is even more interesting to know that the priests are second only to the bishops, especially the priests of the Holy City.

Then Shen Fei looked at the time, 40 years ago...

According to the investigation data, Aiken accompanied Archbishop Mailer and all other priests of the Holy Light Cathedral to the front line of Owendale to support.

The battle with the frost orcs turned the world upside down.

After returning, Aiken was registered as dead, but he was not included in the bodies of all the dead soldiers brought back for resettlement.

According to Archbishop Mailer, Aiken was torn to pieces by the Frost Orcs on the front line. His bones and flesh had been mixed in the ground, kneaded together with the severed limbs of other Frost and Frost Orcs, making it indistinguishable.

"One was demoted, and the other died in battle. It seems that tomorrow's Holy Light Cathedral is imperative."

(End of this chapter)

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