my pet is boss

Chapter 200 Supreme Elder, I want to try too!

Chapter 200 Supreme Elder, I want to try too!
After all, the name of the suit is "The Wealth of the Holy Light Sect", so how could it have nothing to do with the Holy Light Sect.

After Zhao Hao passed the Biohazard Trial, he has been guarding Shushan Square, waiting for other brothers to come out.

Zhao Hao is in a complicated mood, he really hopes that other senior brothers can pass the trial.But he knew that as the number of deaths increased, the strength of the tyrant would become stronger and stronger.Before, their progress was up to two floors, and this time they could see the tyrant amidst the growing monsters, which was a great challenge for them.

In the past, Zhao Hao would not have cared about the results of the other crane tails at all.

But entering the Biohazard Trial together, blood forged an alliance, the relationship between everyone became much closer in an instant, and they had a common language. At this moment, Zhao Hao hoped that there would be a second person to pass the trial.

It was not until the afternoon that Zhao Hao waited for the second inner disciple who came out.

A beam of light appeared on the square, and when the beam of light converged, a person knelt on the ground with a plop.

Zhao Hao ran over quickly with sharp eyes and hands: "Longlong, are you okay!"

Zhao Hao never expected that the second person who came out was his roommate Longlong.

In the process of Zhao Hao supporting Longlong, a picture scroll was suddenly pulled down from the cliff of Shushan Mountain. On it was the portrait of Longlong. It also recorded the name of Longlong and the number of challenges, 128 times.

The number of challenges is only ten times more than Zhao Hao, but the time is three hours longer than Zhao Hao!
"Longlong, why did it take you so long to use it 28 times?"

Longlong's face was pale, and he hadn't recovered from the aftermath of the battle.Longlong had already used up all the bullets, and avoided the tyrant's fist at the last moment. As a result, the guy's fist smashed the floor directly, and he fell down with the tyrant.In the air, the flexible and vigorous fat dragon rode directly on the tyrant's head, smashed the hammer with his fist, and finally smashed the tyrant's heart when he landed, successfully clearing the level.

Hearing Longlong's customs clearance process, Zhao Hao was also stunned.But if you think about it carefully, it's not luck.

After all, being able to kill the tyrant with nearly 30% strengthening is enough to reflect the strength of Longlong.

Helped Longlong to the rest area of ​​Shushan Square, only then did he gradually regain his blood color.

"Although the tyrant has been strengthened a lot, but his blood volume and attack have become stronger, but his speed has not increased. I rely on this, and I have been approaching him with flying eaves and walls. Every time I hit him on the head, I slowly grind to death. of."

Zhao Hao couldn't help being taken aback, he didn't expect that Longlong would think of using this method to kill the tyrant, but at the same time he was extremely surprised: "Didn't you be the bottom of the inner school in the assessment of flying over the roof last month?"

Longlong looked bitter: "Isn't this all for customs clearance? I heard you talk about the settings and data of the tyrant before. I thought about it and thought of such a way, but I haven't seen the tyrant so I don't know if it will work. I didn't expect Try it, it really works!"

In order to pass the test, a fat man who was at the bottom of the wall-walking assessment before can practice the wall-walking to the extreme. I am afraid that even Zhao Hao, who was the first to pass the test, dare not say that he can beat Longlong in the wall-walking test.

But again, Longlong couldn't compare to Zhao Hao in terms of sliding shooting and reaction.

The two waited until dusk and no one else came out. The longer the time, the more challenges there were, and the strength of the zombies also improved.If you can't keep up with the zombie's improvement speed, you will fall into a vicious circle. At that time, you will no longer break through the level, but simply be abused.It's cool to be abused for a while, and it's cool to be abused all the time.

Zhao Hao and Long Long returned to the dormitory to rest.Although the two successfully killed the tyrant and completed the challenge of the Resident Evil Trial, they summed it up and found that there are still many things that can be improved.

This is the characteristic of Resident Evil Trial, there are many ways to play, and there is not only one way to clear the level.

Zhao Hao cleared the level with a sniper rifle, and Long Long used his fists to clear the level. Maybe other people can develop a new method.

When it was time to rest at night, the other roommates came out of the trial one after another, staggered back to the dormitory and fell asleep.

Everyone saw the tyrant in this trial, but because of too many trials, the tyrant was extremely powerful, and it almost became a one-sided large-scale torture scene.

Everyone is struggling under the hands of the tyrant, trying various ways to break through, and as a result, more and more people die.In the end, he couldn't even see the face of the tyrant, and was killed by the enhanced licker as soon as he opened the door.

Zhao Hao and Longlong looked at each other, and decided not to disturb them, and wait until tomorrow when they wake up refreshed enough to ask questions.

In the early morning of the next day, everyone got up on time for morning class, and a group of people got together again.

The last time Sun Xing tried to teach Zhao Hao a lesson, he was suppressed by someone backhandedly. Now these disciples of the inner sect don't dare to trouble these troublemakers, so they can only let them discuss in the corner.

No one wants to be the second Sun Xing.

He is clearly one of the top ten inner sects, but his status has plummeted since he was defeated by Zhao Hao, and the disciples who used to fawn on him are gone, and some competitors even show playful looks.Who told him to try to show off his prestige, but he got himself into trouble.

"This trial is too difficult. The monsters will be strengthened after we die. In the end, I can't even go up to the second floor."

"Zhao Hao, Longlong, you two are still awesome. You have successfully challenged more than 100 times, and the portraits are all hung up. You two will be famous in the future!"

"Quickly tell me how you two cleared the level. Let's learn from the experience and strive for the next trial to pass the level."

Sun Xing looked at the heated discussion in the small group not far away. In the past, Zhao Hao and Longlong were completely bottomless motivators. When can they both teach others things endlessly?

Thinking of Zhao Haoxun's lightning strike last time, Sun Xing fell into silence.

Is the so-called Resident Evil Trial really that powerful?
In just a few days, these crane tails have undergone earth-shaking changes.Although Sun Xing couldn't see anything, these people used to be mentally sluggish and their eyes were empty and aimless, but now all of them are shining with light. This is the biggest change.

After finishing the morning class, Sun Xing secretly came to the Dreaming Zen Realm, and saw the majestic and domineering Mount Shu, as well as the portraits of Zhao Hao and Xiaolong on the cliff of the first trial.

"You can rank first with more than 100 challenges, and only two of fifty people pass the level." Sun Xing felt a little disdainful in his heart. It might only take a few times for him to clear the level. It's like a compliment, more like a "humiliating".

"I want to see what is in this trial."

Sun Xing then came to Xiaozhuxuan, knelt at the door and begged to see Shen Fei, expressing his strong desire to participate in the trial.

These words were conveyed by Fuman, and Fuman also talked about the grievances between Sun Xing and Zhao Hao, as well as the level of this guy in the inner sect.Shen Fei studied the magic skills sent by the great mage in the study, and thought for a while after hearing it.Now that inner sect disciples have passed the Resident Evil Trial, since other disciples are also interested, it is entirely possible for them to experience the revolutionary trial.

"Since his will is very strong, let him sign this disclaimer, and then he can enter the trial."

When Sun Xing accepted the disclaimer from Fuman, he had the idea of ​​quitting immediately, because the statement was too horrible.

What mental disorder, Dao heart collapse, these are the most basic.

In severe cases, it may also cause complete loss of power and become a disabled person.

It doesn't look like a trial by any means.

(End of this chapter)

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