my pet is boss

Chapter 202 You Can Believe This!

Chapter 202 You Can Believe This!

All the inner disciples are gearing up for tomorrow's monthly exam.

Shen Fei continued to bury his head in his study to do his scientific research, and now he discovered a problem, that is, the magician's skills are more than twice as much as those of the Monk Temple.

Shen Fei frowned slightly: "This is not possible. The Master Academy has always had mages creating spells, and the Zen Academy is all following the old rules. The gap will only become bigger and bigger in the future."

Development is the last word, and sticking to the rules can only be abandoned by the times.

Shen Fei thought over and over again, and finally decided to load all the skills of the Philosopher's Stone into the trial.There is no need to deliberately reduce the magician's skills for the sake of so-called balance, and set it to the same number as the Monk Temple.

Shen Fei just wanted to tell the monks in the monastery plainly that we can't compare with others in the number of skills!Other mages are stronger than your monks!If you want to shorten the gap, try to find ways to innovate. If you can't keep up with the times, you will be eliminated.

Shen Fei didn't want the Monk Temple to be full of flowers in the greenhouse.Shen Fei didn't know about the other monks, but he was sure that the disciples who had gone to the Shushan Trial would definitely not be!

Escaping can't solve any problems. During the trial, Shen Fei can balance several major professions, but in the future when he fights against people outside, the enemy doesn't care whether they are balanced or not, big fists are king.

It took another day to work hard, Shen Fei counted the time in order to ensure that tomorrow's trip to the Holy Light Cathedral would go offline early.

After getting up the next day, Fat Tiger and Fu Man were already waiting in the pavilion of Xiaozhuxuan.

Seeing that Shen Fei came to visit other forces in the past few days after taking office, the three elders couldn't find a reason to be idle, and unexpectedly went to work every day to answer questions for the elite disciples, which led to a positive trend in the Zen Academy.

Shen Fei's carriage arrived at the Holy Light Cathedral, and before he got off the carriage, he heard the welcoming priests singing hymns of light.

Old Mailer personally greeted him at the door with his staff in both hands. The welcoming ceremony was grand and solemn.

If the Holy Light Monastery in Tuk County is already a huge building complex, then the Holy Light Monastery in the holy city of Xiongdu in front of you is the Tuk County Monastery magnified ten times.

They are all typical Gothic buildings. The tip of the building seems to pierce the sky, giving people the illusion of being extremely magnificent and needing to look up.

Fat Tiger found a garden to eat deer legs on his own again. Recently, the holy city imported a batch of high-quality Seria ham, and Fat Tiger spent a lot of money to buy a few.With the beautiful scenery in front of you, with rattan rocking chairs and Seria ham, it is simply a great enjoyment for you.

Fuman followed Shen Fei obediently today, keeping a low profile.If you don't pay attention, you will even ignore his existence.

Shen Fei and old Mailer came to the living room of the Holy Light Cathedral to chat, and Mailer's topic gradually shifted to Shen Fei, and finally asked directly: "Can Elder Shen tell you about the rebellion at the Holy Light Monastery in Tuk County in detail. "

Mailer learned about it from Grand Duke Ferdinand, but Consul Reid did not describe the cause and effect of the incident in detail in his letter, but only boasted of his knowledge of people and Shen Fei's bravery.

Shen Fei was in contact with people first-hand, so Mailer wanted to know the details.

But after Shen Fei narrated, Archbishop Mailer fell into silence.

He didn't expect that Void would be involved in this matter, and he didn't expect that his disciple even sewed himself and the spider monster together in order to gain strength.

"Hey, after the disappearance of His Majesty the King, the empire's control over the territory has been weak. This is still the case in Tuk County, and other places can be imagined."

Afterwards, under Mailer's explanation, Shen Fei knew the identity of the colossal creature that the Spider Queen saw in the void of the universe at that time - the demon god from the void dimension.

The Void lives by devouring planets. The countless Void armies all exist in another dimension. They cannot come directly, but they can bewitch the local power of the planet, infect them, and make them serve the Void.

After a certain amount of void power has been accumulated, the void army can only be summoned with destruction as a sacrifice.

After completely devouring a planet, they will look for the next infection target with endless hunger and thirst.For the Void, their purpose is to swallow all the living planets in the universe, and bring all the planets in the real dimension under the Void.

Void is very smart. At the beginning, it chose Tuk County, which is the weakest in governance, which is the westernmost point of the entire northern continent, and even the human empire itself is beyond its reach.He also wisely controlled the strange fish and squid in the water first, so that the news could not be transmitted, completely isolating Touk County.The Bishop is then given time to sink under the power of the Void.

If it weren't for the variables of Shen Fei and the players, I am afraid that the void will really rise and gain a firm foothold on the most northwest border of the human empire.

Shen Fei felt more and more that the background of the whole game was starting to advance. The leaders of several major races either retreated or disappeared inexplicably. Is this making way for Fuman, the son of destiny?

As the old saying goes, the old king is dead, and the new king shall be established.

Fuman appeared with the task of creating a new pattern.

"Old Mei, do you know where you can get something like pure holy light energy?" Shen Fei changed the topic very bluntly, simple and rude, anyone could hear the meaning of need.

Mailer glanced at Shen Fei, and suddenly stretched out his palm, all the power of the holy light around him gathered in the palm of his hand, and all the light gradually converged and condensed, turning into a shining solid.

"Is this pure holy light energy?"

Mailer reached out and handed the pure holy light energy to Shen Fei, and Shen Fei stretched out his hands to receive it, but the energy gradually melted and dissipated in Shen Fei's hands, and flowed away from his fingers. No matter how hard Shen Fei tried, he couldn't grasp it. disappear into the invisible.


"As long as you reach the priest level, you can condense pure holy light energy. But this kind of holy light energy can only circulate among people who believe in holy light. For those who don't believe in holy light, it is impossible to master this kind of energy .”

The answer is obvious, because Shen Fei is a hunter, so there is no way to pick up pure holy light energy.

Shen Fei lowered his head and hesitated for a moment and said, "Lao Mei, do you have anything in the Holy Light Cathedral that can test the Holy Light's qualifications?"

Mailer froze for a moment, a little puzzled.Could it be that this holy light energy is very important to Shen Fei?For this reason, do you have to change your beliefs and believe in the Holy Light?

"The holy light is a person's belief, and there is no qualification to test the holy light. As long as you believe in the holy light sincerely, he will appear on you."

Shen Fei was silent, and if he wanted to say something that he believed in sincerely, it was only money.

It would be great if money can also be believed in, and when you think about money, you will automatically have money, then Shen Fei can definitely become the richest man.

Shen Fei had no choice but to pin his hopes on Fuman, and patted him on the shoulder: "Fuman, do you believe in the Holy Light?"

Fuman looked bewildered and asked him to be a Zen disciple before, to practice Zen mind.He was asked to learn magic yesterday, why would he believe in the Holy Light in a blink of an eye today?

Suddenly Fuman suddenly realized that this was the young master's test for him!

What the young master said in Floating Void City yesterday vaguely lingered in my ears, I should keep a low profile, guard against arrogance and impetuosity!
Fuman shook his head frantically: "I don't believe it!"

At this moment, Shen Fei felt as if he had eaten a cow dung egg, choking in panic.

"This is believable!"

Fuman was even more convinced that this was the young master's test for him, shaking his head like a rattle: "I really don't believe this!"

(End of this chapter)

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