my pet is boss

Chapter 203 Don't Ask, Asking is the Son of Light

Chapter 203 Don't Ask, Asking is the Son of Light
Shen Feiqi's hands were trembling, why is Fuman so blank, didn't you see that he is in need of someone who can grasp the holy light?Not to mention standing up and taking the initiative at this kind of juncture, but still refusing, what use is it for me to have this servant?

Mailer saw that this pair of master and servant was interesting, and smiled slightly: "Elder Shen, the Holy Light is not something you can just believe in, you must have an extremely pious heart, a peace-loving and light-loving heart, The cathedral has repeatedly asked in front of the ancestors of the Holy Light, and it is possible to be favored by the Holy Light. You must know that there are more than ten million believers in the Holy Light of the Empire, and only ten thousand can summon and use the Holy Light. This is both a blessing and a talent .”

"What's more, Zenzi has already believed in Zen Buddhism, and has an exquisite heart towards Zen. No matter what he does, it is impossible to get the favor of the Holy Light."

The speaker had no intention of listening, Shen Fei immediately pinched the back of Fuman Destiny, turned around and said: "Where is Senior Shengguang, quickly take me there to have a look."

Shen Fei was extremely determined, and Mailer shook his head helplessly. It seemed that Shen Fei still had to try before he would give up, so he stood up with his staff: "Then I will take Elder Shen to visit the chapel."

Fuman was like a bastard who had been turned upside down, struggling with all four limbs but unable to escape the young master's clutches.

Fuman wanted to say that he is now a Zen son anyway, and he also wants to save face when people come and go along the way, let him go by himself.

It's just that no matter what he said, Shen Fei pretended not to hear it, this kid's wings were hardened, he dared to question his order, and now he even started to bargain.

Really, it really chilled Shen Fei.

In the Holy Light Chapel, there are many disciples of the Holy Light kneeling down to pray for the heroes. When they suddenly saw the Archbishop and Elder Shen approaching, they all got up in a panic and prepared to salute.

Mailer raised his hand to let the crowd continue, ignoring them.

Just facing the Archbishop and Elder Shen, how could these disciples of Shengguang be indifferent.

Especially Shen Fei, who had a lot of rumors, became the focus of all Shengguang's disciples at this moment, and they were all secretly looking at this rather legendary martial monk and the Supreme Elder of the Buddhist Monastery.

There are many statues standing in front of the Holy Light Chapel. Judging from their clothes and costumes, they are all priests and paladins.

Shen Fei let go of Fuman and coaxed: "Fuman, come and believe in the Holy Light."

Fuman was extremely wronged, he was dragged by Shen Fei all the way, and now he was forced to believe in the Holy Light.

Forced by Shen Fei's lustful power, Fuman almost cried out, but at this moment he suddenly realized that this must be the young master testing him.

Yesterday, the young master taught him a lesson called being modest and low-key. Today's drama of believing in the Holy Light is very similar to yesterday's talent test at the Master Academy.Yesterday, he was scolded bloody by the young master for being in the limelight, and today he will definitely not be in the limelight again.Young master, this must be testing whether he has a long memory.

Fuman thought he had discovered the truth, and he was secretly delighted, but he was even more reluctant in his mouth.

"Fuman's talent is dull, I'm afraid I can't believe in the Holy Light, so I won't make a fool of myself, so as not to tarnish this holy chapel."

Fuman was also complacent about his rhetoric. This kind of modesty was truly passed down by the young master, and it would definitely satisfy the young master.

When Shen Fei heard these words, he was so angry that his blood pressure shot up all of a sudden, and he even felt his eyes go dark.Fuman is against him, right?
The old Mailer on the side simply turned around and pretended not to see it, and the other disciples of Shengguang hurriedly lowered their heads and closed their eyes to meditate, pretending not to know anything.

"Fuman, sometimes you can trust me, remember what I said yesterday that you don't overwhelm yourself with too many skills?" Shen Fei's veins were already bulging, and he patted Fuman's shoulder lightly, trying his best to restrain his emotions.

Seeing that the young master's expression didn't look like it was staged, Fuman panicked, did he really misunderstand the meaning?

"This, can you believe it?" Fuman asked cautiously.

Shen Fei nodded firmly, why is this guy so stubborn?Sure enough, God gave him the best talent, but also left him with some shortcomings. Fuman's emotional intelligence is about zero.

Fuman believed that the young master was telling the truth, but there was still some mistrust in his eyes. What if this was fishing?

"Then let me try?"

Shen Fei nodded hurriedly, hurry up and try it, otherwise he will die on the spot.

Old Mailer suppressed a smile. This pair of master and servant was really interesting, and the conversation was quite joyful. His words seemed to regard the holy light as melon seeds on the ground, which could be picked up by bending over.You must know that among the three major forces, the holy light is the most difficult to grasp, which also leads to very few people who can truly practice the holy light.If it weren't for the huge faith base, I am afraid that the number of people in the Holy Light Cathedral can only be the bottom among the three major forces.

Magic talent, as long as you can detect it, no matter whether it is the first level or the second level, you can practice the corresponding elemental magic.

Whether it is affinity for fire element, water element, or other elements, as long as there is an affinity for one element, one can practice magic.But the Holy Light is different. There is only one kind of Holy Light. You need your unwavering, unshakable faith and talent to get the response of the Holy Light and truly become a servant of the Holy Light and an apprentice of the Holy Light.

How could it be possible to just believe in the Holy Light and give back?

Some of the other disciples of the Holy Light in the chapel pinched their own necks, fearing that they would annoy Shen Fei by laughing out loud, but they pinched themselves so red that they almost died.

"Then young master, let me believe it today. Don't be angry, let alone pinch my neck." Fuman protected his three-fold nape of fat with both hands, and looked at Shen Fei vigilantly.

"Are you going to piss me off to give up!" Shen Fei scolded.

Fuman didn't dare to bargain, he could see that the young master was really angry this time.Without further ado, he fell to his knees on the ground, clasped his hands together: "Holy Light, Holy Light, please show up quickly, my young master is really angry, if you don't come out, I will die..."

Listening to Fuman's absurd words, Old Mailer couldn't help laughing, trembling all over, and finally all the laughter turned into a violent cough.For a while, the Holy Light Chapel was filled with the sound of coughing one after another.If outsiders don't know, they would think that there have been frequent flu outbreaks recently.

In the past, these disciples of the Holy Light would probably rush forward. Fuman's words can no longer be said to be pious, they are completely polluting the Holy Light.

But Fuman's identity is the Zen son of the Wu Monk Temple, so naturally he doesn't need to believe in the Holy Light. There is nothing defiled or disrespectful when he says these words, but it is definitely a shame to use these words to summon the Holy Light. impossible.

Mailer also thinks the same way. They dedicate their whole lives to the Holy Light, and only believe in the Holy Light in their lives, so they are favored and blessed by the Holy Light.

Fuman's words were more like a child's play, and even said the young master was angry.

Shen Fei's face was completely darkened.

This stupid pig, wouldn't he say something else!
At this moment, a beam of light was cast from the dome of the Holy Light Chapel, covering exactly where Fuman was kneeling.

In the next second, the heroic spirit sculptures condensed dots of holy light, and the holy light condensed into translucent heroic spirit phantoms, walking towards Fuman kindly one by one...

 I forgot to post yesterday's list of winners
  Starting point: Karot No1, "Before I Get Old I|", Xingyu Xinghai

  Button reading: face the heart bravely put on women's clothing, face the heart bravely put on women's clothing, face the heart bravely put on women's clothing
  Please award-winning readers to join the group and find the management to receive red envelopes. The group number is at the end of the introduction on the novel’s homepage

(End of this chapter)

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