my pet is boss

Chapter 204

Chapter 204

"Wow, what a ghost!" Fuman cried out in fright when he saw so many translucent phantoms walking towards him.

Old Mailer and the disciples of the Holy Light are all stunned, so they can all get feedback from the Holy Light Heroic Spirit?Is it a little too casual?
Moreover, he even regarded all the heroes of the Holy Light as ghosts. Have you ever seen such a golden ghost full of righteousness?
"Child, don't be afraid, we have received the will of the Holy Light to guide you..." The leader's tone was kind, and the voice of the heroic spirit echoed throughout the chapel.

Old Mailer bowed slightly. The heroic spirit who spoke just now was really the first priest who founded the Holy Light Cathedral, and also the first holy priest in human history to communicate with the Holy Light.

"Meile, did you bring this child here?" The archbishop of the previous generation couldn't help asking when he saw Meile, his eyes filled with relief.It was true that he passed the position of archbishop to Mailer at that time. He actually succeeded in bringing the Son of Light to the chapel.

Mailer was a little terrified, and even the previous archbishop spoke. It seems that Fuman's talent for holy light is really incredible.

Mailer bowed slightly, and still told the truth: "This child is the Zen son of the Monk Monastery, and the next dean of the Monk Monastery will come to the cathedral as a guest with the Supreme Elder of the Monk Monastery."

Hearing that it was the Zen son of the Wu Monk Zen Academy, the disappointment on the faces of all the heroes was beyond words. They are all in charge of the Holy Light Cathedral in the past. Naturally, they don't want such blessings to fall into the hands of an outsider, let alone a Wu Monk. The Zen son of the Zen garden.

"Hey, there are definite fates. Since this little guy's desire for the Holy Light is so sincere, and the source of the Holy Light personally guides us to bless us, no matter how regretful we are, we still have to do it."

Fuman was still very scared, a group of ghostly old men suddenly surrounded him, no one would think it was a good thing.

Looking back, he pitifully asked for Shen Fei's opinion, but Shen Fei naturally ignored it.

Even the heroic spirits of the chapel have been summoned. It seems that Fuman's talent for holy light is extremely high.

These disciples of the Holy Light are all believers recognized by the Holy Light. At that time, only a ray of Holy Light entered their bodies from their heads, and they have since gained the ability to request the Holy Light.Fuman just knelt down casually and said something that made people laugh, but in the end it attracted such a big gesture, the gap is really too big...

Mailer is a person who has seen the world. When he obtained the power of the Holy Light, he was guided by two heroic spirits. Therefore, he was regarded by the Cathedral of the Holy Light as a gifted person and his future appointed successor.

Fuman's casual kneeling and casual words attracted all the heroic spirits to guide him.

To be honest, all of Shengguang's compulsion is gone!

It looked as if Shengguang couldn't wait to welcome Fuman.

All the heroic spirits surrounded Fuman, and each raised a finger to point at Fuman.The oldest among them, the human priest who was the first to be recognized by the Holy Light, opened the Holy Word: "The night will last forever, and the stars will dim. Son of Destiny, the Holy Light is immortal."

"You, Sam Sean, the Son of the Holy Light, the Leader of the Holy Light, and the Spokesperson of the Holy Light."

Shen Fei was stupefied, he gave his status as long as he gave it, why did he say so many criticisms?He actually told Fuman's real name.

Shen Fei is now thinking about setting fire to the cathedral. The reason for Xiao En's death has not yet been found out, but this heroic spirit actually revealed Fu Man's full name. It is really MMP!
Mailer was puzzled when he heard the name at first. Isn't Chanzi's name Fuman? Why did he become Sam Sean in Yingling's mouth.

The first half of the name didn't seem to be worth paying attention to. When the surname Sean came out, Mailer froze for a moment.

The name Sean has a special meaning in the Holy City. Combined with Fuman's age, Mailer suddenly had a bold guess.

Looking at Shen Fei with puzzled eyes, but feeling the sharp killing intent from Shen Fei, Mailer immediately had an answer in his heart.

Fuman is the son of Xiao En, the former chief of MI[-].

Mailer pursed his lips, he wished he didn't know the news.Since Shen Fei chose to hide this from everyone at the beginning, there must be his considerations.Knowing other people's secrets somehow, or from the mouth of the first archbishop, does this count as being tricked by the patriarch?
Because of the identity of Xiao En's heir, Mailer even ignored Fuman's identity as the Son of Light bestowed by the Holy Light.

Shen Fei memorized the sixteen words firmly.

The night is eternal, the stars dim.Child of Destiny, Holy Light is Immortal.

This seems to be a prophecy, does it mean that disaster will happen to the whole continent and fall into eternal night?
And Fuman is the son of destiny, leading all human beings to the light?
All the heroic spirits condensed into holy light, and sprinkled it on Fuman through the pointed arm.Immediately after, golden lines appeared on Fuman's skin, even the mature and prudent Mailer couldn't help but gasp at this moment.

"This is the brand of the holy light, and it is the blessing and blessing of all the spirits in the chapel."

Fuman's whole body was painted with holy light marks, his whole body was suspended in the air with his feet off the ground, he looked majestic, at this moment he was the absolute protagonist in the chapel, and even Shen Fei's light was taken away.

But Shen Fei has no jealousy, the stronger Fuman is, the happier he is.

The holy light gradually dissipated, and the brand of holy light on Fuman's body was also slowly released, dissipating on the skin, as if it had never appeared before.

After landing on the ground, Fuman checked his body in a panic to see if he had lost any parts or the like.

The heroic spirit vanished into thin air, and the disciples of Shengguang blew up the pot with one blow, discussing in a hurry.

The Zen son from the monk's monastery, after begging casually, turned out to be the son of the holy light?

This, is there any reason!

Shen Fei quickly walked in front of Mailer, and said in a low voice: "Fuman's identity must be kept secret. If there is any leak, the Holy City will never have the Holy Light Cathedral!"

Shen Fei was really angry now, there are so many disciples of Shengguang, if something leaked out of their mouths, Fuman's safety would not be guaranteed.

Shadow has not found out the black hand who killed Xiao En more than ten years ago, and now even Fuman has been exposed...

Although Fuman is often with Shen Fei, but he still has six hours of offline time every day, it is impossible to keep an eye on Fuman all the time, as long as there is a mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

Mailer didn't expect Shen Fei to be so stubborn, directly threatening to wipe out the power of the Holy Light of the Human Empire.

If it were someone else, Mailer might just smile and wouldn't take it seriously, but who is Shen Fei!Maybe this guy really has a way...

Mailer wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and said with a sneer: "Elder Shen, don't scare me as an old man, leave this matter to me!"

Mailer felt uncomfortable too, the first patriarch cheated on me!
Gathering together all the disciples of the holy light in the chapel, Mailer repeatedly emphasized that no disclosure was allowed. Just as the apprentices nodded repeatedly, a bright holy light burst out from Mailer's staff, flashing across all the apprentices in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, Shen Fei saw that the apprentice's eyes changed from serious and excited to dull and dazed, as if he hadn't realized what happened yet.

Shen Fei was startled, amnesiac?

 Today's winners list:
  Starting point: a cute duck, a cute duck
  Quick reading: Erase the lower limit and let the soul fly freely, erase the lower limit and let the soul fly freely

  Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (22/30)

(End of this chapter)

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