my pet is boss

Chapter 205

Chapter 205 Decathlon
Shen Fei carefully observed the eyes of the disciples of Shengguang, the clarity did not seem to be fake.

With so many people losing their memory at the same time, even if they were acting, there would be very few people showing flaws, but Shen Fei didn't notice anyone with erratic eyes, so it must be true.

The effect of Mailer's spell is even stronger than the amnestic pen inside the man in black, and it is released directly on a group of Holy Light disciples...

Shen Fei couldn't help shivering, the old man looked sick and weak, but in fact he was terrifyingly powerful!
Shen Fei secretly reminded himself that he must wear a pair of sunglasses when he meets Mailer next time, and beware of this old boy at all times.

and many more!

Shen Fei's eyes suddenly brightened, he must let Fuman learn this trick!After learning, no matter who you borrow money from, your memory will be erased after you borrow it. Wouldn't it be a business without money, and you will never get back the loan?This is the way to make money!
Knowing the importance of this matter, Mailer returned to Fei Shen on crutches: "Elder Shen, do you think this is okay?"

Shen Fei is the most reasonable person, he prides himself on convincing people with virtue, and he is no longer angry when he sees Mailer's deeds: "I didn't expect the archbishop to have this kind of magic. Anyway, if he can run away, the monk can't escape the temple. If there are three long and two short, it must be the news leaked by your Holy Light Cathedral."

Mailer originally thought that the matter could be resolved properly, but the smile on his face froze when he heard Shen Fei's words.

The King of Hell is good to see, but the little devil is difficult to deal with.

Having offended a God of Plague like Shen Fei, it seems that life will be difficult in the future.

It was only at this time that Mailer realized that Fuman not only successfully obtained the approval of the Holy Light, but also received the guidance of the sages of the Holy Light Cathedral and the blessing and blessing of the source of the Holy Light.

This is the Son of the Holy Light appointed by the Holy Light, who will appear in the future!

Mailer is a bit messy, some people have been kneeling down for many years, and only get a little feedback from the Holy Light after being extremely devout.And some people just thought about it casually, and didn't even hold a pious heart at all, and the holy light poured it all over their heads, as if they were afraid that the other party would go back on their word.

Shengguang, who has always been aloof and cold, has no compulsion and posture at all when facing Fuman.

Mailer has mixed feelings in his heart, and the child of the Holy Light who has been recognized by the source of the Holy Light has a bright future.It can be said that he is the most talented person in the Holy Light Cathedral for hundreds of years. If he teaches carefully, he can definitely become the most powerful person in the history of Holy Light.But Fuman's identity is the Zen son of the Wu Monk Temple, and he will inherit the lineage of the Wu Monk Temple in the future...

Mailer was caught in a tangle, but his eyes lit up after a while.

If you let go of the Holy Son who is favored by the Holy Light, I am afraid that the Holy Light will directly abandon him in a fit of anger.

Just when Mailer was struggling just now, he could even feel the departure of the Holy Light.If he really dared to make this decision, Shengguang would really abandon him.

Betrayed by the first Patriarch and rejected by the Holy Light, Mailer felt that he was being blackmailed.

But who stipulated that if you inherit the Monk Temple, you cannot inherit the Holy Light Cathedral?
If he cultivated the Holy Son well, maybe a hundred years later he would arrive in the Land of Holy Light and still have a medal of meritorious service.

"Elder Shen, there is something we can discuss." Old Mailer couldn't help but bend a little bit, and looked a little older.

But this kind of cover-up has no effect on the "hard-hearted" Shen Fei. Shen Fei already knows what Mailer is going to say, so he raises his hand and speaks frankly: "The scholarship is 7 gold coins for one semester, dinner is included, and the class should not exceed three hours a day. The time is from 9:[-] to [-]:[-] in the evening, and you can ask for leave at any time if you have something to do."

This price is a strong buy and sell.But if Mailer can't find a way, the money will definitely be paid, but it's just a matter of time to see if he can get more.

"Elder Shen, can this time be extended a bit, for example, from 3 pm to 9 pm, including afternoon tea and dinner."

Shen Fei was furious: "Old Mei, what do you think of me, Shen Fei? The afternoon time has already been sold to Archmage Jordan. Fuman is a nine-level talent, and the body of Fa'ao, Jordan is willing to spend another ten thousand Gold coins buy Fuman's night time."

Mailer has been thoroughly messed up.

The son of Xiao En, the master of intelligence, is now the Zen son of the Wu Monk Temple. He also possesses the nine-level talent that mages dream of, the body of Fa Ao, and is now the holy son appointed by the Holy Light. Did this guy save the entire universe in his previous life?
Mailer has been completely discouraged, three hours is only three hours, with Fuman's current perfect talent, Jordan is really willing to pay another [-] gold coins in exchange for Fuman's three hours.

Without further ado, Mailer wrote Shen Fei a check for [-] gold coins, which can be cashed in all banks in the empire, for fear that Shen Fei would sit on the ground and raise the price or go back on his word.

Shen Fei scoffed at Mailer's approach, is he the kind of person who doesn't believe what he says?

The most important thing in doing business is of course a letter!There is no trust.

Before Fuman could react, he had already been sold by his young master.It's not the kind of package sale of the whole head, it's partly sold by time.

Shen Fei handed over the check to Fuman, and now he has [-] gold coins in his hand.

"Archbishop, because of Fuman's relationship, our relationship is getting closer. I still have a business here to discuss with you. I don't know if you are interested..."

The business that Shen Fei wants to discuss is naturally the trial of Lameler joining the group.

All the three major forces have joined, and the trial will be made public at that time, and they can make a lot of money by selling tens of thousands of tickets.

What's more, this trial has advantages and no disadvantages, so a fool refuses it.

When Mailer heard about Shen Fei's business, he subconsciously began to pretend to be old: "Ahem, cough, I am old, so let's forget about these businesses?" Mailer was really scared, and he must not be cheated when doing business with Shen Fei. To the life can not take care of themselves.It's not easy for him to save a little pension money, but he doesn't want the money to be gone before he is retired.

Hey, what a fool.

Shen Fei felt rather regretful: "Since the archbishop has made up his mind, forget it, we will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future."

Shen Fei didn't say much, since Mailer didn't participate.When he wants to participate in the future, it will be called a sponsorship fee!
Sure enough, people should retire when they are old, and it is no good to occupy the position of archbishop all the time.Every decision made is related to the future development of the cathedral. If you are not careful, you will miss the development opportunity and be left far behind.

Shen Fei chatted with Mailer for a few more words, and Shen Fei suddenly asked: "Did there used to be a priest named Aiken in the Holy Light Cathedral?"

Mailer's eyes were blank for a moment, and then he nodded awkwardly and said, "He is my favorite student, but he died in the Battle of Owendale, and there is no body left. How did Elder Shen know about Aiken?"

Although Mailer tried his best to cover it up, Shen Fei still saw some clues from his flickering eyes.

"It turns out that he is still your favorite student. I saw it by accident when I was looking through the information of MI[-]. After all, the corpses of all the warriors who went to the Holy Light Cathedral were transported back for burial, but this Aiken had no bones, so I just remembered it." Living."

(End of this chapter)

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