my pet is boss

Chapter 206 The New Saint

Chapter 206 The New Saint
Shen Fei's words brought Mailer back to the battlefield 40 years ago.

The Battle of Owendale, the battle for the destiny of mankind.

Without any allies, you can only rely on yourself.If you win, you will establish the position of human beings in the northern continent. If you lose, you will be wiped out by the frost orcs, and the lives will be ruined.

It was an extremely tragic battle. Both sides invested more than 20 troops, and none of the ten came back alive.

40 years ago, Mailer had just become the archbishop of the Cathedral of the Holy Light. Aiken was the most talented student under Mailer. At the age of 20, when others were just getting in touch with the Holy Light, he had already become a member of the Cathedral of the Holy Light. Priest.

Aiken's Holy Light talent is very high, and Mailer has great expectations for him. He may become the youngest bishop in the history of the Holy Light Sect, or even the youngest archbishop.

"Aiken is a very talented young man. He has become the priest of the Holy Light Cathedral at the age of 20. I have even decided to appoint him as the heir to the archbishop after returning from the Battle of Owendale. Who would have thought that he would not come back alive." Mei There is still sadness in Le's eyes, and there is inexplicable grief in his heart when he thinks of Aiken's death.

"He died right in front of me. I saw with my own eyes that the frost orc warlock hit him with vicious magic. The Holy Light failed to bless him. The curse penetrated his body, and his bones and flesh burst and scattered all over the ground. Originally, I planned to collect his body after the war and take it back to the cemetery behind the cathedral for burial. But when I returned to the land where I fought after the war, there were bones and remains everywhere, rotten flesh and dirt, and it was completely dead. I couldn’t tell which ones were the remains of Aiken and which were the remains of the frost orcs, so I had no choice but to set them on fire.”

"If he is not dead, then he should be the archbishop now, and I can retire with peace of mind."

With tears in his eyes, Mailer led Shen Fei to the backyard of the chapel.

This is the cemetery where the Warriors of the Holy Light who died in the Battle of Owendale were buried. In addition to the tombstone, there is also a striking statue in the cemetery, with the words "Memorial Aiken" written on the base.

"Because the body couldn't be found, even the tombstone couldn't be erected, so we had to use sculpture instead."

Looking at the handsome face of the man in the statue, Shen Fei could vaguely see Aiken's demeanor back then.

It is indeed a pity that he was so talented and died young.

"Then did he leave any relics?" Shen Fei was still not reconciled, since the system provided the materials for this suit, there must be a way to find it.

With the "fair and just" nature of the system, the suit effect is directly proportional to the difficulty of material collection.Now it even involves the great war 40 years ago, and as an ordinary player, this step is completely out of reach, the effect of the final suit must be amazing.

Mailer shook his head helplessly: "As the rising star of the Holy Light Cathedral, everyone is ready to die, but no one thought that Aiken, who is a priest, would not come back..."

Shen Fei fell into a strange circle.

Since Aiken's memoirs are included in the materials given by the system, this thing must exist.

Mailer said there are no relics, so there are only two possibilities.He really doesn't know where Aiken left his memoirs or notes, and the second possibility is that Mailer is lying.

Facing an old man who could erase his memory at will and lived to be 90 or [-] years old, Shen Fei had no way to confirm the truth with him, so he could only investigate and confirm these things by himself.

"Does the archbishop still remember the place where Aiken died in battle?"

Mailer didn't know why Shen Fei was always curious about Aiken, but he still said clearly: "North of Owendale, next to the Lake of Immortality in the Frost Orc territory, which is what we commonly call the Fountain of Youth."

Fountain of youth.

Shen Fei had confirmed the Fountain of Youth with Fat Hu before, but he did not expect that Aiken's clues would gradually gather here.It seems that Chen Fei, the Fountain of Youth of the Frost Cold Orcs, is imperative.

However, Shen Fei would not rashly rush over with Fat Tiger, after all, it was thousands of kilometers away, and it would take half a month to go back and forth.It's not too late to wait for him to stabilize the situation in the Holy City before setting off.

Shen Fei and Mailer exchanged a few more pleasantries, and took time to end today's visit with Fuman.

I have achieved my goal today, and there is no need to waste time when I get the check, so I should go back as soon as possible to get the trial out.

Before Shen Fei left, Mailer couldn't help but remind him that he hoped that Chanzi would come to the Holy Light Cathedral to receive the baptism of the Holy Light tomorrow.

"No problem, don't worry, I, Shen Fei, always put reputation first when doing business. Besides, this business will not only be done for one semester, how could I miss the appointment."

The corners of Mailer's mouth twitched a little, he dared to think that Shen Fei really used Fuman as a business.Yesterday I went to the Floating Void City to make a fortune, and today I came to the Holy Light Cathedral, so do I have to go to the Imperial Bank tomorrow?
The old guy Mailer was also sluggish, and before he left, he reminded Shen Fei: "Elder Shen, if you want to cash the check, it is recommended to go to the Imperial Bank, their speed and service are the best."

Shen Fei suddenly realized that Margaret's office was on the top floor of the Empire State Building where the Imperial Bank was located.Then cashing the check tomorrow and revealing the talent can be done together.

But soon Shen Fei realized that the old boy Mailer reminded him that he was also uneasy and kindly preparing to drag everyone into trouble.

Watching the carriage going away from the Zen courtyard, Mailer stopped in front of the church for a long time.

With the heart of a Zen child, the ninefold talent, the body of Fa Ao, and the son of the Holy Light, Fuman is a new saint appointed by God.

It's a pity that this guy followed Shen Fei wholeheartedly, it seems that he will have some worries in the future.

If it's that kind of thoughtful person, it's okay to say that Shen Fei's chat is basically the kind of tearing off the coat and directly talking to you.If there is anything you want to know, you don't hide it at all, just ask it directly, this kind of straightforward way of chatting makes these old guys who are used to charades completely overwhelmed.

But that was exactly what Mailer was worried about.

It was too easy for Shen Fei to be seen through. He had only known Shen Fei for a few days and he could basically sum up Shen Fei's character, and the shortcoming was quite obvious - love of money.

It's good to be a friend and a comrade in the trenches like this, without any scheming.

However, as an influential elder and the master of Xinsheng, it is easy to be plotted by the enemy without knowing it, resulting in unexpected consequences.

Mailer turned back to the Holy Light Cathedral, suddenly stopped and looked back.

It stands to reason that Shen Fei is more than 100 years old, with so many secrets in his body, and many trump cards that they don't know, the appearance he is showing now is completely inconsistent with his age.Or is the current performance completely a cover-up, used to hide one's true purpose?
The more Mailer thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. After talking with Shen Fei, he couldn't help but feel that he could see through the other party's superiority. Perhaps this was the other party's purpose, to make him paralyzed!

"It's so dangerous. As expected of an old monster who has lived for more than 100 years, he almost died." Mailer put away the contempt on his face, leaving only solemnity, and told himself to be careful when talking with Shen Fei in the future.

 Starting point: a cute duck, being happy is not sad, Xingyu Xinghai

  Button reading: I love women's clothing so I understand happiness better, I love women's clothing so I understand happiness better, I love women's clothing so I understand happiness better
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(End of this chapter)

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