my pet is boss

Chapter 207

Chapter 207
Monthly exam for inner disciples.

All inner disciples gathered in the martial arts arena.

In the morning, I have finished the comprehension of Zen principles. This thing belongs to years of comprehension, and it is difficult to improve it in a short period of time.

Of course, except for the pervert Zenzi, as long as the elite teacher gives a lecture, this guy can directly enter the state of epiphany.

The scariest thing was the day when he first entered the inner sect, the elite teacher gave lectures three times in the morning, noon and evening, and the Zen son had an epiphany three times.From the initial envy, the inner disciples have become accustomed to it later.

Zenzi's meditation or epiphany is as simple as breathing.

Fortunately, inner disciples are much better than outer disciples. Fuman bears the title of Zen master, and everyone will be jealous of any miraculous operations, and then express their understanding.

What made everyone most happy was that Zenzi and the Supreme Elder visited the Holy Light Cathedral and did not participate in the monthly exam.

It's not what other people said, but the top ten disciples of the inner sect jokingly called it.

After all, if Chanzi were here, the results of his practice in just a few days would probably wipe out what they had achieved for several years.

Moreover, only the elite disciples began to delve into the principles of Zen, and the inner disciples' understanding of Zen is still too shallow, so there is no hard target, but it exists as an additional item.

Therefore, inner disciples mainly master martial arts moves. This can be seen in the illusion test for inner disciples who are promoted to elite disciples.

Zhao Hao and the others were in high spirits, waiting for the martial arts test in the afternoon to prove their progress in the past few days.

On the other hand, among the top ten in the inner sect, Sun Xing's state is a bit sluggish.

Even the elite teacher suggested that Sun Xing could go to rest instead of taking this monthly exam.

After all, where the strength of the top ten is placed, everyone's weak strength can't be opened in a day or two, or a month.

Even if Sun Xing is absent from this exam, he can still establish his strength as the tenth in the inner sect.

But Sun Xing still rejected the elite teacher's request. He wants to take the martial arts test to see how far the gap between himself and No.9 is now.

After Sun Xing's first [-] trials, he joined the trial again the next day after finishing all the courses.

Originally, Sun Xing set a goal for himself, this time he must pass the trial after 100 challenges.As one of the top ten inner sects, he still has the most basic pride. Zhao Hao, who is at the end of the inner sect, can pass the level more than 100 times. If he can't pass the trial after 200 times, it will be really shameful.

But when he re-entered the trial, he received a reminder from the system that every time a challenge opportunity was consumed, all zombies would be strengthened by 1%.

I am getting stronger, and the trial is also getting stronger!

Another hundred chances to challenge.Sun Xing met the BOSS whom Zhao Hao and the others called a tyrant. He had to say that the BOSS was too strong. In addition to the tactics he vaguely heard from Zhao Hao and Long Long, Sun Xing made no fewer than thirty attempts. .

Zhao Hao's sliding shot has extremely high requirements on reaction and agility. After trying twenty times, Sun Xing vetoed this method.His speed and reflexes are fast, but he still feels powerless against the enhanced tyrant boss.

Later, he tried Longlong's flying eaves and walls and rubbing blood, only to find that his own flying eaves and walls would be captured by the tyrant, interrupted in advance and failed.

After many failures, Sun Xing stood outside the trial in a daze for a long time. It stands to reason that his strength is among the top ten in the inner sect, and he can do what the crane tail can do.But after trying a hundred times now, Sun Xing is extremely unwilling, but he has to admit that Zhao Hao and Long Long are indeed ahead of him, no matter whether it is sliding and shooting or flying over the wall, he is not as good as the two!

After experiencing two hundred failures at the same time, Sun Xing finally realized that although the methods of these two people were good, they were not the most suitable for him.He had to use his strengths to come up with his own tactics in order to defeat this boss.

It's just a shadow lingering in my heart, who knows how the trial will improve when I challenge the Resident Evil Trial for the third time.

After going through two biohazard trials, Sun Xing has completely become the fanboy of the Supreme Elder.

Can think of this kind of dynamic trial, the content and intensity are so high, even the battle is more intensive, the content and the effect of the trial are ten blocks away from the illusion trial.

"It is said that there are two trials on Mount Shu. I really don't know what challenges these two trials are..."

Sun Xing originally thought that he could complete the trial challenge quickly, so he went back to catch up on sleep and take the monthly exam after he came out.

As a result, when he ran out of a hundred chances, it was already the next morning.

Sun Xing didn't take a break, and went directly to take the Zen test, and then came to the martial arts field with everyone, and the scene of persuasion by the elite teacher happened before.

The Resident Evil Trial improved Sun Xing again, especially in terms of adaptability, which gave him a qualitative leap.

So Sun Xing was very curious, whether his ranking would change this time, he couldn't wait until next month.

"This martial arts test will still be conducted by random lottery. You all go to the rest area and wait."

The elite teacher put the list of inner disciples on the martial arts stage, and then the list turned into dust and swirled with a gust of wind.

The inner door monthly examination of Wuseng Temple has been going on for decades, and a rigorous system has already been formed.

Disciples with very different strengths will not be grouped together. Generally, in the first three rounds, disciples with similar strengths will fight against each other.It was not until most of the disciples were eliminated after three rounds that the "leapfrog" battle began.

The failed disciples will be sent to the viewing area, and the successful ones will stay in the rest area. The rest area can instantly recover to ensure the fairness of the next battle.

All the inner disciples had expectations in their eyes, hoping that they would be the first.

Suddenly, two people in the crowd rose into the air and were sucked onto the martial arts stage.

There was a burst of warm applause from the crowd.

"Longlong come on!"

"Give them some color!"

The other disciples who participated in the biohazard trial all shouted excitedly. Longlong was the second person to pass the trial, and his strength ranked second among them. He didn't expect to go directly to the stage from the very beginning.

Another inner disciple couldn't help but smile when he saw Longlong.

His strength is not top-notch in the inner sect, but at the lower middle level.But facing Longlong at the end of the crane at the inner door, he was still easy to catch.

After all, Longlong's last ranking was in the bottom ten in the inner sect.

"Thank you, Junior Brother, you can let me play one more round."

The inner disciple directly taunted him after he took the stage. Anyway, any moves can be used on the martial arts stage.Talking is also a common thing. After all, xinxing is also a part of daily practice. If you can be irritated by talking, it means that your mental state is unstable in cultivation, or you have been poked at a pain point by the other party.

Longlong didn't say a word. He has experienced the biochemical crisis trial, and he has seen all kinds of terrifying zombies. This level of talk doesn't even have the effect of tickling.

All the people in the Shushan Trial Group under the stage were snickering. This guy actually thought that Longlong was giving points, and he might end up crying later.

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (23/30)

(End of this chapter)

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