my pet is boss

Chapter 208 2 Blossoms

Chapter 208 Two Flowers

Sun Xing frowned, he didn't expect Longlong to be the first one to come on stage.

Originally, his impression of this person was only fat, and then he was at the bottom of the inner door.But in Shushan, he saw the portrait of Longlong ranked behind Zhao Hao, and the number of times he used it was very small.In addition, I overheard his flying and walking skills before, so I was very impressed with him.

He wanted to see how strong Resident Evil Trial No. 2 was.

Sun Xing himself failed to pass the test two hundred times, while the other party only took more than 120 times to pass the trial.

"I want to see how far this guy's strength has improved, and he can pass the trial..."

With the sound of a gong, the first martial arts test officially began.

The contest between the two sides officially began.

The opponent didn't take Longlong seriously at all, and stood on the spot and stretched out his hand to provoke, signaling for Longlong to make the first move.

Wuseng Zenyuan usually pays attention to the mind of Zen, but it is not vague at all during the battle, there are no taboos, as long as people are not killed, everything is fine.This is mainly related to the usual education.In addition to keeping the skills created by the martial ancestors rigidly in terms of inheritance, the Wuseng Temple is still very avant-garde in other aspects.

What Longlong learned from the biohazard trial was not only agility and reaction, but also learning to talk less nonsense and do more, and to beat the dog in the water.

Since the opponent is so entrusted, he will use his strength to prove everything.

The real body of the white tiger appeared behind him, his fists were surrounded by turbulent white electricity.

The white tiger is furious!

A simple move that increases attack power.

Then Longlong rushed up directly with his fists raised, not very fast, but very resolute.

All the inner disciples knew that the fifty last disciples had participated in the trial specially opened by the elder Taishang, but they saw that Longlong's starting style was the same as before, and even the speed had not improved at all.

"Hmph, as expected, the bottom is the bottom. Even with the guidance of a famous teacher like the Supreme Elder, there is not much improvement."

He has at least ten ways to break this rampant attack without a plan and rules, but he still chooses the simplest and most humiliating way - also responding with straight fists to suppress people.

His strength can't be compared with the powerhouses at the front of the inner gate, but it is still much stronger than Longlong at the end of the crane.

With this punch, Longlong would definitely fly upside down and roll off the ring, throwing a dog to eat shit.

Anyway, after winning, stepping off the stage to rest can automatically restore physical strength, and there is no need to consider overdrawing in the ring.

Sun Xing frowned slightly, Longlong's current speed and strength seemed to be the same as before, and it was even more flawed to rush forward so directly.

Even the people who participated in the Biohazard Trial saw Longlong's fighting style and couldn't help but questioned: "Is Longlong a little too big?"

At any rate, the opponent is a mid-level disciple in the inner sect, so the minimum respect is still to be given.

Zhao Hao clenched his fists even more, thinking in his heart that if Longlong dared to break their title of "Fifty Warriors", he would be killed when he returned to the dormitory!


The other party shouted violently, and several snake-like lightning bolts accumulated on his arm, and the same white tiger's furious thunder rushed straight up.

Everyone's heart shuddered, this was preparing to use violence to counter violence, and the same move directly crushed it head-on.

If this punch is blown down, it will be a trivial matter to rank at the bottom of the monthly exam, and it will easily make Longlong's mind unstable, and his strength will even regress.

Just at the very moment, Longlong suddenly disappeared in front of him, and when his opponent glanced back and forth in a panic, he realized that Longlong was rushing over with a shovel sliding on the ground.

At this moment, Zhao Hao felt like cursing his mother.

"Damn it, Longlong used the slide shovel that I am famous for, what will I use later!"

"I knew that Longlong would definitely not rush up so easily."

When other people who had passed the trial saw the familiar sliding shovel, they all showed a smile that only they could understand.

The opponent recaptured the traces of Longlong, and felt a little calm in his heart in a panic.Trying to distract him with a slider is a dream.

If this kind of trick is used a little closer, maybe he will still be able to do it.Now there is still ten meters between them, and he is fully adjusted...

But before the opponent could react, Longlong suddenly jumped up, as fast as a shooting star!
"Okay, so fast!"

"Why can this guy explode at such a speed?"

The top ten insiders, including Sun Xing, all stared at the ring dumbfounded. Longlong's speed seemed to be flashing. Before the opponent could react, the fist had already smashed directly on his chin. The fist was powerful and heavy, directly knocking the opponent out of the ring, like a kite falling off the string and falling to the ground, it rolled over more than ten meters before stopping.

To decide the winner, Longlong was directly sent to the rest area to wait for the next round of fighting.

The disciple who was beaten into the air passed out and was taken to a nearby medical room for treatment.

"Longlong is doing well, he didn't embarrass us!"

"You kid almost scared me to death just now, I really thought you were going to rush up with your fists in your hands."

Zhao Hao even grabbed Longlong's ear and made a 360-degree turn: "You used the slider, what will I use later?"

Longlong stood on tiptoe in pain, and the fat on his face was squeezed into a ball: "Oh, it hurts so bad, you can use my flying eaves to walk over walls!"

"I believe you are evil. There is not even a wall in the arena. I use my head to make the eaves go over the wall?"

The inner disciples on the other side were all stunned. The speed of Longlong's eruption was so fast that many people didn't see clearly, and the opponent was directly thrown out of the field by Longlong.

"What has this guy experienced in the past few days, and why can he explode at such a speed?"

"The move just now, can you block it instead?"

The other person nodded first, and then shook his head: "I don't know, it's still possible to stop him at this speed, but can you guarantee that he won't have a second move?"

The top ten disciples were whispering, all discussing Longlong's amazing speed just now.

This kind of speed can be called outstanding among the top ten disciples!
But what is Longlong's identity?The last monthly exam was down to ten!This monthly test showed a speed comparable to that of the top ten disciples. How did this guy practice?

The trial of the Supreme Elder!

Many inner disciples realized in an instant that it must be the trial of the Supreme Elder that made them so powerful all of a sudden.

More people are nervous, and a dragon has grown to this point. Will the other disciples participating in the trial be more terrifying?
"Prepare for the next match!"

At this moment, the elite teacher's heart is full of turmoil, and the stormy waves hit the shore.No one knows Longlong's strength better than him.

Let's not go far, let's just say that a week ago, Longlong was still like the tail of a crane, and his strength hadn't improved at all.But looking at the present, it is still difficult for him to accept that the speed of the lightning and flint just now was sent by Longlong.

From the point of view of moves, the basic moves of White Tiger's Fury can only be said to be quite satisfactory, but in terms of technique, it is still better than the opponent.

But Longlong simply crushed the opponent with speed, which was an extremely rough crushing gesture.

With just a random trial by the Supreme Elder, the disciple with the lowest strength in the inner sect can jump to the forefront!
The elite teacher was completely convinced.

The arena didn't stop, but no disciple was teleported onto the stage.

Elite teacher glanced at it quickly, and couldn't help but patted his forehead: "I forgot to cross out Chanzi's name just now, this should be the battle of Chanzi, and his opponent is..."


Zenzi has a bye in this round and advances directly to the next round.

(End of this chapter)

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