my pet is boss

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Sun Xing's words after the battle caused Zihan, who was about to speak, to faint from anger.

The two were transported off the ring, and Sun Xing stood in the rest area to recover, the wounds on his body caused by the wind blade and the seven fire moves were still gradually healed.It's just that the uniforms of the inner disciples are too tattered to be repaired.

Zihan passed out and was sent to the infirmary by the medical staff to recuperate.

The level of medical treatment in the Monk Temple has never been low, and the green dragon among the four elephant gods represents vitality and recovery.Disciples with medical talents will be sent to medical halls for specialized training.These disciples in the medical hall wished that the people in the Zen Academy would have a small fight every day and a big fight every three days, so that they would have enough materials to improve their skills.

After four more matches, the first round of the martial arts test was over.The promoted disciples immediately started the second round of the ring battle.

Most of the inner disciples who were eliminated had dull and dull eyes.

The inner disciple who had been laughing at them before, had already appeared in the failed viewing area before he even figured out what happened.

Until the end of the round, these people's faces were livid, and they finally realized that they were the tail of the crane.

On the other hand, the 50 people who are called the tail of the crane over there have all successfully advanced and are preparing for the second round of tests.

At this moment, the minds of these inner disciples are full of the trial of the Supreme Elder.What kind of trial is it that can make them change so much in just a few days? It seems that even Sun Xing secretly participated in the trial and defeated Zihan in a bad state today. Successfully entered one.

At this moment, Sun Xing was surrounded by Zhao Hao, and a group of people were staring at Sun Xing.

Even other laymen who have not participated in the trial can see it, let alone those who have personally experienced it.

Even Longlong and Zhao Hao saw a lot of shadows from Sun Xing's actions when they were fighting tyrants, and they became more convinced that Sun Xing also participated in the trial.

They are just curious, when did this happen?
Sun Xing felt the countless gazes cast from behind, but he didn't hide it: "I've always been curious about why your strength can be improved so much suddenly, so I found the Supreme Elder and asked to participate in the trial. I have to say that Zhao Hao and Long Long It's really powerful, and I failed to defeat the tyrant after two hundred challenges."

Hearing Sun Xing confide the truth and hearing that he failed to defeat the tyrant two hundred times, everyone felt as if they had found a teammate.

No wonder Zihan was able to take two kills just now. It turned out that he was the one who had experienced double happiness.

Well, like-minded people!

Thinking of Sun Xing's life and death in the trial, the faces of other disciples gradually relaxed.Among other things, just because of this "shared weal and woe" affection, they made Sun Xing their brother.

Then Zhao Hao's move made Sun Xing stunned, and saw this guy put his arm on his shoulder with an affectionate look.

"Let me tell you, if you want to pass the trial, you still have to use a sliding shovel and a sniper rifle..."

Sun Xing suddenly felt his body froze, and let Zhao Hao hug him: "I overheard what you guys said before. I have tried sliding shovels, sniper rifles, flying over eaves and walls, and none of them are the most suitable way for me to clear the level. So I think Everyone can find their own customs clearance method according to their own strength and ability.

Sun Xing's words surprised everyone. It sounded like nonsense at first glance, but it seemed to be the truth after careful examination.

They also tried the methods of Zhao Hao and Longlong, but they really felt a little powerless, and they couldn't exert the true power of the two skills.After listening to Sun Xing's words today, everyone suddenly realized that everyone has different backgrounds, different emphases and specialties.If Handan is a toddler, he can only draw tigers but not anti-dogs.You must find a way that suits you in order to defeat the tyrant and pass the level successfully.

Zhao Hao and Long Long were stunned for a moment, and felt that what Sun Xing said made some sense, he deserved to be one of the top ten in the inner sect, but his vision and insight were different.

The two were glad that Sun Xing joined in time and brought this issue up.If the rest of the teammates tried according to their methods, they might have to prolong the customs clearance time, or even go astray.

Hearing Sun Xing's call, he immediately shortened the relationship with everyone.

In less than a moment, a group of people have already started calling each other brothers, and they seem to have a very good relationship.

After all, everyone has experienced "double happiness" and already has a profound revolutionary friendship. This is definitely not comparable to the friendship of inner disciples who go to class and eat together every day. This is a real friendship between life and death.

Soon the second round of the arena battle began, and disciples were teleported onto the stage, and then teleported down after the battle.

It was another teleportation, and there was no one in the teleportation background.

"I'm going, Zenzi's bye again?"

"Chan Zi is so lucky, he must not lie in the final without thinking!"

What else can everyone say, the Son of Destiny is nothing more than that.

The disciples who can enter the third round are all rejoicing, maybe they will share themselves with Chanzi in the third round, so that if Zenzi is not around, they can be promoted to one round for free, isn't it a win?
Of course, everyone should think about it, because the remaining disciples probably know that according to the current posture, there is a high probability that Zenzi will get a bye in the third round of the competition.

There is no way, some people are blessed by the heavens, and they don’t even need to practice, just breathing...

The ensuing battle became more intense, and each monthly exam ranking would determine many things.

Cultivation resources and cultivation environment are determined by the ranking every year.The top ten in the inner sect live in a much better place than the one at the end of the crane, and they can also receive special medicine for cultivation every month. If the disciples who are behind don't put in ten times and a hundred times of effort, the gap will be opened up by the disciples in the front.

Some people don't want to lose the resources they have now, some people want more resources, and none of them want to let go.

These inner disciples who have participated in the trial just want to prove that they are not the tail of the crane!
The subsequent battles were even more bloody. These inner disciples seemed to be completely fearless of life and death, just like Sun Xing before, even to the point of compromising their opponents by relying on their skills.

Some inner disciples who fought with him were directly frightened by this evil spirit.These guys are not human!He was seriously injured, his skin was ripped apart, his bones were exposed, and he looked like a normal person.

What's even more frightening is that some disciples exposed their bones, and after clinging to each other, they smashed their own bones and stabbed them into the opponent's body, causing the opponent to beg for mercy and fail.

The inner disciples in the audience were all dumbfounded, don't they feel pain?

But the eyes of the disciples who had participated in the trial were brightened, it's okay to do this!Forget that bones can also be used as weapons!
Even the elite teacher gasped as he watched from the sidelines, and now his mind was full of thoughts about what kind of trial the Supreme Elder had made these disciples participate in, so that each of them became so fearless of life and death.

But for these disciples who have participated in the trial, what is this little pain?
Isn't it just a broken arm? I've experienced more than 200 times the pain twice as painful. Now it's nothing more than one more time...

However, the other inner disciples, who had never seen such a bloody battle, were all terrified.

 Starting point: I always like ear clips, very super baby, xxxxxi Xiyan
  Button reading: Long hair blows in the wind, long legs wrapped in stockings, long hair blows in the wind, long legs wrapped in stockings, long hair blows in the wind, long legs wrapped in stockings
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  Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (24/30)

(End of this chapter)

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