my pet is boss

Chapter 211 Open Trial

Chapter 211 Open Trial

The bloodiness of the trial disciple deeply shocked the other inner disciples.

This is just a monthly exam, is it necessary to get a broken limb?Although the medical treatment ability of the Chanyuan is very strong, it takes a week for such a broken bone and limb to heal. What's more, the pain of broken bone is extremely severe, not everyone can bear it.

Many people are already scared deep in their hearts, and they don't want to fight these lunatics at all.

However, these trial disciples never tire of it. Anyway, multiple injuries can be recovered in a short time after being transported to the rest area. They have long been accustomed to this kind of back and forth torture during the trial, and even enjoy it.

"Crazy, they are all a bunch of lunatics!"

Not surprisingly, the third round was Zen Zi's bye.The battle of the other inner disciples is still going on, and this time a trial disciple finally lost, but the opponent didn't get any benefits.During the trials, their ultimate goal was to be an "unbeatable" tyrant, but outside the trials, they all became tyrants one by one.

Sun Xing hadn't reached his potential yet, and in the third round he killed the eighth-ranked existence in the inner sect.He has now fully discovered the benefits of the trial.His ultra-fast reflexes and agility allow him to easily see through the enemy's attacking routes, dodging almost entirely by fighting instinct, and the only thing he needs to pay attention to is to use the right moves at the right time.

Both Zhao Hao and Longlong also defeated their respective opponents.

In the third round now, there are no inner disciples who are ranked at the back, and the opponents in the battle are all above the middle rank of the inner sect.

The rankings of all the trial disciples have increased rapidly, and they have completely bid farewell to the previous position at the end of the crane.

This made them feel relieved that the suffering in the trial was not in vain.

Sun Xing's final ranking was fixed at eighth. Zhao Hao successfully challenged No. 13 and became the most improved disciple in the audience.The number one in the inner sect is still firmly controlled by Luo Feng.

At the end of the monthly test arena, a light curtain appeared in the Martial arts field, and everyone's latest rankings were listed on it.

The arena has a memory effect, and an accurate ranking is given based on the overall situation of everyone fighting.Among the trial disciples, the ones with the worst progress were also ranked in the middle.On the other hand, the inner disciples who ridiculed and isolated them before, all of them were completely wilted like frost-beaten eggplants.

This time the monthly exam attracted the most attention not the number one ranked Luo Feng, but the disciples and Chan who entered the trial.

Because of the byes all the time, Chanzi's final monthly exam result was set as the second, second only to Neimen Luofeng.

Everyone's focus has also become the Resident Evil Trial.

If it is said that Zhao Hao and other fifty inner disciples have improved greatly, even Sun Xing entered the trial quietly. This time, the haze of the previous year was swept away. kill.

Now all the inner disciples have only one thing on their minds, they want to enter the trial of the Supreme Elder to improve their abilities.

After Shen Fei and Fuman came back, they found that Xiaozhuxuan's door was full of disciples kneeling, and even the elite teachers were guarding the door respectfully.

Although I don't know what the Supreme Elder's trial is, but it must be a good trial to make the inner disciples make such progress, and Zhao Hao and others praised it.If all inner disciples can enter the experience, then the probability of being promoted to the elite next year will be greatly increased.

Seeing the densely packed inner disciples all kneeling at the door of Xiaozhuxuan, Shen Fei was also startled: "Then why are you all kneeling here?"

Seeing the Supreme Elder, the inner disciples' eyes lit up, and they knelt on the ground and shouted: "Please, Supreme Elder, allow the disciples to enter the trial!"

Only then did Shen Fei realize that they all wanted to experience the Resident Evil Trial.

It's just that Shen Fei has never encountered such a large-scale request.

The elite teacher stepped forward to explain the situation, only then did Shen Fei realize that today was the inner door monthly exam, and Shen Fei was quite satisfied with the results of Zhao Hao and the others.Just one biohazard trial allowed them to be promoted from the bottom to the middle, especially Zhao Hao jumped into the top fifteen of the inner sect.This shows that his talent is still there, but the cultivation method of the previous Zen monastery buried his talents.

Shen Fei didn't even expect that Fuman skipped class and didn't take the exam, and was judged as No.2 bye all the way.

Now that the first [-] mice have proved that this trial is really useful, Shen Fei immediately agreed that the biohazard trial on the first floor of Shushan Mountain is open to all disciples.Of course, the test is not endless, and it still needs to be done bit by bit according to the progress.

As for the disciples who have already cleared the biochemical crisis trial, they can go up the mountain to the mountainside to enter the second trial challenge.

"You all have to work hard. When I designed the trial, I designed it with the goal of being promoted to 50 elites this year. If it fails to meet the requirements, I will be very disappointed."

50 people!
Everyone gasped when they heard the target of the Supreme Elder.

In previous years, fewer than ten people were promoted to elites in the inner sect. This year, the number of promotions increased by five times at one time. The difficulty of the trial can be imagined.

Sun Xing said to the top ten inner sects who were eager to try: "Don't underestimate this biohazard test. I tried 200 times but I still can't pass it. Zhao Hao, the crane tail that you looked down on before, only took 117 times to succeed. Clearance. You know what that means."

If Sun Xing had said this before, others would have scoffed.

But now Sun Xing has reached the eighth position after being silent for a year, and the strength and bloodiness he has shown are daunting.

This guy's progress and growth are all in the eyes of the other Big Ten.They originally thought that Sun Xing must have passed the trial to be so strong. After a long time, this guy failed to break through 200 attempts. His strength has improved so much?
Zhao Hao and Long Long, who have already cleared the customs, can now enter the second trial on the mountainside of Shushan. Doesn't it mean that when they successfully emerge from the trial on the mountainside, they will have the strength enough to threaten the top ten?

A tense and anxious atmosphere instantly spread among the top ten.

Even Luo Feng, the number one in the inner sect, frowned slightly, feeling the deep pressure.

The subsequent things were very simple. All the disciples of the inner sect signed the disclaimer. This time, because it was signed by all the members, there was no two hundred and five bloody papers biting their fingers.After signing their names in a proper manner, Shen Fei told them to leave immediately.

Looking at the delighted eyes of these inner disciples, one knew that one couldn't help but want to experience the trial as soon as possible.

The disciples who had tried before were all holding back their laughter. The first trial was definitely spent under the double mixture of fear and fear. Of course, these things will naturally not be told to these "new students". To practice, you need to experience it with your heart.

When all the inner disciples came to Shushan, they all envied the portraits of Zhao Hao and Longlong.

But there are still some people with contempt and contempt in their hearts: "It takes more than 100 times to pass the customs and you can hang on to one or two. I will definitely pass the customs within [-] times!"

This ranking portrait instantly aroused the fighting spirit of the inner disciples.Who wouldn't want their own portrait hung on a mountain for people to worship?
Even Luo Feng, who is number one in the inner sect, also focused his attention on the ranking of portraits.

As for the two parties involved, Zhao Hao and Long Long, they had already rushed to the mountainside and arrived at the gate of the new trial.

"Longlong, what do you think this trial will be?"

Longlong scratched his head and looked at the huge fist standing on the mountainside square: "I don't know, it seems to be related to fighting. The mind of the Supreme Elder is something we mortals can't fathom."

Zhao Hao wanted to laugh out loud: "That's right. Having gone through the biohazard trial, I think I'm brave enough, and I will never be frightened by this trial."

(End of this chapter)

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