my pet is boss

Chapter 212 Fat Tiger, let us develop an epoch-making masterpiece!

Chapter 212 Fat Tiger, let us develop an epoch-making masterpiece!

The inner disciples rushed away, looking at these young and enthusiastic backs, Shen Fei was inexplicably emotional: "You have to work hard, it's up to you whether I can complete the task."

The scores of the first wave of mice soared, indicating that the Resident Evil Trial was still very effective.Although only two people passed the trial, all the disciples who participated in the trial have made significant progress, which shows that Shen Fei's direction and design are completely correct.

"After passing the second trial, the illusion trial will not have any difficulty." Shen Fei thought about the second trial on the mountainside of Shushan. The improvement of inner disciples is leaps and bounds.

Shen Fei also has ambitions. When it comes to actual combat, the soldiers of the military are the first to be admired, followed by the professional assassins of MI[-], and then the disciples of the three major sects.

Military soldiers' military-style killing punches are real killing skills honed in a pool of blood.Shen Fei's ambition is to improve the fighting skills of the inner disciples to the level of actual combat through the new trials, and even surpass the military to become the number one in actual combat.

No one believed it before, but after the three-level trial of Shushan, this will no longer be a delusion.

Shen Fei didn't worry about the trial anymore, everything has been running stably according to his settings.

Like the Resident Evil trial, the second trial on the mountainside also has 100 challenge opportunities each time, and after the first round fails, hidden lines will be opened to increase the difficulty. No one should be able to break through in the short term, even the third round Sometimes, unexpected things will happen...

If there are no accidents, many inner disciples should be able to break through the illusion trial at the end of the year.

Now Shen Fei has to focus on cultivating the two elders and another more important matter.

"Fat Tiger, come to my study, I have something important to discuss."

Shen Fei walked into the study, and yelled outside by the way.

Fat Tiger was eating ham at the Huxin Pavilion, when he heard Shen Fei calling him, he just fluttered his ears, sat on the spot as motionless as a mountain, and didn't seem to get up at all.

Fuman behind Shen Fei heard something, and pointed to himself: "Young Master, if there is something important, I can help share your worries!"

Fat Tiger jumped up when he heard this, and stuffed the half-eaten ham into his belly pocket, panting violently through both nostrils: "This fat man, if he has a chance, he wants to shake my position as the number one favorite, really! I hate myself for not beheading him with tears."

With a swish, it turned into lightning, and appeared at the door of the study in the next second.

"Go and go, adults are chatting and children are just joining in the fun, the important thing is that you can meddle in it?" Fat Tiger leaned on the door frame and urged Fuman to leave quickly.

This guy's talent is very evil, the ghost knows if it's really a mistake after letting him do it, and then his status will not be guaranteed?
Shen Fei glanced at the time and said: "Fuman, take a break, and you have to go to the Master Academy and the Holy Light Cathedral in the afternoon. You are now studying magic and holy light, which is the best help for me."

The tone of the young master's refusal was obvious, and Fuman let out a sigh of interest, and left the study with reluctance in his eyes.

"Hiss, why do I always have the feeling that I have become a bad guy?" Shen Fei was a little puzzled.

Fat Tiger didn't wait for Shen Fei's reaction, and walked into the study with his arms around his shoulders enthusiastically.

"Is there any important matter that requires me, Baihu Tianshen, to show my skills?"

Shen Fei was disturbed by the fat tiger, interrupted what he was thinking, and said calmly: "Do you still remember what I said last time? Improve the social status of the monk monastery."

Fat Tiger sat sprawled on the chair, his entire body paralyzed.

"I know, it's the task of the [Taishang Elder]! Why do I need to come forward to increase the popularity of Wu Monk Temple?" Fat Tiger said narcissistically.After all, the effect of the True God's publicity is absolutely extraordinary, surpassing the Floating Void City and the Holy Light Sect is not easy.

Shen Fei's eyes were full of contempt: "Forget it soon, just because of your identity as the White Tiger God, the Zen Academy treats you as a treasure. When you come out of the Zen Academy and face ordinary people, you probably think it's a fat man raised by some noble family. What about the tiger. Your identity as the White Tiger God is not easy to use."

The fat tiger took a deep breath and put his hips on his hips to express his dissatisfaction: "I respect the true god and enjoy the five clans, how can I be so inferior as you said?"

Shen Fei still shook his head: "The limitation is too great, maybe it is a well-known existence among monks, but it is not enough to rely on you to increase the popularity among ordinary people. You must use a method that is easier for Pu Luo Only by promoting in a way accepted by the public can it play a role in dissemination and promotion.”

Shen Fei glanced at the fat tiger again, and found that this guy was still not convinced, and gave an example: "It seems that if you stand up, many people know that you are the White Tiger God, and others think you are just a lazy fat tiger."

Fat Tiger frowned when he heard the word Wang here, and thought to himself, why are you still attacking with the body of a tiger?Does this tiger want to be ashamed?
Shen Fei ignored Fat Tiger's glaring gaze, and continued: "But if you let ordinary people play the game of dice, no matter whether you believe in the way of monks or not, it will be easy for everyone to learn and get in touch with."

Hearing the roll of the dice, Fat Tiger's anger disappeared, and he smiled happily: "I understand, you are going to start a gambling king competition in the name of Wu Monk Temple, and finally I, Fat Tiger, will win the title of gambling king." In the end, more people will know about me, and it also serves the purpose of publicizing the Chanyuan, right?"

Shen Fei admired Fat Tiger's imagination, but none of them were correct.

"Aren't you good at Reiki programming? I'm going to make a card game to promote our Monk Temple."

Shen Fei thought about this plan for a long time, and he already had a complete set of plans in his mind.In addition to increasing the popularity of the Monk Temple, it can even create a lot of income. At that time, it will not open the market of the Holy City, but the market of the entire North and South Continent.

So in order to promote this game, Shen Fei couldn't do it alone, he had to find someone to cooperate.

Shen Fei already has the target, the countess and the presidents of the chambers of commerce of the other two clans.

Now you just need to figure out this thing with Fat Tiger, and then do a good job of keeping it secret.

After all, only by mastering the core technology can we develop for a long time.

"Come on, come on, this is the setting I made, see if you can use aura to make an anti-counterfeit code and crack the code..."

Shen Fei led Fat Hu to the desk. There was a thick stack of paper on it, which was filled with various skill settings and roles.

"Yo, there's me on it?" Fat Tiger flipped through it, and even saw his own image, and in the setting, he was still a golden legendary existence...

(End of this chapter)

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