my pet is boss

Chapter 213 Friends, punching?

Chapter 213 Friends, punching?

Fat Tiger is very good at aura programming. He has specially set up a set of anti-counterfeiting codes, and coupled with the unique charm paper of the Monk Temple, the effect can be said to be seamless.

Shen Fei touched Fat Tiger's chubby tiger head and praised: "Fat Tiger, your aura programming is good, the algorithm is so strict that others can't find a way to break it even if they want to break it."

Fat Tiger blew his beard, and his tail was already in the sky: "My algorithm will be updated regularly. Because the aura of Tenjin Island leaked out, I simply used the aura of Tenjin Island as a special code. Even if this card is powerful If someone gets it, they will never try to crack the mystery inside. Forced action and force will trigger the self-destruct process, and this talisman paper will become a piece of waste paper."

"Unless someone uses the same kind of aura from Tianshen Island, and the mana is still higher than mine, and then cracks the 32-digit random password I set, the final mystery can be solved."

Fat Tiger is quite confident when it comes to this. In terms of strength, if someone is stronger than him, he admits it.But when it comes to Reiki programming, he ranks second and no one dares to rank first.

Shen Fei looked at the piece of paper, flipping through it back and forth for a long time.

"It seems that I need to tell the Zenyuan Paper Making Workshop to make some slightly thicker talisman paper."

Then he patted Fat Tiger on the buttocks and told him to go to the paper mill to make it clear that he would be ready to go offline in a while.I explained that I will go to the Imperial Bank to pick up the check tomorrow morning, and talk to the countess about cooperation matters by the way.

Fat Tiger yelled that he had to take care of such a trivial matter, that it would be better to kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, and that this kind of trivial matter should be done by Fuman, but he still left the study and walked to the paper workshop.

After Shen Fei went off the assembly line, Fat Hu arranged the things he explained properly.

After that, I had nothing to do, hugged my ham, and went to the highest place of the Dreaming Zen Realm to listen to the wind and rest, but my eyes kept looking at Shushan Mountain.

The vision of the gods can ignore all illusions and obstacles, and Fat Tiger saw the struggling inner disciples on the first floor of Shushan.

At this moment, everyone was scared to death, and there were many crying on the spot and wanting to go home.But there are also some disciples who are calm and calm, and are advancing bit by bit.

Fat Tiger saw all kinds of weird zombies and trial settings, and immediately became interested.

"Hey, the trial designed by Shen Fei is interesting!"

Especially if Fat Tiger uses the vision of the gods, it will be more interesting.Watching the inner disciples carefully push open the door, but it can see what is inside in advance, waiting for the reaction of the inner disciples crying and howling, this kind of experience is really great.

After looking around for several times, Fat Tiger found that the lickers were the ones that made the inner disciples react the most.

This kind of thing can fly over the roof, and the speed is extremely fast.Often before the inner disciples can react, they wrap their tongues around the inner disciples' heads, and then jump directly on their faces to output.

The other zombies still have the same reaction, at least they can see a look.Only this kind of licker, you will be blinded as soon as you open the door, and then something will start to move on your head, almost no inner disciples will be spared.

"This is much more interesting than playing games by yourself." Fat Tiger felt very interesting. Looking at the tragic experience of this group of people reminded him of the suffering of playing games in the illusion trial. Seeing someone worse than him, he felt relieved Let it be all over the place.

Fat Tiger reluctantly left Dreaming Zen Realm when he saw the dusk.

Not long after leaving, a beam of light appeared on Shushan Square, and someone was teleported out.Not surprisingly, he still staggered and fell to the ground. If Shen Fei was present at this time, he would be surprised that Sun Xing was the one who came out first.

"I didn't expect the difficulty of the trial to become stronger this time, and the skills of the monsters were all randomly combined..."

Sun Xing gasped for breath and felt lingering fear, but he was even more proud to be able to pass the level under such circumstances.

The portrait of Sun Xing appeared on the mountain wall of Shushan, ranked behind Zhao Hao and Longlong, and the number of challenges was 236.

No one else passed the level successfully, not even Luo Feng came out!

Thinking of this, Sun Xing couldn't help laughing, it seems that no matter how proficient he is in martial arts, as long as these things are removed, Luo Feng will not be able to continue to sit firmly on the top spot if he only relies on his brain and body.

Sun Xing didn't go back to rest directly, but continued to walk towards the mountainside after recovering his strength a little.

Zhao Hao and Longlong have been in for a long time, he doesn't want to be dragged down by them.


He was also curious about what the second trial in Shushan was like.

Based on the reaction he has practiced in the current biohazard trial, he thinks that it is not easy to get hurt in any trial. Even if it is extremely difficult and cannot pass the level, it is still possible to dodge the attack, right?
Enter the trial with confidence.

This time the background was changed to a familiar town, and the background setting was directly set in the holy city.

"Warriors, welcome to the King of Fighters Arena. With the increasing number of fighters, the Monk Monastery specially held the King of Fighters Fighting Tournament, and invited well-known martial artists from the North and South Roads to participate in this competition. In this competition, you will randomly compete with two A small team of inner disciples will face nine powerful teams from mainland China."

Sun Xing suddenly realized: "Is this time to test fighting skills? The name King of Fighters is a bit domineering!"

[The system is matching teammates for you, please wait...]

The last time I fought alone, this time it became a three-person match.

Sun Xing quickly adjusted his mood, at least this time he didn't have to fight alone.There is no need to think about the matching teammates, there are only three people who can enter the King of Fighters trial plus myself, and the remaining two don't even need to guess to know that they are Zhao Hao and Longlong.

The scene in front of Sun Xing changed, and he came to the suspension bridge connecting the Holy City and the Floating City in an instant.

"Sun Xing? It's you?"

Zhao Hao and Long Long also heard that the system matched them with teammates just now, and they were still guessing who had cleared Resident Evil and came to the King of Fighters trial.Both Zhao Hao and Long Long guessed that it might be Luo Feng, after all, he is the No. 1 inner sect, and it is very possible to pass the trial within a hundred times.

The person who never expected to come was Sun Xing.

Sun Xing frowned slightly and said: "Why, you are disappointed when I come here, right?"

Zhao Hao and Long Longyan were fast, and they put their arms around Sun Xing's shoulders and smiled apologetically: "How can you! What are you talking about! Our brother passed the customs trial, and we are too happy! We just need someone, and we have You beat the first group and you're in for a show."

Sun Xing was shocked when he heard this: "You have been here for several hours, but you didn't even beat the first group?"

The background was introduced just now, and there are a total of nine groups of enemies to face.

In Sun Xing's impression, Zhao Hao and Longlong were able to pass the biohazard trial with the first and second strengths, and this strength must be no problem.Although it is not possible to clear the level in one go, at least it is not a problem to kill one or two groups, right?As a result, in a few hours, they couldn't even play against the first team, which is a bit...

Hearing Sun Xing's contempt, Zhao Hao and Long Long were about to cry: "You think this trial is easy, don't you..."

PS: I recommend a friend's fantasy "Lord of the Nine Heavens".Super cool and beautiful!
 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (25/30)

(End of this chapter)

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