my pet is boss

Chapter 214 The Empire State Building

Chapter 214 The Empire State Building
Zhao Hao began to explain: "This is a battle between teams. There is no way to restore physical strength and blood in the battle. After defeating the No.1 opponent, the second round immediately followed by another opponent fighting. If you are defeated with insufficient blood, you will replace your teammates. This group of opponents has their own abilities, and their fighting level is super."

Zhao Hao paused, his face was a bit ugly, Longlong hurriedly added: "What's worse is that after each rebirth, the venue of the competition will change randomly. For example, this hanging bridge, the steep mountainside, and even the giant statue of the Inner Sea The top of the head. These places are not big, there is no room to dodge and maneuver at all, our body skills are completely restricted, we can only use our own martial arts to defeat the opponent."

After the two of them finished speaking, Sun Xing couldn't help but frowned, and glanced at the suspension bridge under his feet.

The length of the suspension bridge is only five meters wide. Because it leads to the floating city, there are no guardrails on both sides of the suspension bridge. If your feet slip, you will fall directly from the suspension bridge.

And below is the civilian area of ​​the holy city, with a height difference of at least [-] meters.In other words, if you accidentally fall, there is absolutely no possibility of survival.

"If this is the case, forget it. When the game officially starts, there will be an air wall to restrict the area, and the length will be less than 20 meters. You can only fight in the specified area and cannot escape at all. What's more hateful is that some After being cornered and knocked down by the opponent, the opponent will take you away without stopping at all..."

Sun Xing frowned deeper and deeper. According to Zhao Hao and Long Long's description, all the agility skills trained in Resident Evil in the last level were useless!

Since it was limited to fighting, they could only use monk skills, relying on their keen observation and reaction speed.As for things like agility, it might be useful to move around in a small range, and there is no room for other large movements.

It was only after the battle officially started that Sun Xing found out...

He thinks too much.

Sun Xing was pushed to the first place by Zhao Hao and Long Long, and he called it familiar with the field.

The first team they faced was the "Hungry Wolf Legend Team", and Sun Xing played against a young yellow-haired man in a red vest, white T-shirt, and casual cap. He introduced himself as Terry.

As for Zhao Hao and Long Long, for the sake of convenience, they directly called this person "Red Vest".

"Sun Xing, be careful with this guy's martial arts. He has two very powerful moves, Flame Punch and Slam Dunk."

Sun Xing didn't dare to be careless, so he responded with all his strength.

With the sound of "ready to start" from the outside of the system, the King of Fighters Fighting Tournament officially started.

As soon as the red vest came up, he punched him directly. The reason why Sun Xing was able to rank among the best in the inner sect was because he had unique insights in mastering martial arts. He was also prepared to face the red vest with the help of the white tiger's anger.

Zhao Hao and Longlong took a deep breath, Sun Xing single-handedly kneaded the formula and blessed the white tiger's furious thunder while galloping, not only saving the time of kneading the formula alone, but also the speed was extremely fast, and it was integrated with the attack. Among the top ten in the inner sect, he really has unique insights in the mastery of martial arts.

The two touched flesh, fist to fist and tried a move.

The red vest did a backflip and stood firm, while Sun Xing staggered three steps before stopping his retreat.

Sun Xing couldn't help but look serious, this guy is powerful enough!His white tiger's angry thunder strengthened his attack, and his fist was two points weaker than the opponent's, and this red vest was just an ordinary fist, and he hadn't used any martial arts yet...

It seems that this challenge, although not as terrifying as the Resident Evil Trial, is not less difficult.

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky turned pale, Shen Fei went online on time.

Pushing open the study door, seeing the sun rising from the plain, Shen Fei frowned.

How do you feel that the time of freezing and sleeping has been shortened every day recently? According to the time when I went offline yesterday, it will be pushed back six hours.
However, Tian Xia couldn't think of any results for this kind of thing.Shen Fei finished his breakfast, put away the most primitive cards on the table, and took Fuman and Fat Hu to the Imperial Bank.

After Margaret learned that Shen Fei was coming, she specially ordered someone to clean up the 53rd floor of the Empire State Building, including the outer walls of the building.The most prestigious chef in the holy city was invited one day in advance to prepare lunch for the two of them.Even the office has been rearranged, changing from the cold black, white and gray shapes to more friendly and gentle colors.

It is said that in order to welcome Shen Fei, all these things together cost 10 gold coins.

When Shen Fei chatted with Fuman on the carriage, he felt a burst of angina, and almost went back to the hospital for emergency treatment. It would be great if the 10 gold coins were given to him.Even if he is the richest man in the empire, he doesn't have to be so prodigal and extravagant, right?
But this was to welcome him, to give Shen Fei enough face, Shen Fei could only chatter a few words in private, but could not say anything publicly.

When Shen Fei came down from the royal area, it didn't take long for the red carpet to greet him on the ground.From the wealthy area to the Imperial Bank in the civilian area, it is paved ten miles directly.

Along the way, many bodyguards were hired to escort the crowd, keeping the onlookers ten meters away. The battle was astonishing.

Arrived at the Imperial Bank, got off the carriage and was surrounded by dedicated staff.Shen Fei and Fat Hu first took the elevator to the top floor to meet the countess, and Fuman took the check to exchange for [-] gold coins, and then went up to find them.

On the top floor of the Empire State Building, as soon as the elevator door opened, Shen Fei saw the graceful Countess, wearing a big red dress to the ground. Today, instead of matching with a big golden wave, she had all her hair coiled up, which looked too much Somewhat solemn and elegant, less sexy and alluring.

"Elder Shen's visit really makes the humble house flourish."

The corner of Shen Fei's mouth twitched, a little speechless.If even the Empire State Building is considered a poor house, then there is probably no place in the entire empire that can be called a high-end place, right?
"I'm flattered by the countess' welcome!"

The Imperial Consortium also has its own information, and it has long known the purpose of Shen Fei's visit to the Empire State Building.The Countess is also a straightforward person, and said directly: "After Zenzi has withdrawn the money, I will ask someone to lead him to the financial department and the futures trading hall. If he really has the talent in this area, then I am willing to spend money to train him for the empire." A business leader."

Shen Fei gave a thumbs up: "The Countess is generous, since I'm so frank, I'll make it clear that I have another cooperation to discuss with you today."

The Countess's eyes brightened: "From Elder Shen's perspective, the cooperation that can be discussed must be a big project. But I don't think it is urgent. I have invited the most famous chef in the Holy City here. We will talk slowly after dinner." .”

Fat Tiger has no interest in staying here, after all, women are the most annoying creatures.

Whether it was staying with Xiya before, or staying with A Li on Tianshen Island, women are all annoying creatures in Fat Tiger's eyes.

Wouldn't it be nice to just jump directly to the lightning rod tower at the top of the Empire State Building, take out the wicker chair and ham from your stomach pocket, and enjoy the breeze?

(End of this chapter)

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