my pet is boss

Chapter 215 The Card Game That Sweeps the Continent

Chapter 215 The Card Game That Sweeps the Continent

The most prestigious chef in the holy city is indeed amazing.

Although it is not like the spiritual chef in the Monk Temple, the feast of delicacies can replenish aura and improve attributes permanently.But this chef's craftsmanship has reached the master level, after a sumptuous meal, all of Shen Fei's attributes increased by 10%, and lasted for three days.

If this is a dungeon, the effect is enough to raise the whole team to a higher level.

During the dinner, the countess was very enthusiastic towards Shen Fei, which caused Shen Fei to mistakenly think that this woman had some affection for him.

It was only later that the countess went straight to the point and asked Shen Fei how he had kept his appearance for more than 100 years, and Shen Fei understood why the countess greeted him with great fanfare.It turned out that the instigator behind this was not his own handsome face, but a woman's persistent pursuit of an immortal appearance.

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment, not knowing what to say.After all, it's hard to talk about things like being off the assembly line for 95 years. I just integrated into the holy city, so I don't want to be regarded as a different kind because of shocking words.

Fat Tiger was able to spy on the system formed by the player's spiritual energy because of his excellent hacking ability and high strength, and because he obtained Shen Fei's "spiritual energy authority".But the Countess didn't have the strength to discover the relationship and secrets between the NPC and the player, so Shen Fei naturally couldn't explain the frozen warehouse and offline things.

"There are two ways to maintain a youthful appearance. One is to speed up cell metabolism, continuously replenish energy to allow cells to proliferate indefinitely, and keep cells alive forever, so that the appearance can be immortal. The other is to slow down the speed of cell metabolism to the greatest extent. , Let the cells find a way not to age and metabolize, so as to maintain the appearance."

The Countess's eyes lit up. This was the first time someone explained the change of her face from the perspective of cells.In the past, she wanted to find the answer from the aspect of time magic.

"Of course, the above two methods require strong energy as a basic guarantee. Simply put, it is to improve strength."

Shen Fei didn't expect to fool the Countess with such ambiguous words.To become the richest man in the empire must be extremely intelligent, and he will never be fooled by a few words.But Shen Fei still underestimated the effect of the four words "look not old" on women, even the most sensible woman would go crazy after hearing these four words.

The same is true for the countess, but it is so difficult to improve her strength to the point where she can control her own cellular energy, and it is by no means something that can be accomplished overnight.

After the meals were removed, the countess was reapplying her lipstick with her back on her back, euphemistically saying that women need to maintain beauty at all times.

When the countess turned her back, Shen Fei instantly felt his eyes light up. In front of him was a smooth and white back, with slender and graceful lines vividly displayed.Now Shen Fei finally understands why the countess Tan, the leader of other forces, turned pale, fearing to avoid her.This kind of charm that radiates anytime and anywhere is simply unstoppable!

"With such a perfect back, it's a pity not to cup it." Shen Fei muttered softly.

The Countess finished her lipstick and turned around: "What did Elder Shen just say?"

Shen Fei hurriedly reacted: "I mean, we can talk about business cooperation now after dinner."

The countess adjusted her sitting posture, and said curiously, "I'm curious about the business that Elder Shen wants to talk about."

Shen Fei took out the card machine from his pocket and put it on the table: "Before we start talking, is Mary interested in playing cards with me?" The Countess looked at the exquisitely crafted card machine, and there was a The words "Legend of the Times" are engraved on it.

"What kind of card is this, a magic card?" Mary felt the energy fluctuations from the card machine, and subconsciously thought it was a magic product.

"This is an aura card machine, you will understand later."

Shen Fei activated the card machine, and the aura formed a holographic projection of the aura on the card machine.

[Please choose the character you want to use! 】

The countess looked at the projected system.Now there are only four characters on the card.

They are Shen Fei representing the hunter, Master Lazy Zen representing the monk, Jax representing the warrior, and Shadow representing the assassin.

The four professions were carefully selected by Shen Fei, choosing the most representative roles in each profession.

The Countess looked at it for a long time, and finally chose the assassin Shadow.

Although I don't know how to play it, since it's a card, it can't get rid of a fixed frame anyway.There were only her and Shen Fei, so it was natural to fight each other, choosing an assassin with good lethality and strong concealment ability would definitely be the best choice.

Of course, Mary also considered choosing the role of Shen Fei.After all, a person who can shamelessly put himself into the game should shamelessly strengthen himself to show his extraordinary strength.

Not surprisingly, Shen Fei chose his own character to play.

As the richest man in the empire, Mary's IQ and EQ are high enough, even without Shen Fei's explanation, he has already figured out the rules and methods of the game through experience.

No surprises in the first one, Shen Fei directly pushed the shadow of Mary's choice with the favor of Hailiu.

After all, the shadow is just an assassin. Although the attack power is extremely high, but facing groups of pets, he can only lose one in seconds at a time, and it is not even as fast as Shen Fei's replenishment.

"Mary, what do you think of this game..."

Mary raised her hand and waved her hand, her eyes fixed on the card machine: "One more."

Shen Fei was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Mary to be so addicted to the game so quickly.Whether it's because of the desire to win or the attractiveness of the game, as long as she wants to play, then the business can be negotiated.

This time Mary didn't use the "garbage" shadow, and Jax, who represented the warrior, hadn't heard of it at all, and finally chose the monk Lazy Master.

As soon as she got down, Mary had a basic understanding of this game, and finally understood why Shen Fei called it an aura card machine.

After all the card effects are placed on the card machine, the aura will be converted into the corresponding type and come out with real attack effects, adding an immersive feeling to the game.

Secondly, the selection and combination of cards can be played in many different ways, plus a little bit of luck in the order of playing the cards, which greatly increases the playability of this game.

For example, Shen Fei's luck was very bad this time. Before the pet trend was formed, Mary took it all at once.

"Yeah, I won!" Mary jumped up excitedly, full of girlishness, which made Shen Fei lose his mind for a moment.

However, Master Lan Chan's warning resurfaced in his mind again, and Shen Fei kept reminding himself that this person was old enough to be his aunt.

"Okay, can we talk about cooperation now?"

After Shen Fei finished speaking, Mary took her seat again and said, "The Imperial Chamber of Commerce can contract for the distribution of goods on the human side, and I want 2% of the profit. As for the dwarves and elves, you should want to directly cooperate with the leaders of the chambers of commerce on both sides. But I The Imperial Chamber of Commerce can also contract overseas distribution, and I will get 3 points for all the goods that go to sea."

Shen Fei was stunned. Before he even opened his mouth, did Mary know?
(End of this chapter)

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