my pet is boss

Chapter 216 Promotion in Progress

Chapter 216 Promotion in Progress

Mary's face was indifferent, and she was capable and vigorous when entering the negotiation stage.

"Don't be surprised, I'm not idle when I'm playing games. The prohibition that cannot be cracked must be to ensure that the internal structure of the aura card is not leaked.

I guess even if someone wants to use violence to crack the mystery, this little card also has a self-destruct program, and those who are interested will get nothing at that time.Wuseng Zenyuan does not have any industrial channels in the secular world, so you must have found me to promote this card game.Then the next thing will be a matter of course. What's so hard to guess? "


None of the four ministers of the humerus is mediocre.

Now that all is said and done, let's get straight to talking!
"I have no objection to taking two points from the empire, but I'm afraid it's a bit too high to take three points from overseas channels. Overseas, I can make a profit of two points at most. You know, the channels for caravans in the empire are very sound, even if there is only one point profit." You can also earn a lot of money. Two points overseas is very reasonable."

Shen Fei's rebuttal is also very reasonable. The Imperial Chamber of Commerce's domestic channels are already very mature, and in fact, it can promote this game at no cost at all.Unless it was a last resort, Shen Fei still didn't want to cooperate directly with dwarves and elves.After all, how will it sell at that time? Updates, after-sales and other links are not easy to deal with.It is naturally a good choice to cooperate fully with Mary.

"Elder Shen, you need to know that since we choose to ship your goods, we naturally have to ship less of our other goods, and the profits from them should naturally be converted, otherwise the chamber of commerce will suffer too much."

Mary's reply was also very simple, and the two couldn't agree on a profit.

Shen Fei immediately laughed when he heard what Mary said, this is bullying him for not knowing the caravan, right?

"The card machines transported by the caravan are all packed in treasure bags, so they don't take up much space at all. With your business sense, Mary, you should know how much sensation this game will cause when it comes out. Moreover, fixed facilities such as card machines are not the main source of profit, the randomly drawn card packs and the constantly updated professional and advanced cards are the main source of this game's long-lasting popularity and income."

"Random card pack, career update, advanced card?" Mary, who was quick to react, was stunned when she heard three new words in a row.

Shen Fei took out a sealed card pack from his arms, and showed it: "This is a random card pack. Each random card pack can draw three cards. These cards are all cards other than the basic deck. There will be Advanced cards of other professions, even rare cards."

Shen Fei opened the card pack, and three rays of blue light emerged from it, and the three cards were opened in turn, one for a hunter, one for an assassin, and one for a warrior.The cards opened in the card pack are all other than the basic cards, and their effects are completely different from those provided before.

"The cards produced in the card pack are random. Even the creator himself doesn't know what cards will come out after opening. The general cards are blue, and the more advanced cards are purple and gold, such as this one."

Shen Fei took out a golden card from his pocket, with a portrait of the White Tiger God on it, and the effect of this golden card was written on the bottom.

"This card is so powerful!?"

Mary couldn't help but sigh, the power and effect of the golden card is really extraordinary.What's even more incredible is that this is a universal card, that is, all professions can use this card, of course, the premise is that you are lucky enough to draw it.

"What is the probability of drawing this card?"

Shen Fei smiled and said: "After all, it's the first legendary card, and the explosion rate is still very high, it's a full 0.01%!"

Mary couldn't help shivering, she couldn't help scolding "profiteer" in her heart, and asked, "How much is this card package?"

"It's not expensive, a card packs 3 gold coins, buy ten and get one free."

"What about the career update you mentioned earlier?"

"As you can see, there are only four professions, Hunter, Assassin, Warrior, and Monk. There are also priests, mages, warlocks, and knight priests. Many professions have not yet come out. Will the card packs be sold crazy? Even In the future, what kind of limited occupations can be engaged in, and even the basic card packs need to be charged..."

Mary no longer doubts that Fei Shen has a complete set of business plans.He cooperated with himself mainly because of the distribution channels and breadth of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce.

And Mary also had a hunch that it would go further, for example, advertisements could even be posted on the back of the card, and this kind of card competition could even hold a grand prix, attracting card players from all over the world.

Mary raised her head after thinking for a moment, took a deep breath and said, "I can only take [-]% of the profit from domestic channels and overseas channels, but I have one condition, that is, the Imperial Chamber of Commerce must be the only partner in organizing events in the future." .”

Mary has seen it far, the card game is sure to catch fire.At that time, there will be a challenge game, there will be card players from all over the world to participate in the challenge, and there will even be a professional team.Do these people want to eat, live, and consume when they come to the holy city?These are the industries of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, can they make money?
If it's just the current four professions plus basic decks, making money by selling aura card machines, then this business is too low-level and there is no profit.

However, it is constantly updated, and even new cards are added. Every update can bring new changes in the gameplay.A game can be enduring because of its vitality.Updates can inject new vitality into the game, at least from what Shen Fei said just now, as long as the Imperial Chamber of Commerce cooperates properly, this game will become the most popular card game in the whole continent within five years.

Shen Fei didn't expect Mary to be so courageous, and he lowered the profit by [-]%, just to win the exclusive right.

"Okay, then it's finalized. [-]% each at home and abroad, and I guarantee the exclusive cooperation right of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce." Shen Fei is not polite, a win-win is the best choice.If there is a stronger partner than the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, he doesn't mind pushing down the price again.Since there is not, then this ratio is the most appropriate now, within the range acceptable to both parties.

"Okay, I'll let my subordinates prepare the contract immediately."

Mary was about to get up, but Shen Fei raised her hand to stop her: "Wait a minute, Mary, I have another business to discuss here, I wonder if you are interested."

There was curiosity on Mary's face, and Shen Fei gave him surprises one after another today.If there is business again, then of course I have to listen to it.

"Mary, you are now the richest man in the empire, the president of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce, the countess, the four ministers of the humerus, the justice of the empire, and the minister of finance. Have you ever thought about raising your reputation to a higher level?"

There was some vigilance in Mary's eyes. Shen Fei's words sounded very tempting, but the more she said this, the more vigilant she became.

"What does Elder Shen mean, it's better to express it clearly."

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (26/30)

(End of this chapter)

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