my pet is boss

Chapter 217 Investing in predators

Chapter 217 Investing in predators
Shen Fei was not reserved and polite, and directly expressed his thoughts: "Look, this game will be sold to the North and South Continents, and I think no one knows better than you, Mary, how big a sensation it will cause."

Mary nodded slightly. This game is very playable, and with the krypton gold, it makes people fall deeper and deeper and cannot extricate themselves.

The power of communication and sensation will definitely surpass all the current leisure and entertainment activities, forming a big trend.

"I think it would be a good choice to add a new profession called Countess Margaret in the next version. Priests and mages should come first."

Mary's pupils trembled slightly.

The four most basic occupations of this game will definitely make everyone remember these four characters with different occupations after being sold well.Everyone will have their favorite or favorite characters.However, as the first new version of the profession, it will definitely attract everyone's attention. This publicity will be promoted exponentially as the popularity of the game increases. I believe that it will not be long before the entire continent will know about Countess Margaret. .

Besides, as the only woman in all professions, the amount of attention she can get...

Mary smiled: "Elder Shen is really calculating, killing two birds with one stone is not enough, he actually thought of killing three birds with one stone, and this proposal is really hard to refuse!"

Shen Fei looked stunned: "Mary, what did you say that kills two birds with one stone and kills three birds with one stone, I don't understand at all!"

The corners of the Countess's gorgeous lips raised slightly: "Elder Shen can not only collect a sponsorship fee, but also tie the two of us to the same station car, so that I can do my best to promote this game, because promoting the game is quite important." To promote my own fame. In the end, I can make a lot of money, isn't it killing three birds with one stone?"

Shen Fei scratched his head and suddenly realized: "I just want to collect a sponsorship fee, I didn't expect there are so many benefits?"

The countess smiled lightly, she didn't know if she was laughing at Shen Fei's shallow and contrived performance, or she was laughing at herself that she couldn't avoid this conspiracy.

"One hundred thousand gold coins, I want to see the Countess's name in the next expansion."

Shen Fei's eyes lit up when he heard the [-] gold coins, and he stretched out his hand and said, "Happy cooperation."

This price has exceeded his expectations. Anyway, in order to maintain the freshness of the game in the future, all occupations will appear in sequence. One sequence can earn one hundred thousand gold coins. The entry prices of other occupations provide a sticker price.

"By the way, I personally suggest changing the name of the game. "Legend of the Age" sounds too ordinary. Why not call it "Legend of Heroes". What does Elder Shen think?"

Shen Fei chewed slightly, and agreed with Mary's point of view.He felt that calling it Legend of Heroes was more appropriate, since he was also in the game, so calling him Legend of Heroes didn't mean that he was also a hero, nothing wrong with that!

Afterwards, Mary arranged for the legal department to draw up the contract immediately, and the first batch of 10 sponsorship fees were also deposited into Shen Fei's bank account.

Shen Fei carefully read the contract and signed his name after confirming that there were no hidden clauses.

The domestic dividends will be credited into Shen Fei's account every month in the future, and it will be directly based on the shipments of the Monk Temple, and the sales channel will be in charge of the Imperial Chamber of Commerce.This also shows Mary's confidence in the popularity of this game, and she checks out directly according to the shipment volume, never worrying about unsalable card packs or game consoles.

Dividends abroad will be longer and will be settled every six months.Because it takes three months to go back and forth between the dwarves and the kingdom of elves.There are caravans coming and going every month, and the half-year settlement cycle is also reasonable.

"Okay, now that the contract is signed, we will cooperate happily and win-win in the future. I just went down to pick up Fuman and left, and I have to prepare a new version of the card when I return to the Buddhist monastery." Fei Shen didn't waste any time , for him, time is tight now, there are many things to worry about, and there are many things to accumulate.

"I'll see off Elder Shen."

Mary got up, her slender figure was soft and boneless, and the simple movement of getting up also carried extreme charm.

"What a goblin!" Shen Fei couldn't help but sigh in his heart, after a few glances he quickly shifted his eyes to other places.

The two took the elevator down to the trading hall of the futures market on the fifteenth floor.

As soon as the elevator door opened, Shen Fei saw the busy figures of traders and businessmen.

The magic screen changes every three seconds, and there is a huge black and white dot matrix screen next to it, constantly scrolling various real-time data.

This is the financial center of the empire.

Huge wealth can be born here every second. This is a race against money and time.

"The magic screen of the trading market is connected to the magic nets of major cities. After the information is encrypted and transmitted through the magic nets, within a few minutes you can know the transaction prices of bulk items in cities hundreds of miles away. All transactions will be uploaded to Dedicated magic net, resulting in a difference in buying and selling transactions, causing fluctuations in market prices."

Mary was explaining at the side, and a word immediately appeared in Shen Fei's mind - stock market.

"Any inconspicuous person here may be the owner of the manor, or a noble who has been conferred by His Majesty."

"It's a rich man's game."

Shen Fei took it for granted, capital was never something common people play with.It's just that he doesn't know if the established guild will join the trading market after the player enters the holy city, setting off a round of bloody battles.The current market size and transaction volume of the empire are actually not very large.

After a while, the staff brought the excited Fuman over.

"Master, this place is really a good place, making money too fast!"

Fuman knows that the young master likes money, and being able to help the young master make money and accumulate wealth is the most fulfilling thing for him other than the tasks the young master ordered.

Seeing Fuman's excited look, Shen Fei must have made a lot of money.Moreover, Fuman does have the brains and talent for doing business. A cook from the Turk County Security Brigade before, who had never been exposed to finance and business, was able to do it with ease in just one and a half hours and made money. endowed.

Shen Fei couldn't help asking: "How much did you earn?"

Fuman stretched out his hand and opened his palm: "I earned five thousand gold coins!"

Shen Fei's eyes brightened: "[-] gold coins earned [-], it's ok!"

Even Mary on the side couldn't help but look at Fuman more.She had heard a lot of rumors about Zen's talent before, including Archmage Jordan and Archbishop Mailer, who were willing to teach them in person, and these news were not banned in the two academies, so Mary knew that Fuman was pregnant with a child. Heart, Nine Levels of Talent, Body of Faol, Son of Holy Light.

Now even the business sense is so sensitive, it is really unfathomable.

Mary just wanted to ask Fuman to come to the trading center to study in the future, but Fuman replied to Shen Fei first: "I dare not embezzle the money that the young master gave me. Fuman used the 5 gold coins he had saved to earn money. The money."

"Pfft! What did you say, you made 5 gold coins with 5000 gold coins!?"

 Recommend a fun game, "The Invisible Guardian", the plot of this game is amazing.Fang Min, Muto Junko, Gu Junru, Zhuang Xiaoman, Lu Wangshu are all great


(End of this chapter)

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