my pet is boss

Chapter 218 Players Enter

Chapter 218 Players Enter
Shen Fei was completely dumbfounded.He thought that Fuman made 50 with the [-] gold coins withdrawn from today's check. After all, it was quite terrifying to earn [-]% in just one and a half hours, and Shen Fei praised him unceasingly.

Unexpectedly, Fuman told him that the young master didn't dare to embezzle the money at will, and he used the five gold coins he had saved, which doubled 1000 times in one and a half hours.

Mary couldn't help but stare at Fuman brightly, signaling to the staff around her.

From the initial shock, the staff member has been "used to it" for an hour and a half now, and began to tell the whole process of Zenzi's business operation from the beginning when 5 gold coins entered the trading center.

In short, what to buy is soaring.What's more, the things you buy and sell don't depend on market trends and trends at all, and all depend on your own preferences and feelings.As a result, in less than half an hour, Chanzi was followed by a group of nobles, and they rushed to buy whatever Chanzi bought, trying to stir up the price, and left after a wave of harvest.

The accumulation of initial funds took 60.00% of the time, and the remaining 40.00% of the time was to buy with eyes closed and earn with eyes closed.

The staff and traders, their eyes were all red, and they wanted to serve tea and water after Zenzi, hoping that Zenzi could give them some pointers so that they could earn a little bit.It's just that due to the prohibition of employees, I can only YY.

Shen Fei was shocked at first, then felt a little uncomfortable clutching his chest after recovering.If Fuman invested 5000 gold coins just now, would he have a chance to earn [-] million gold coins...

I seem to have missed a good opportunity to get rich.

"Fuman, I still have 10 gold coins in my account at the Imperial Bank. You are limited to invest and spend all the gold coins within ten days. If you can't spend all the gold coins, I will kick you out and deny you as a servant."

When Fuman heard that the young master wanted to drive him away, his expression suddenly changed.

"Young master, I dare not spend so much money. If I lose money, I will never redeem myself!"

Shen Fei waved his hand and didn't care about that much, he "lost" tens of millions of gold coins today, feeling like he was stabbed severely.

"Don't come to see me if you can't finish the flowers. I can afford your young master's profit and loss!"

Mary on the side couldn't help but put her hand on her mouth, the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

Shen Fei's weakness is too obvious, basically a normal person can find it.

In the end, Fuman agreed to the young master's arrangement. In addition, Mary also opened a top-level VIP account for Fuman in the trading center. With this identity, he can enter and exit the trading center at will and participate in any level of investment.

According to Mary's original words, Fuman can be her master with a wealth growth rate of a thousand times in one and a half hours. I can't teach him by myself, so I let him exercise in the trading center and learn by himself. Become a talent.

Shen Fei and Fuman walked out of the Empire State Building, and Fuman was going to study magic in the floating city.

"Fuman, why haven't you seen Qi Qi recently?" After saying that, Shen Fei turned to look at the ham in Fat Hu's hand, and looked back and forth: "Fat Hu, you don't know how to make Qi Qi into a ham, do you? "

Fat Tiger quickly put his deer leg ham into his belly pocket: "Why are you thinking so evil, this is the best Seria ham, it is not comparable to the big pig leg that is matched."

Fuman quickly explained: "Pei Qi has been at the Royal Conservatory of Music for the past few days. Because of his absolute pitch, he was invited by the Royal Conservatory of Music to be a visiting professor. He still has a salary of 5 gold coins a month!"

Shen Fei opened his mouth wide in disbelief, a pig has become a professor, this world is too crazy, right?Those guys from the Conservatory of Music are no longer afraid of being judged by the world?

Then Fuman explained that there are very few people with absolute pitch, and the Royal Academy of Music now has no masters with absolute pitch.After learning that Qi Qi has this ability, the Conservatory of Music decided to make Qi Qi a visiting professor after careful consideration to provide them with guidance.

It is said that Pei Qi recently had a good meal at the Conservatory of Music, and he ate high-quality food every day, and there was also a professional massage service every day.All that needs to be done every day is to discover the loopholes and shortcomings when the college students or teachers are playing.

Although Qiqi is not difficult to speak, it can flap its ears and flick its tail, and the students of the music school can fully understand the meaning.

Flapping ears means that there is a problem with being out of tune, and flicking the tail means happiness, which means excellent.

No response... Then do you still need to ask?That is not impressed enough to match.

After finishing speaking, Fuman glanced at the time: "Master, I'm going to the Master Academy for class first, and I'll come back to talk at night."

Leaving Shen Fei alone in a mess, even one of Fuman's pigs has become a professor at the conservatory, this world is really crazy.

Following Fuman's departure, Shen Fei and Fat Hu also returned to the Wuseng Temple.

Shen Fei directly built a manufacturing factory in the Dreaming Zen Realm, specializing in the manufacture of aura card machines and card packs.After setting the parameters, it can run on its own, even without the need for a special person to take care of it.You only need to take a few disciples to send the goods to the side door of the Wu Monk Zen Garden every day, and do a handover registration with the people from the Imperial Consortium.

Shen Fei was about to continue to study and test, but as soon as he sat in the study, his chat system made a sound.

Glancing at the jumping dialog box, it was a message from Leng Ling.

[Leng Ling: Shen Fei, we have already arrived in the inner sea, there is a shameless statue in the inner sea, it looks like you! 】

Shen Fei's face turned dark after reading the news, how did this little girl talk?
Is a statue without a face shameless?If the Chinese teacher hears you using adjectives indiscriminately, you shouldn't die on the spot.


They have already reached the inner sea?This means that other players will soon enter the holy city.

Shen Fei tapped the wooden table rhythmically with his fingers, and the players came to the Holy City, which marked that soon human players would be able to explore the entire human empire, and even meet and communicate with other races.After all, the holy city is the center of the empire. After players gather here, a large number of subsequent plots and tasks will revolve around the holy city.

It's like a lotus flower, slowly stretching out along the lotus leaves, and finally retracting.

Perhaps the problems that I have been unable to solve before can find a turning point.

Even, use the player's "immortal" status to issue tasks to them, and let them investigate or resolve disputes on their behalf.

Shen Fei's thoughts became clearer and clearer. As the Supreme Elder of the Monk Temple and the person in charge of MI[-], it was enough to order these players.No matter how much profit he promises, these players still have to compete to serve Shen Fei.

【Shen Fei: Let your sister talk. 】

[Leng Ling: Shen Fei, you hate it to death! 】

[Leng Ling: Tell me, do you like my sister? 】

[Shen Fei: No, I just simply don't like you. 】

(End of this chapter)

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