my pet is boss

Chapter 219

Chapter 219
Shen Fei and Leng Ling chattered for a while before a message popped up from Leng Qingqiu's dialog box.

Shen Fei chatted with Leng Qingqiu to understand the current progress and level of the players.After staying in the holy city for too long, Shen Fei almost lost touch with the players, and regarded this as a stand-alone game.

Leng Qingqiu's Leng Group's guild has grown stronger, because the dungeon ranks at the top and has attracted many casual players, even in the human guild circle, it has gained a lot of popularity.

All of these depended on Shen Fei telling them the tricks to pass the level several times, so that they could avoid the minefield and quickly clear the dungeon.

When they arrived at Sentinel Fort, the team's equipment, configuration and coordination were quite mature, and it was logical that they became the first team to clear the [Black Gold Mountain Rebellion] instance.

And in the ensuing race, Leng's Group also won the first place.

If it is a coincidence that the [Library] dungeon scored the first, then Leng Qingqiu in the [Black Gold Mountain Rebellion] dungeon can be considered to have touched a little bit of the leader's command.After the first attempt, it's time to prepare fire elemental resistance potions, or fire resistance equipment. The guild has formed a complete supply chain and will provide them soon.

According to Leng Qingqiu, the average level of the two top teams in their guild has reached level 25.

After they successfully cleared the two copies, other players also arrived here one after another.By the time they left, many players were around level 22.

Shen Fei probably knew in his heart that the average level for players to reach the Holy City should be around 23-25.The holy city is the hub center of the human empire. Next, they will radiate to every corner of the empire through a series of tasks, and gradually upgrade their level.

And from Leng Qingqiu's words, Shen Fei learned that their pre-quest line for coming to the Holy City was the same as Shen Fei's.Fighting against the fire element is meritorious, and he came to the military headquarters in the holy city to receive a reward, as well as a letter of recommendation for everyone according to their occupation.

It's just that they didn't have such a high standard as Shen Fei, they met directly with Grand Duke Ferdinand, but met with a deputy general of the military department to hand over the task.As for the person in charge of each profession, they are also the guide disciples within the forces.

Afterwards, Shen Fei learned that for the three professions under the ranger classification, the tasks of the recommendation letters they got were all related to the external contacts of MI[-].In other words, the three professions of thief, bard, and madman can all be counted as outside organizations of MI[-].

Shen Fei's eyes lit up, wouldn't SI:[-] get tens of thousands of intelligence spies and thugs?

After chatting with Leng Qingqiu, Shen Fei went directly to MI[-] to find the shadow.

"I got a message from a friend that in the next period of time, many rangers will come to the Holy City to contact our external contacts. Their strength is almost at the level of junior agents."

Shen Fei could see the level of the NPC. The level of a junior agent of SI:30 is about level 35, that of an intermediate agent is 40, and that of a senior agent is about 40.The man in black who assassinated Shen Fei last time was a level [-] assassin.

Shadow leaned forward slightly, very interested in Shen Fei's information.

The investigation into the murder of Boss Xiao En has begun a little bit, and he now has a feeling of distrust for all the agents of MI[-].After all, knowing that SI:[-] may have been infiltrated to the point of being riddled with holes, Shadow no longer knows who to trust.

"How loyal are these people? Is it reliable?" Shadow was eager to build a force that truly belonged to MI[-], a team of agents completely loyal to MI[-].

Shen Fei thought about the player's urgency, if the blueprints and skill books were produced, even the king would dare to kill them.

"Most of these people are profit-seeking people. We can use them but not reuse them. As long as they promise huge profits, they would dare to assassinate even important ministers of the empire." Shadow's eyes lit up when he heard this, isn't this just cannon fodder!It takes a long period of time to train a qualified agent. Basically, the training starts when you are a teenager and you are talented. The time for an agent to be able to perform missions is about five to ten years after training.Therefore, every mission must be done carefully, and no agent will be lost.

This also leads to the fact that there are not many agents and assassins in MI[-], and it is even more difficult to perform tasks.

Since there is such a group of good fighters who can be won over only by profit, why not do it.

Shadow leaned forward slightly, and suggested: "Then our SI:[-] can give them external low-difficulty tasks, and at the same time restrict our high-level resources to complete more powerful tasks!"

Shen Fei waved his dissenting opinions: "No, tasks are issued according to their strength. As long as their strength reaches the standard, it's okay to give them high-level tasks. It's easier to control them for profit. You have to know, what they need is money and status. All can be given, and at the same time, the joining of such a large number of people can speed up the flow and elimination of personnel within MI[-]. At this time, in cooperation with the internal investigation, it is just a matter of removing some of the eyes and ears that have been inserted in."

"The catfish effect?"

Shadow's eyes lighted up, and his investigation had already begun to take shape, and he believed that the spies placed by other forces in the organization would soon be uncovered.

These latent spies are all other organizational forces, and they just competed through the "catfish effect", and they were naturally eliminated from SI:[-].

"How much money is left in SI[-]'s account?" Shen Fei was in charge of SI[-], but he never asked about tasks and organizational accounts, and let the shadow manage it.

Shadow took a half step back in embarrassment: "Previously, His Majesty used his own money to subsidize and maintain SI[-]. After His Majesty disappeared, I cut off the source of income, so I organized agents to take over the tasks and barely maintained the operation of SI[-]."

Shen Fei's eyes widened in disbelief: "You don't want to say that the lights in the basement of SI[-] are not turned on to pretend to be deep, but because you can't afford the electricity bill?"

Shadow froze for a moment, then nodded.

Shen Fei didn't expect the economy of MI[-] to be so poor, he thought for a moment and said: "In the future, if other forces want to investigate information, they will all charge for it! And they will start to undertake various missions, and they can grab missions from killers. If you want Knowing that the funder has issued a mission is itself a kind of intelligence news. We may not accept some missions, but it does not mean that we have to reject the entire channel."

Shadow was stunned, before he did refuse to accept the mission due to moral reasons, but today Shen Fei woke him up with one sentence.

Yes, the task can be rejected, but issuing the task itself carries a lot of information.Missing a line of information because of a small point is indeed a bit ill-considered.

There are other forces looking for information, such as the Archmage, the Grand Duke, etc., and he has always refused.After all, they are all loyal to the empire, and they are divided between each other.

But Shen Fei didn't take it seriously, why didn't he accept it?I have to take it hard!These intelligence agents are exchanged with their lives, worth the price!What's more, MI[-] is a private organization owned by His Majesty, and it is enough to be loyal to His Majesty alone, so why bother with so many others?
The Grand Duke's Mansion and the Master's Academy didn't give us sponsorship fees, so why should we take our intelligence information for nothing?

(End of this chapter)

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