my pet is boss

Chapter 220 NPC Template

Chapter 220 NPC Template
Shen Fei successfully brainwashed the shadow, and tentatively decided on the regulations.

There are external guides, and the visitors will not refuse to accept all the orders.

Promote their status according to the number and difficulty of completed tasks.

Receive a large number of black market tasks, and redistribute the tasks to players to earn intermediate differences.

"Boss, your solution is good, but now the funds in MI[-]'s account are already stretched, and there is no way to give extra money as a reward..." Shadow lowered his head in shame. Such a large organization, because of the difficulty of money, actually spoke out. It's embarrassing.

"It's not urgent. At that time, I will personally inject some funds to ease the situation. I can withdraw the funds when there are more liquid funds in the account." Only Shen Fei added a sentence in his heart: It's just that this loan is to be collected. interest.

Shadow's eyes lit up, and he hurriedly sang praises.

"As expected of the boss, after taking over MI[-], he immediately discovered that the organization was infiltrated, and solved the problem of MI[-]'s development, and now it provides working capital..."

Shadow was extremely excited, compared with Shen Fei, it seemed that he had been a vegetarian for more than ten years in office, doing nothing.

"That's it for the time being. Don't worry about letting them get in touch with classified missions. The stronger they are, the more motivated they will be. The greater their contribution to MI[-], the higher the chance of being exposed to classified missions. I even think about waiting for them to grow up. , let them help find Lucian's whereabouts."

This is a snowballing process. The more powerful people you have, the more tasks you can complete in the later stage. Maybe you can really find the whereabouts of His Majesty the King.

"By the way, remember one thing! The functions of these newly added agents are developing towards assassins, preventing them from entering the intelligence department."

Shen Fei is well aware that some Liver Emperor players are very prestigious.After obtaining the high-level authority at that time, one will find out a lot about him.Second, players get a lot of information, which will bring many unknown changes to the entire game.Players, you just need to be a cow and a horse to complete the task under the arrangement of the NPC. What kind of bicycle do you want?

"Also, set up a special hall underground for these people to receive and complete tasks, and strictly guard the intelligence room. It will be done in a few days, and many people will come soon."

Shen Fei thought perfectly, leaving the rest of the operations to Shadow.

Shadow worships Shen Fei very much now, and he is worthy of being the leader appointed by His Majesty the King.In the past, SI[-] could barely operate in his hands, but Shen Fei was able to find out the problem as soon as he arrived, and seized the opportunity to overtake on the curve!

In the past, SI:[-] regarded itself as the darkness of the underground, but when it developed at full capacity, he could confidently compare SI:[-] with the other three major forces.

After Shen Fei finished explaining, he went back to the Monk Temple. Along the way, he was still thinking about his current status and status, and he could still issue tasks. Is he considered an NPC with the player system?

Later, an inspiration flashed in Shen Fei's mind: why not let Fat Tiger make an NPC template for himself, so that he can switch back and forth between the player and the NPC.

For other players, this is definitely impossible, but because of Fat Tiger, a spiritual programming genius, who is also compatible with his own system, it is very easy to apply an additional NPC template patch.

Fat Tiger's eyes lit up when he heard Shen Fei's thoughts. If this is the case, Shen Fei can have the functions of player and NPC at the same time, and only need to switch the system when needed.

"Tell me all your requirements and functions." Fat Tiger clapped his arms and said, it is the only expert in aura programming.Fat Tiger had also talked about this with Shen Fei before, because it has a godhead, which is equivalent to having part of the authority to rule the world, plus the relationship with Shen Fei that is recognized by the system as a hunter and a pet, so he can do it easily. Discovered Shen Fei's "invisible" system interface and imitated it.

These are prerequisites.

One of them is not true, it cannot master Reiki programming.

Fat Tiger's aura code is the same as Shen Fei's, so the "plug-in" he made can naturally be loaded into Shen Fei's system.

The most important part of the NPC template is the task, Shen Fei's main appeal is to realize the released task list.

What tasks have been released by myself, what are the rewards, who is the person who accepts the tasks, and so on.

The second is the favorability. Shen Fei hopes that Fat Tiger can make something with the same favorability as the player. After all, he meets so many people a day, who knows how much each player has the favorability with him.With this in mind, when tasks are issued in the future, they can be selectively issued, and even the rewards can be increased.

"As far as these requirements are concerned for the time being, you'd better save more interfaces or columns, and add them later when needed."

Shen Fei thought of so much for the time being, and these functions are enough for now.

Fat Tiger understood it, took out a ruler and a pen from his stomach pocket, designed the shape and style on the blank design drawing, and then programmed it with aura after the design was completed.

This is the difference between Reiki programming and real programming.Real programming is to write the underlying code first, and the UI last.Fat Tiger designs the UI first, and finally adds aura according to the format.

Fat Tiger has seen Shen Fei's system interface, and plans to make one according to the same specifications. This way, the two interfaces are classified in the same way, and there will be no sense of alienation when switching systems.

The second is the issue of the sector, leaving enough room for future projects.

Because Shen Fei's requirements were relatively simple, Fat Tiger quickly made the interface according to the requirements, and realized it after adding the same coded aura.But Fat Tiger did not end, but began to design other interfaces.

"The system doesn't even provide a special pet interface, it's too tasteless!" Other people's pets are very common, so it makes sense to use an embedded interface.But Fat Tiger's status is here, since he has this ability, he must make another pet classification, and then load it into the system for Shen Fei.

By the way, Fat Tiger put Fuman and Peiqi together in this interface to satisfy his own bad taste.

After Shen Fei left, he went straight to Dreaming Zen Realm to see the progress of these inner disciples.

On the first floor of Shushan Square, many inner disciples were discussing enthusiastically in the rest area, and there were several more portraits on the mountain wall.

Several of them are very familiar to Shen Fei, and after looking through the memory, he remembered that they were Zhao Hao's roommates, and there were also Luo Feng, a disciple who was originally a top ten inner sect disciple, and others.

But in terms of the number of clearances, Zhao Hao and Long Long are far ahead.On the contrary, Sun Xing, who was third, was pushed to the fifth position.The third was occupied by Luo Feng, and the fourth was occupied by the second in the inner sect.

Afterwards, Shen Fei walked around the mountainside again, and saw Zhao Hao, Longlong and Sun Xing lying on the square like dead dogs. There was no picture scroll left on the mountain wall, it seemed that they hadn't cleared the copy of King of Fighters.

"It's okay, there's still a big gift in the future!" Shen Fei said to himself, and returned to Xiaozhuxuan.

(End of this chapter)

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