my pet is boss

Chapter 221

Chapter 221
The Leng family sisters brought two teams from the guild to the holy city.

The majestic and majestic holy city shocked everyone. When such a hero stood in front of everyone, they were only shocked and endlessly excited.

This is the capital of the human empire and the center of the empire's power.

"When everyone enters the city, bind the return point first, and then complete the pre-mission tasks and get familiar with the environment of the holy city. We will gather later." Because the first batch of people who came were the main force of the two battle groups of the guild, and Not a lot of logistical work to do.First investigate the situation in the holy city, and see what the next mission will be.

The two combat groups of the guild first found the military lieutenant general according to the instructions in the mission of General Ross. After handing in the mission, they got the military's favor and rewards, and then went their separate ways to find relevant professional guides.

Among the two combat groups of the Leng Group Guild, the first and second teams have ranger professions.

The first team is a lunatic player, that is, the high-level person from the personnel department that Shen Fei met before, and Shen Fei also built a [Luxury Pistol] for him.The second team is a thief player, who has been cultivated by the guild, gradually emerging in the guild, and was single-handedly promoted by Leng Qingqiu to be the main force of the second team.

The two went together to the location told in the letter, and met with the guide from MI[-].

According to the location in the letter, the two came to a hotel in the civilian area, and found the contact person of MI[-] in the unremarkable back kitchen cellar.

The contacts had already received instructions from the deputy director shadow, asking them if they would like to join the imperial intelligence organization SI:[-].

The two daimyos from SI[-] have heard about it a long time ago. This is the most powerful intelligence and assassination organization in the entire empire. They didn't expect that they could become members of SI[-] with just one pick-up mission. How could such a good thing be missed!
The two looked at each other, seeing excitement in each other's eyes.

They still don't know whether they were favored because they were the first to report, or if every ranger class could get the same task when they were brought here.But in any case, the two of them followed the guild to gain an advantage. Even if all ranger professions can enter SI[-], they are also the first players to enter SI[-]. Through this time difference, they can obtain greater benefits!
The messenger led the two of them to the temporary basement, and gave each of them a pass badge.

The next time you come, you can show the badge to the innkeeper to enter the secret hideout.

"In the future, this secret hideout will be for you to use. Every day, some tasks will be released for you to do. After completing them, you will be rewarded with prestige and money. As your prestige and strength increase, the tasks you can access will become higher and better. Confidential, the status in MI[-] will be raised accordingly."

"Register when you accept the mission later, congratulations on officially becoming the junior assassins of MI[-]."

After the envoy had finished speaking a few words, the eyes of the two had become extremely hot.

In the past, everyone was based on a guild or a small group, and they didn't have any sense of belonging to their chosen profession.Entering the holy city now, and finding the organization where my profession belongs, this feeling is completely different from guilds or other real relationship organizations.

If you choose this profession in the game, you must like this profession.Being able to join a professional organization now seems to have really gained some pure sense of belonging to the game.

And the two of them received their first mission in the secret hideout, which was to assassinate the leader of a group of bandits outside the holy city.This group of bandits has recently committed crimes in the wilderness outside the Holy City. Many passers-by or small caravans have already been murdered by them. This trip requires them to secretly sneak into the bandit's lair and behead their leader.

Shen Fei was busy, so he didn't meet Leng Qingqiu and the others immediately.

And in fact there is no need to meet, Shen Fei is now famous in the Holy City, but recently the people in the Holy City are the most talked about.

After all, he became the Supreme Elder of the Wuseng Temple, and then made high-profile visits to other forces every day. It is difficult for the common people to know.

When Leng Qingqiu and the others came to the Holy City, they would definitely hear the "legend" about Elder Shen Fei.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, Shadow secretly observed the two newly joined junior assassins, and found that they were really excited when they saw a little teeny assassin as Shen Fei said.Such an easy-to-control assassin is exactly what SI:[-] needs.

For Shen Fei's boss, who knows people well and uses them well, and knows things like a god, Shadow can only admire him in his heart, and gives him a thumbs up in praise.

These are just the tip of the iceberg of Shen Fei's grand plan.

In the previous conversation between Shen Fei and Yingying, Yingying learned that there is a reason for all the layouts.

Promote these new Assassin agents to replace the original agents.It can not only keep the agents placed by various forces away from the secret center of MI[-] without anyone noticing, but also sort out some trustworthy and loyal agents. At that time, these loyal agents will be assigned more important tasks .

Don't look at Shen Fei as a monk hitting the clock for a day, all his plans are well thought out.

No one has trouble with money, and no one has trouble with friendship.

In the middle of the night, Leng Qingqiu's first and second combat regiments gathered, and everyone exchanged useful information with each other.

Almost everyone joined the responding organization.For example, all soldiers have joined the military, but as special soldiers of the military, they have no real role, and they can't even receive missions.

The monk in the team suddenly raised his hand: "Miss, I joined the monk's monastery after the connection, and now I am an outer disciple of the monastery, and I heard an important piece of news. Shen Fei became the mistress of the monk's monastery some time ago." The upper elder, whose status is still higher than the headmaster and the two elders, is the most authoritative person in the Monk Temple."

Among the people present, only the senior executives of the Leng Group had seen Shen Fei, and everyone else knew a lot about Shen Fei's "legendary experience" through the company's senior management. Coupled with the previous world announcements, Shen Fei seemed to be the No. 1 in the light camp. people.

Hearing this news, everyone was dumbfounded.

They just cleared the dungeon at the Sentinel Fort, completed the mission and came to the Holy City. As a result, Shen Fei has become the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple.

When they were still worrying about opening up dungeons and doing task upgrades, Shen Fei had already taken the position of the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple.

People are more mad than people!

Leng Ling clenched his fists, gritted his teeth and said, "Damn it, this guy is actually the Supreme Elder, he will definitely show off again next time we meet."

Leng Qingqiu suddenly realized that what Shen Fei said at the end of the chat last time, "the surprise of coming to the holy city", was referring to this matter.

The monk player scratched his head and said: "In this way, Shen Fei is my ancestor? Or the ancestor of all monk players?"

The player's face was a bit complicated, and he didn't know whether it was happiness or worry.

(End of this chapter)

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