my pet is boss

Chapter 222 The man who decides the direction of the game

Chapter 222 The man who decides the direction of the game

Shen Fei seized the time to study the trial.As players enter the holy city on a large scale, many things will be more difficult to implement in the future.

Originally, Leng Ling was clamoring to go to the Wu Monk Temple to see the magnificent Shen Fei, and take a look at what the White Tiger God, one of the four gods believed by the Wu Monk, looked like. In the end, Leng Qingqiu snapped He scolded and stopped.

"Shen Fei is not what it used to be now. He must have a lot of things to worry about every day in an important position. Don't be petty."

Leng Qingqiu obviously didn't convince Leng Ling, the girl muttered in a low voice: "I'll just go over there for a visit, and I don't need him to receive him personally..."

It's just that Leng Qingqiu's next look made Leng Ling stop what he hadn't finished speaking.

Shen Fei is now the most important relationship chain in the entire Leng Group, Leng Qingqiu does not allow anyone to destroy this tacit cooperative relationship, not even his own sister.

The outlaw manager and the thieves player listened to everyone's narration, and compared them, they found that their treatment was much better.

At any rate, they joined MI[-], got the title of junior agent, even had an exclusive lobby, and could receive missions.

After the exchange, everyone expressed their envy to the two of them.

It’s like when a soldier joins the Imperial Army, after completing the task and opening the prestige line, he has nothing, even the title is only a soldier of the Eighth Legion, let alone accepting the task, there is nothing.

In comparison, the most miserable one is the Mage, who wanted to go to the Mage Academy of the Floating Void City, but was told that he had to take the assessment. Only by passing the battle mage test could he become an apprentice of the Mage Academy.

Leng Qingqiu listened to everyone's speech, thought for a moment and said: "In the past two days, everyone has been doing tasks in the holy city to collect clues first, and then see if there are any quest lines. There must be a copy in the huge holy city, but we still have a copy. No quest line found."

Everyone has figured out the game routines, the dungeon has a pre-quest, and this pre-quest is often the only task, and the rewards are quite generous.As the first place where all human players gather, the Holy City must have dungeons or main missions, but they just didn't find it.

"According to the progress of other guilds, we will come to the holy city in two days. We must seize these two days and find the main task and the dungeon task line as soon as possible." Leng Qingqiu assigned the task, including in MI[-] The two people in office asked them to find a way to inquire about some inside information.

In the early morning of the next day, Shen Fei watched the monastery monks load the first batch of aura card machines and card packs, and made a registration handover with the people from the Imperial Consortium.

In two days' time, the factory in Dream Zen produced a thousand Reiki card machines and [-] card packs.The only thing Shen Fei lost was the spiritual energy and talisman paper in the Dreaming Zen Realm, but this loss of spiritual energy is a drop in the bucket for the Dreaming Zen Realm, and it can be completely ignored.The cost of the talisman paper is very low, because it is the paper made by the Chanyuan, and the trees are also cut from the mountains of the Dreaming Zen Realm, so basically there is no cost.

"Elder Shen, the Earl ordered us to ship the goods back immediately after receiving them, and put them under the property belonging to the imperial consortium as soon as possible. I will take my leave first."

"Go, go public one day earlier and make money one day earlier."

On the first day, it was Mary's right-hand man who came to take over the handover, and before leaving, he even said hello to Shen Fei.

According to Mary's vision, today the first batch of goods will be directly distributed in various industries in the Holy City.

Whether it's bars, hotels, casinos, or even the catering industry, she wants to see Reiki card machines everywhere.

With a shrewd and capable woman like the Countess taking the lead, the Imperial Consortium made great strides in its business, and soon popularized a thousand Reiki card machines to all major entertainment venues in the Holy City.

In the casino, watching the staff place an aura card machine in the most conspicuous position, and scale it up to the size of half a pool table, the gamblers were all attracted.

"This table looks like a poker game. Is there any new way to play?"

Even the casino has many innovations, from the poker bridge dice ratio to the slot machine lottery, the gaming division of the empire consortium has not been idle in the past few years, and has been designing and creating new entertainment methods to attract customers.

When everyone saw the new equipment on the scene, they were all curious about the new gameplay.

In fact, the staff didn't know what it was, but looking at the table, it should be a card type.

He unfolded the instruction manual that he hadn't had time to read, and posted it on the wall beside him, and everyone gathered around him.

"Legend of Heroes, the next generation of competitive card games, innovative gameplay and exciting battles, it's time to challenge your IQ!"

Afterwards, everyone looked at the explanation in the manual and almost understood the rules and routines of the game.

"Hey, this game is interesting, I'll play it first!" A gambler went straight to the table and sat on the stool.

Someone quickly snatched the seat opposite.

The other gamblers who didn't grab a seat all stood aside to join in the fun.According to the instruction manual just now, the cards on the table of both opponents are visible, and there is no peeking.The only uncertainty is the effect of the next card.

The monk represents Master Lazy Zen, the hunter represents Shen Fei, the warrior represents Jax, and the assassin represents the shadow.

"Who is this Jax, and why can he represent a warrior? The representative of a warrior should be the Grand Duke!"

The other three are the most representative of their respective professions, but the warrior represents Jax, whom no one has ever heard of.

The gamblers at the table considered for a moment, and chose the monk Lazy Zen master.

When the opponent saw this choice, he laughed: "Since you choose Master Lan Chan, then I will choose Shen Fei to overwhelm you."

The gamblers onlookers also laughed knowingly, after all, Shen Fei has really become famous recently.

After 5 minutes, the first game ended, and the gamblers who lost were quite upset.

Because they raised the bet, they not only lost the cards but also lost money.

It can be said that it is bad luck to change it to other things, but the cards of both sides can be seen. It is completely a contest of IQ. Doesn't losing the game mean admitting that one's IQ is behind?
"It seems that there are card packs for sale. I'll buy a card pack first and try to open some cards."

Three gold coins are really nothing to these gamblers, how can they count three gold coins in front of face?
Things like this happened everywhere in the Holy City, and the card game Legend of Heroes instantly became popular throughout the Holy City.

If you are unlucky, you can still get rid of it, but if you have a bad IQ, you can't get rid of it.People who played the game soon found a new interface-the cards are not good!

It's too late to play the cards I want!
How to solve it?
Buy card packs!
The players of Leng's Group who were doing missions in the Holy City also noticed the people huddled everywhere.

"Why does this card game appear in the game?"

The painting style of the whole game seems to have become weird.

(End of this chapter)

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