my pet is boss

Chapter 224

Chapter 224

"The first batch of spies to investigate the intelligence went to other countries with the merchant ship, and returned with the merchant ship three months later. The intelligence personnel cannot stick to the same place, and it will be easy to show their feet if they take too long." Shen Fei has already prepared all these details. Knowing is well thought out.

"However, the remaining agents also need to strengthen their professional skills. They must have intelligence capabilities and survivability. I will be of great use to you to select [-] agents with clean backgrounds." Shen Fei emphasized again and again: "It doesn't matter how strong you are. , as long as the background is clean enough and loyal enough to SI:[-]."

Shadow didn't know that the boss had any new ideas, so he just followed suit.

The boss's thoughts are not something he can predict. From the beginning, all kinds of inexplicable instructions and actions seem to be arbitrary, but as the progress gradually reveals his true face, it makes people suddenly realize.

"Hurry up and make arrangements with the spies who are going abroad. I will lead them in two days."

After saying that, Shen Fei left MI[-] directly, and returned to the Monk Temple to make the final adjustments.

His ultimate trial was supported by the Mage Academy, and the Monk Temple and MI[-] were all "his own people", so Shen Fei could throw them directly into the military training without asking for consent.

Now that there are three forces, it is basically possible to carry out large-scale military training.

Shen Fei also sent a letter to Archmage Jordan, asking him to select [-] mage students, regardless of their strength, and come to Wuseng Temple to formally participate in the trial the day after tomorrow.

Archmage Jordan's eyes lit up when he heard the news: "I didn't expect Elder Shen to be swift and resolute, and it was done so soon. I will go there the day after tomorrow to take a good look at the masterpiece of the trial." As a battle madman, Archmage Jordan, for Shen Fei was very interested in the "raising Gu" battle mentioned earlier, just listening to Shen Fei's description, Jordan couldn't wait to join and train the students' actual combat ability.

As for the Wu Monk Temple, the outer disciples are cultivating foundation building, and the inner disciples are all crazily immersed in the trial in Shushan, so only the elite disciples are left "idling". Shen Fei forcibly arranged a lottery, randomly selected Thirty disciples were sent out to participate in the acquired trial.

All is ready except for the opportunity.

Shen Fei released the news to the outside world that there will be a tournament at the Monk Temple the day after tomorrow, and anyone who buys a ticket can come in and watch it.At the same time, Shen Fei also invited the leaders of the major forces, hoping that they could come and watch together.

Countess Mary had a playful expression on her face after receiving the invitation: "It's only been a few days, and so many things have happened. This Elder Shen is not a person who is willing to be ordinary."

Grand Duke's Mansion, when Ferdinand saw the invitation letter in his hand, he suddenly felt dizzy.

Recently, a lot of "strange people and strangers" have come to the holy city, and they all have letters of recommendation from General Ross, but he ordered his subordinates to make arrangements for them, and many of them chose to join the military and work for the military.

There is also news from the frontier defense recently. Owendale, the northern border gate, has sensed that the Frost and Cold Orcs have moved. It seems that the news of His Majesty's disappearance has been known to the Frost and Cold Orcs, and they are ready to move.

I have been busy all day long, and now I have to be invited to watch the ceremony.To be honest, Ferdinand really wanted to refuse, and it would be good to use this time for military training, but due to Shen Fei's status, it was not easy to refuse.

If everyone went and he didn't go, would it appear that the Grand Duke's Mansion was out of tune with other forces?

The empire is in his hands, and now there is a feeling that it is crumbling and the building is about to fall. If the strength in the holy city cannot be united, then the empire itself will fall apart without waiting for the Frost Orcs to invade.

"Go and tell Elder Shen, I will definitely be there." Ferdinand hesitated, and finally decided to go to the meeting.The unity and stability within the empire is more important than anything else.Elder Shen needs to focus on the power of unity, not only his influence in the Monk Temple and MI[-], but also his background as the Lord of the Gods.

Also invited were the two presidents of the dwarf and white elf business groups.

Previously, the two of them joined hands to make up for Shen Fei's gift money, but they didn't expect that they received Shen Fei's invitation letter after a few days, and they were ecstatic. It seems that their friendship is still useful.

This time you are invited, you must not go empty-handed, right?
Shadow quickly selected agents he absolutely trusted. These agents were all selected by him from the orphanage back then and trained by himself.There can be absolutely no issues with loyalty.This is an old tradition of MI[-]. Back then, he was selected by Boss Xiao En from the orphanage to join the organization and became one of them.

Moreover, not many people are needed this time, so Shadow has selected four trusted and reliable agents and informed them of this overseas mission.

The agents have a strong learning ability, within half an hour they successfully became a referee of the "Legend of Heroes" card game, and were awarded a professional referee certificate.

There is no need to guess, the referee certificates are all made by Shen Fei, and the anti-counterfeiting marks are not easy to make, just to give these agents a completely authentic and reliable identity.

The more authentic the identity, the deeper the lurking will be, and the more confidential information can be detected.

As specially designated referees, the four went to the kingdom of dwarves and white elves to promote the game, and at the same time secretly shouldered the task of collecting intelligence.

"This event will last for three months. After three months, you will return with the merchant ship to die. I hope this operation is safe!"

The shadow personally sent the four agents away. Countess Mary didn't say much when she learned that there were four professional referees from legends of heroes accompanying the team.

Mary knew exactly what Shen Fei wanted to do, and she couldn't help applauding Shen Fei's idea of ​​"doves occupying magpies' nests".

"It turns out that I planned to kill four birds with one stone, but it seems that I underestimated you." Mary was going to wait until tomorrow to be invited to the Wu Monk Temple, and laughed at him in front of Shen Fei.

All the outer disciples and inner disciples of the Wuseng Temple were suspended for one day, and under Shen Fei's order, they went to the trial field of Dreaming Zen to watch the competition.

There were not many tickets sold in two days. Tickets ranged from the VIP seat priced at 10 gold coins closest to the trial, to the standing ticket at the end worth 5 silver coins. In just two days, 5 tickets were sold!

Although I don't know what the Monk's Temple is famous for, but spending 5 silver coins to visit the holy place of the Wuseng's Temple once, it is definitely a profit.

Naturally, there is no shortage of nobles and local tyrants in the holy city, and the VIP seat of 10 gold coins has become the capital for the rich to show off their status.When we meet, just ask, have you bought the VIP tickets for Wuseng Temple?The richer waved his hand directly and bought VIP tickets for the whole family, old and young, and said to the outside world that he would bring the whole family to watch together, showing his strong financial resources.

The Mage Academy bought [-] tickets in one go. In addition to the [-] students who participated in the trial, Archmage Jordan also personally led the team, bringing [-] students from the academy to be spectators, and let them take a good look at what is called real fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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