my pet is boss

Chapter 225 PUBG Mobile

Chapter 225 PUBG Mobile
As the head of the imperial consortium, Countess Mary naturally brought many servants with her when she appeared on the stage.She lavishly bought tickets for all the servants, servants and guards.

It was inconvenient for SI:[-] agents to show up during the day, so only Shadow was invited.Moreover, Shadow also bought an ordinary seat ticket, and mixed in with the audience, the seat of Shadow of MI[-] in the specially invited seats was always vacant.

Grand Duke Ferdinand also came alone. The main reason was that the tickets were too expensive to allow all the servants to follow.

The Grand Duke's Mansion has been struggling for a day or two, and the domestic financial situation is not very good. Now it is fully supported by the annual tax payments of the Imperial Consortium.As a state supervisor, Ferdinand set an example by not even asking for salary, and relying on the money from selling grain from the fiefdom every year to save money on food and clothing.

All the distinguished guests on the invitation had arrived. Although the seat of the shadow of SI:[-] next to Shen Fei was empty, Shen Fei knew that he must be watching somewhere in the venue, but due to his sensitive identity, it was inconvenient to disclose it.

"Elder Shen, the income from Legend of Heroes cards is very good. Yesterday, the caravan set off to explore overseas markets. I didn't expect that Elder Shen has already trained professional referees. The preparations are really sufficient." Mary seemed to be reporting, but in the words Only he and Shen Fei understood some of the things mentioned.

Shen Fei laughed and did not answer directly, pointing to the crowded auditorium and said: "Mary, don't you think this is also a business opportunity? With more than [-] people, if you do some advertising, sponsorship, etc., you can make a lot of money." Pen. Of course there are some others, you need to think after reading it.”

Shen Fei's words successfully diverted Mary's attention. Compared with the 5 residents of the Holy City, the number of 80 people is indeed not that many, but the gimmick and location are still very important factors for being able to gather so many people at one time.

"Are you going to make the Monk Temple into a tourist attraction and sell tickets to visit?"

Shen Fei remained silent, pointed to the audience and said, "Let's talk about it after reading this matter. I, Shen Fei, am also a man who leads the trend of the empire, how could I come up with such a vulgar way."

Archmage Jordan's eyes were full of excitement, and there was nothing more exciting than seeing a battle.

Archbishop Mailer adjusted his reading glasses, his face was dazed, and before he could figure out what was going on, he was carried over by Jordan in a daze.

"Old Mei, just watch it, there will be a wonderful battle in a while!" Jordan vowed.

The three elders sat in their respective positions without any emotion on their faces.

They don't know when the uncle made these things. Recently, they have been calculating the time when the lazy meditation will be completed, and making various preparations for reincarnation.

As the competition officially kicked off, all the audience looked down and saw the huge aura screen on the ground.A huge map with a vast territory was suddenly reflected on it.

Shen Fei sat in the middle of the rostrum, his voice was like flowing water from a small bridge, talking eloquently.

"PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds trial, 30 students and disciples were selected by Wu Monk Zen Academy, Mage Academy, and MI[-] to participate. The trial site is a field of eight kilometers in length and width. The field has various terrains and buildings. The safety zone will gradually shrink with the passage of time, and disciples outside the safety zone will be hurt every second. The competition is an individual system, and the last living disciple is the winner of today's trial."

"All disciples and students who enter the field trial will be banned from all cultivation. However, there will be scattered skill books and materials in the trial for everyone to learn, and defeating other disciples will get all the materials and equipment."

Shen Fei's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by everyone in Lumeng Temple.

This rule was refreshing. After listening to it, the three elders put their hands together and felt that this kind of battle was a bit too bloody, but since it was the master's masterpiece, it was naturally excellent.

Archmage Jordan knew it well, and had mentioned these details in Shen Fei's previous talks, so he agreed with great interest to let the students participate in this kind of trial.I saw with my own eyes a trial site of more than [-] square kilometers, including ravines, river valleys, alpine forests, streams, lakes, seas, plains and basins, covering almost all the terrains I can see.

The audience gasped after hearing the introduction, isn't this similar to the arena?It's just that this arena is big enough, there are plenty of weapons, skills and resources in it, and there are enough people!

Before they came, they didn't know that it was a big duel of 90 people. They all spent money to visit the holy place of Wuseng Temple to satisfy their curiosity and vanity.Now I find that there are still "performances" to watch, and I consciously earn money.

Countess Mary was very interested, and her eyes lit up immediately after listening to Shen Fei's introduction.

She immediately saw the business opportunity from this trial, and the eyes she looked at Shen Fei became extremely fiery.

Feeling the heat, Shen Fei turned his head to look at Mary, and signaled to talk about everything after the end.

As Shen Fei clapped his hands, all the participating disciples entered a huge airship.The airship flew at an altitude of 500 meters above the ground and gradually entered the test site.

All the disciples wear a pair of special glasses. The lenses will display a top view of the surrounding terrain and buildings 300 meters away. They can choose to open a large map covering the whole area through their thoughts, and will also display their current supplies, blood volume, strength and other information.

This is the first time for all disciples to see this map.Soon someone jumped out of the airship.After all, the closer you get to the center of the map, the more disciples you choose to drop, and choosing to be in a more remote place around you can increase your chances of survival.

The last disciple on the airship landed, and the airship gradually left the trial map and disappeared into the mist of the distant mountains.

All the audience opened their eyes and looked at the densely packed dots below. If they jumped from such a high place, wouldn't they all fall to their deaths?
Dreaming of Zen makes everything possible. All audience seats are around the trial field, but the disciples in the trial cannot see the audience, let alone hear the sound.In the eyes of the audience, the 64-square-kilometer trial site was condensed into the size of a football field, and they could see every move of all the trial disciples.If this is normal, it is absolutely impossible.

"These 10 gold coins are so worth it!" Some rich people who bought VIP seats shook their hands, as this kind of spectacle would never be seen in the real world.

As all the disciples landed, the scene in front of everyone's eyes also changed.

The picture is concentrated in the area where there are many people, so the audience can see it more carefully.

A disciple of the monk picked up a mage skill book as soon as he landed, and hid in a corner to carefully study the functions of the mage skill.Others picked up tactical supplies and weapons as soon as they landed.

Grand Duke Ferdinand was a little curious, he couldn't help but leaned forward and asked: "Elder Shen, can this monk also learn the skills of a mage?"

"Everything is possible in trials. They are just blank sheets of paper, don't be defined by their real identities."

As Shen Fei said, some disciples on the field have already encountered and started fighting...

(End of this chapter)

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