my pet is boss

Chapter 227

Chapter 227
Ferdinand was lost in thought.

This trial really works!

The ever-changing situation on the battlefield, the unavoidable transfer, and the constant encounter with the enemy's variables were all displayed in the trial and magnified on the 64 square kilometers of land.

Moreover, the enemies encountered are all extremely powerful, and the tricks are a combination of monks, mages, and assassins. Even if the soldiers have not made achievements, it is great to join in and see the world.For example, the disciple released the magnificent forbidden technique just now, destroying a city with one technique.Even the strongest soldiers in the military do not have the strength to face such horrors.

It's not that Ferdinand didn't think of the military organizing a trial by itself.But first of all, it is the use of land, and the trial mode. Soldiers who are purely based on blood and anger can't make blood loss effects similar to sandstorms. Moreover, such a large trial site has a variety of unique environmental simulations. The military can't do it.The main thing is...the military has no money.

After thinking about it wildly, it is better to think about where to raise 10 gold coins.

Archbishop Mailer's heart was bleeding, and he had to pretend he didn't care and smiled apologetically.I spent an extra 10 gold coins because of my own misjudgment. I am really old and useless!

Countess Mary finally said: "Elder Shen, I also have some guards there, and I want to improve their ability level."

Mary only spoke half of what she said, and left half of it waiting for Shen Fei to make a price.

"I, Shen Fei, do business without deception. I say 10 is 10. When the time comes, you just choose good people and let them come."

Archbishop Mailer was speechless, saying that no one can deceive the old and the old, and he didn't get any of the 10 yuan.

Shen Fei made some calculations, and now that the Zen Academy, MI[-], the military, the Master Academy, the Cathedral, and the Imperial Consortium have all chosen to join, Shen Fei has the final say on how much of the population each party will occupy.

"The trial field mainly relies on the venue of the Dreaming Zen Realm in the Monk Temple. I think everyone has no objection to the allocation of a few more places?"

As Shen Fei spoke, he swept through the crowd one by one, how dare the leaders of these forces have any opinions, Mailer's fate is in front of him, one opinion is 10 gold coins, how capricious the money is is not such a capricious law.

Shen Fei was very satisfied: "Since everyone has no objections, then I will allocate it. There are 20 places for the Chanyuan and MI15 each, and [-] places for the military, the Master Academy, the Cathedral, and the Imperial Consortium."

Everyone has no objection, the Chanyuan and SI[-] are organizations that Shen Fei personally manages, so naturally there will be a little more places.And this allocation is also the most appropriate, because too many places will cause dissatisfaction to the other four parties, so it is better to keep them for yourself.

Only Archbishop Mailer is dumb and eats Coptis chinensis, which is unspeakable.For the same 15 places, he spent double the additional money, and his mood was instantly beautiful and complicated.

The dwarves and the president of the White Elf Chamber of Commerce who were watching the battle were actually quite emotional, but they knew that they, as foreigners, would definitely not be allowed to join the trial.After thinking about my own country, it seems that there is no way to build such a large trial field, leaving only deep envy.

At the end of the trial, a disciple who had learned spells and assassin specialization won the game.

This disciple was a mid-level agent of MI[-]. He persisted to the end in the game between the three and successfully won the trial.

Before the trial began, these disciples didn't know what they were going to face, but after 35 minutes of intense and exciting trial, everyone had new insights, even the disciples who fell into boxes.

Some are satisfied, and some feel regretful.

All the disciples were sent out of the trial and appeared on the venue.Following Shen Fei waving his hand, a huge portrait fell not far from the trial ground, and the characters drawn on it were the disciples who ate chicken in this trial.

Seeing his portrait and code name appear at the venue, surrounded by 5 people, this mid-level agent was filled with pride, and he will win the first place in the next trial!The other disciples were envious and jealous. Who wouldn't want to be famous in front of so many people? Today, there are countless contestants who performed brilliantly, and only this mid-level agent code-named "Wasp" enjoyed the final honor.

There is no reward for the trial, but this glory is no less than a priceless treasure for the disciples who participate in the trial.

After these 5 people go back, they will tell others what happened on the field today, and the news will spread like a virus, and the name of "The Wasp" will soon be known to everyone.

The disciples of other forces all show their true colors, except for all the agents of MI[-], whose faces are specially treated and whose names are all code names.

The true face of the agent cannot be shown to others, otherwise he will encounter danger when performing missions in the future.

After the trial was over, the audience left the seat reluctantly, and the leaders of other forces hurried back to prepare money and skill books to select disciples.Only Countess Mary is still sitting in the VIP seat.

"Elder Shen, this trial won't only be in individual mode, right?"

Shen Fei was a little surprised, although he knew that Mary in front of him was a smart person, he did not expect her to have such a keen sense of smell.

"In addition to this, there are two-player and four-player modes. Mary, do you have any ideas?"

"I think some advertisements can be appropriately added to the players' clothes during the trial, and they can sponsor the team uniforms without affecting the effect. Also, I hope to win the naming rights of the trial. The price will definitely not let Elder Shen Disappointed. The advertising fee is paid according to the number of games, 20 gold coins for each game, and the sponsored team uniform is bought out for one year based on the head. The price is determined by the ranking of the trial results. Buy out according to the number of years, the price is [-], I wonder what Elder Shen wants?"

Reasonably speaking, Mary's price has already exceeded Shen Fei's expectations, but some changes still need to be made.

"The player's buyout period is half a year, and there are many variables in the trial. Besides, many players are contacted for the first time, and stronger players will appear in the future. One year is too long, and the changes in the strength and value of the players are unavoidable. When it comes to performance, half a year is better.”

Mary readily agreed, saying that she would remit the sponsorship fee to Shen Fei's account.

The two smiled in agreement, and the game on these side details is just to prove their existence. In fact, the bulk of the trial earning is still in the advertising fee of a single game.

For 52 weeks a year, 52 gold coins can be collected for advertising fees alone, plus 20 naming rights, as well as player sponsorship fees, and the total income in a year is more than one million gold coins.

This is just a trial of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, coupled with the popular legend of heroes in the holy city, Shen Fei has successfully transitioned from saving money to running a business.

"Tsk tsk tsk, sure enough, money will be attracted to you after you have power. It's true."

(End of this chapter)

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