my pet is boss

Chapter 228 I, Shen Fei, Are Not Interested In Money

Chapter 228 I, Shen Fei, Are Not Interested In Money

Another cooperation was made, and more importantly, Shen Fei no longer worried about money.

The income brought by the PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds project and Legend of Heroes cards is enough for Shen Fei to spend and use, not to mention that there is a business genius Fuman helping him invest, it is only a matter of time before money makes money.

Having gone through the initial stage of wealth accumulation, Shen Fei can finally straighten his back and say: "I, Shen Fei, am not interested in money."

The three elders were quite satisfied with Shen Fei's arrangement, and the trial sounded quite cruel, but after watching the match, the three elders changed to varying degrees.They think that the disciples of the Chanyuan should have more trials of this kind, and they will have a lot of on-the-spot experience when dealing with crises in the future.

"After the Supreme Elder took office, the Chanyuan has ushered in a new atmosphere, and even the disciples are more diligent in their cultivation."

After negotiating with Shen Fei, Mary left with her subordinates, and the three elders also returned to Lianchi to continue practicing.

It's not that the three elders never thought about what kind of strange policies the master uncle would have after he came to power.But just take a few things in the recent period as an example, it can be said that the old appearance has been changed.The three of them simply acted as hands-off shopkeepers now, studying the details of reincarnation and rebirth carefully, and they couldn't be careless.

All the audience left, and when Shen Fei returned to Xiaozhuxuan, he found a person waiting at the door.

After coming out of the Dreaming Zen Realm, the shadow has resumed his appearance. Today's trial made him feel emotional. Such a trial is so necessary!
The agent itself is a high-risk occupation. Every time a mission is performed, it is necessary to be prepared for exposure to combat. Now the trial can exercise their actual combat ability. The terrain in the trial covers almost all the combat scenes that can be encountered. It is full of tricks to exercise the ability of agents to the greatest extent.

And the shadow mixed in the auditorium can be heard clearly. This time the PUBG trial, many people are saying that the assassination method of MI[-] is really hard to guard against.

These assassination methods also had brilliant results in the trials.Especially when the latent shadow technique killed Jordan's forbidden destruction technique, the shadow almost jumped up from his seat, pointed at himself and shouted: "I am the shadow, and I created this latent image technique!"

"By the way, I just want to tell you that several other forces will join in. In the end, the Chanyuan and MI[-] each allocated [-] places. You can go back and screen carefully. What else can I do for you?"

Shadow's face was solemn: "Boss, the case of Chief Xiao En has begun."

Shen Fei walked into Xiaozhuxuan with his arms around Shadow's shoulders: "Go, let's talk after we go in."

After closing the study door, Shadow began to report on the investigation of the past few days.

He started his analysis from the Xiao En mission a year ago, and listed all the investigation missions received by the senior agents of MI[-] in that year, and found some suspicious things.He didn't have any authority to open the mission Xiao En received, but Shen Fei was the chief of MI[-] and had the right to open the information of the deputy chief, but Shadow didn't find any useful information from this information.

Afterwards, Shadow focused on the reason why Captain Xiao En took over this mission, and finally noticed an amazing fact. At that time, Boss Xiao En took over this mission only because MI[-] was short of manpower, and all senior agents had missions. Advanced tasks can only fall on him.

"You mean, someone intentionally created trouble and lured other senior agents to carry out their missions, just to find an opportunity to lure Sean out?"

Shen Fei couldn't help shivering.If so, the mastermind behind the scenes started preparations a long time ago, and was determined to get rid of Xiao En, leaving SI:[-] without a leader.

"Before Boss Sean went out to carry out missions, the senior agents performed a total of 37 missions. Among them, 13 missions came from Flaubert's cult organization. Then I went through the mission records of Boss Sean one year after he was killed. , found that there were only 2 mission records of the Flaubert cult, the last mission showed that the cult was completely wiped out, leaving no one behind, and this last mission was the first time I led a team to execute it after I succeeded the deputy director.”

Shen Fei took the questionnaire from Shadow, which clearly recorded the timeline of these 37 high-level tasks.

These 13 missions related to the Omniscient Cult exploded intensively in just three months, almost consuming the energy of most of the senior agents. Then MI[-] had another senior case that required two senior agents. Finally, Xiao Boss En took his wife who was four months pregnant to solve the problem. Since then, the two have never returned...

"You mean that the mission of the Omniscient God was deliberately done by someone behind the scenes, consuming a lot of time of senior MI[-] agents, thereby forcing Sean to come out to take over the mission, laying an ambush during the mission, and killing him? After that, the Omniscient God The mission of teaching lost its meaning, so he was betrayed and used the knife of MI[-] to get rid of this tool..."

Shen Fei had goosebumps all over his body, thinking that the truth should be like this.

"The arrangement lasted for two years. What was the motive for committing the crime? People with such means must have rich family backgrounds. Moreover, they also need to know the composition of the MI[-] staff, the number of senior special agents, etc..."

For a moment, many questions popped up in Shen Fei's mind.

"Why do I feel that you are most suspected of committing the crime, Shadow?"

A lot of cold sweat dripped from Shadow's forehead, and his pupils shrank suddenly: "Boss, don't talk nonsense. Even if I know the internal situation of MI[-], I, a senior agent, am not capable of arranging such a behemoth as the Omniscient Cult."

"Then you can also collude with the inside and outside to find a way to get rid of Sean, then you can sit firmly in the top spot. After you use it, get rid of the Omniscient God Sect and eat it up. This is not good, everything is explained."

Shadow was completely flustered, his mind went blank, and his face was stupefied.

According to what Shen Fei said, even Shadow himself believed it, doing so in a trance could indeed get the top spot in SI:[-].

"I, I..." Shadow was speechless, unable to clear his innocence.

Seeing the cramped look of the shadow, Shen Fei couldn't help laughing and said: "Okay, I was joking, you are here this time to investigate Flaubert, right?"

Before the shadow could recover, he nodded in a daze.

"Don't disclose your whereabouts to anyone, and double-check the things you find out. Be sure to distinguish the difference between the truth and what others want you to know. Finally, pay attention to safety."

Shen Fei originally wanted to go with Shadow, but considering that he is too famous now, people will recognize him wherever he goes, and he is not good at hiding and investigating, so he didn't go to make trouble.

In the name of cooperation, Shen Fei visited the leaders of several major forces before, firstly to discuss cooperation, and secondly to communicate with them at close range and deepen their understanding.After a lap, there are still some gains, at least Archmage Jordan was excluded from the list of suspects by Shen Fei.Now there are still doubts about Countess Mary, Archbishop Mailer, and Grand Duke Ferdinand.

After Shadow left, Shen Fei saw Fuman's report on the desk.The above records are the gifts brought by the various forces who came to Wuseng Temple today.

A quick glance revealed that everyone who came had brought gift money, even the shadow had brought gift money in his own name, only the name of Grand Duke Ferdinand did not appear on the list.

Shen Fei frowned: "This Grand Duke, the suspicion is really getting bigger and bigger."

(End of this chapter)

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