my pet is boss

Chapter 229 Little Prince Joshua

Chapter 229 Little Prince Joshua
Everyone at the last banquet paid at least 1000 gold coins as a gift, and only Ferdinand paid 400 gold coins.

This time, I didn't come with the ceremony. Are you familiar with it?How dare you come to the door empty-handed!
As the grand duke, grand marshal, and supervisor of the country, how could he have no money?This guy is clearly provocative.

"I knew that the sponsorship fee of the military should be 20 gold coins." Shen Fei felt a little regretful, but it's a pity that there is no regret medicine in this world.

Of course, the PUBG trial is not that simple. Shen Fei has prepared a random weather system, which will be released in the next trial.

The players came to the holy city for several days. Except for the few days before, there were only a few members from the Leng Group guild. After that, many players came to the holy city by boat.Now the holy city has gathered a wave of players.

Ships coming out of Sentinel Fort can choose to stop halfway, walk along the path for a day to Flaubert, and then follow the official road to Mihril City.

However, everyone chose to go to the holy city first to witness the most prosperous male capital of mankind, and then go to Flaubert and Miriam City after doing some tasks.

In a few days, the Leng Group guild completed all the large and small tasks in the holy city, but they didn't find the main task, nor did they find any dungeon task lines.

On the contrary, the two people who joined MI[-] enjoyed themselves every day, doing tasks in the secret base.SI[-]'s rewards are not bad, although the mission only rewards money and not experience, but each assassination of the mission target will increase the experience, and it will be rewarding.

Others are quite miserable. After completing the missions in the holy city, they can't find the copy, so they can only go to the wilderness outside the holy city to collect wild monsters in groups every day.Fortunately, they can still comfort themselves. They don't have a dungeon, and new players won't have a dungeon when the time comes, so they still have a level advantage.

Just as Shen Fei walked out of Xiaozhuxuan, he met an elite disciple walking towards him with a child.

"Uncle Master, the little prince came to class today, the dean and the two elders said they were busy and had no time, and asked you to teach the little prince homework."

"Little prince? Isn't that my nephew?"

Shen Fei pushed away the elite disciples blocking the way, and looked up and down at the blond-haired and blue-eyed boy.

Except for the difference in pupils and eyes, this boy who is about eight or nine years old is actually carved out of the same mold as Lucian.

Absolutely biological.

Seeing this young man made Shen Fei feel as if he had returned to the time when he first met Lucian 100 years ago.

The young man clasped his hands together, bowed his head in front of his chest in a dignified way.

"Greetings to Master Uncle."

The little prince was taught by Master Lan Chan himself, and Shen Fei is Lan Chan's uncle, so there is nothing wrong with calling him Master Lan.

The elite disciple left wisely. It has long been rumored that the Supreme Elder and His Majesty the King have a very close relationship. It is not an exaggeration to say that they started together in the grass. Now that they see the son of the old man, they must have a lot to say.

Like, it's so similar!

The boy's head was at the height of Shen Fei's chest, and if it reached his eyebrows, he would be exactly the same as Lucian.

"Didn't you hear your father tell me?"

Joshua lowered his hands and raised his head, glanced to see that there was no one around, so he boldly looked at Shen Fei.

Seeing Joshua's eyes, Shen Fei knew that he must know him.Not to mention that it has been more than half a month since I came to the Holy City, let alone the recent earth-shattering events in the Holy City, the Royal Guards have no reason not to tell Joshua the news.

"Uncle Shen...?"

It's not my uncle, nor Elder Shen.

Shen Fei, who was called uncle in this sentence, felt very comfortable. The experience of a hundred years ago was like a film speeding past in front of his eyes. In an instant, there was a feeling of vicissitudes and changing things.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years have passed, and even Lucien's son has grown up to this size.

Shen Fei felt that his arms were as heavy as if they were filled with lead, and he lifted them up to hang above Joshua's head, he hesitated for a moment before he fell down and rubbed his golden hair.

"I was supposed to see you very early, but I have been dragged down by mundane affairs since I came to the holy city, and I didn't find the time."

"Uncle Shen is the Supreme Elder of the Wu Monk Temple, and he is also in charge of the MI[-]. He is busy with state affairs. It is my nephew's fault that I did not visit you earlier. Please punish Uncle Shen."

Joshua was about to kneel down as he said that, but Shen Fei quickly grabbed him and lifted him up.

"Your father and I are serious brothers who cut roasted chicken and worshiped the master. Calling uncle is too strange, call uncle to listen."

Shen Fei was quite relieved in his heart, but also felt indescribably sad.

Lucian disappeared, and Joshua, who was supposed to spend his childhood happily like other children on the streets of Holy City, became extremely sensible at this moment.This is not the sophistication one should have at this age, but like a shrewd politician.

Shen Fei knew that under this sophisticated and shrewd shell, there was a young man trembling on a tightrope.

Joshua bowed respectfully, "Uncle!"


Shen Fei took out a check from his pocket, which was the money received from the settlement of Legend of Heroes recently, a check for 5 gold coins.

"I didn't prepare any good things for the uncle's meeting. I took the check for 5 gold coins. The country's finances are tight, and the expenses allocated to the palace are not very large. Besides, your little aunt Mary carefully manages it. Not much. Take these as your private money, and buy whatever you want.”

Shen Fei was extravagant, and he gave the check for 5 gold coins as soon as he said it, without being conspicuous at all.

If other people see this, their eyeballs will come out.

Shen Fei's behavior is completely different from that of that miser, Shen Fei.

Joshua was also dumbfounded.

Although he was a prince, Lucien was simple and simple when he was in power. After his disappearance, the state's finances were used wisely, and the royal palace's annual allocation was decreasing.Because the education in Lucian was simple and simple, Joshua has never felt what it is like to be truly rich. Even if Lucian gives New Year's money during the Chinese New Year, it is only a gold coin, which can make Joshua happy. a few days.

Now this uncle was asking for 5 gold coins as soon as he met him, and Joshua became frightened instead. This is a huge sum of money!
Joshua was astonished like a huge wave, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses, and he shook his head in hesitation: "Uncle, this greeting gift is too big, I can't accept it."

Shen Fei grabbed Joshua's hand and slapped the check into his hand: "Since you know to call me uncle, how can you, a junior, refuse the elder's request?"

Joshua looked distressed, but did not collect the check.

"Uncle, can I ask for a different greeting..."

"You speak first."

Shen Fei didn't dare to run the train with his mouth full of promises, if Joshua wanted Shen Fei to find Lucian back, wouldn't he be humiliated in front of the child?

"Uncle, I can't accept this check. Can you give me a Legend of Heroes aura card machine? I've seen other people play it before, but the aura card machine is too expensive. One machine costs 5 gold coins..."

 Salted Fish King 233 Silver League Plus (29/30)

(End of this chapter)

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