my pet is boss

Chapter 230 I'm Your Backer

Chapter 230 I'm Your Backer

Shen Fei never expected that Joshua refused the check, and only wanted a Legend of Heroes aura card machine.

"You took the check and converted it into money so you can buy a card machine yourself. Why don't you want a check?"

Just as Joshua was about to speak, Shen Fei directly interrupted him: "You accept the check. If you don't want to spend it, you can deposit the money in the Imperial Bank and buy it as a fixed term. There are more than a dozen gold coins for interest on the deposit and interest every month. Enough for you to spend. I am the creator of Legend of Heroes, and my eldest nephew wants to spend money to buy an aura card machine, isn't this slapping me in the face of Shen Fei?"

"What is the elder's next sentence?"

"Don't dare to quit."

"I know there are still so many words, so put it away!"

Joshua, who was stunned by Shen Fei, was speechless, so he had to carefully put the check in the inner pocket of his clothes.

This is the first time that Shen Fei refuses to give money to someone.

"You don't have to worry about the aura card machine. I'll send someone to deliver it to you after today's class." Shen Fei led Joshua into Xiaozhuxuan, and asked on the way: "I used to teach you about lazy Zen in class. what?"

"Monk boxing and meditation state of mind."

Shen Fei frowned, very well, perfectly avoided what he was good at.

"It's useless for you to learn these things. A monk can't even protect himself, and the state of mind in meditation is not what you need to learn at this stage. The lazy Zen guy is clearly just fooling around to cheat tuition fees!" Shen Fei complained directly. , without any scruples about lazy Zen's face.On the contrary, Joshua on the side was a little embarrassed and tangled, how could Lan Chan be his master as well.

"Uncle, Master is actually very kind to me. I was born prematurely, and my bones have always been weak. After learning the boxing and kicking martial arts taught by Master, my body gradually became stronger. Sitting in meditation can exercise people's ability to control emotions, and can also make people think quickly. Very useful..."

Shen Fei glanced at Joshua, and said "viciously": "You are a disciple of Lanchan, and I am the uncle of Lanchan, do I know more or Lanchan knows more?"

Joshua quickly lowered his head: "Of course my uncle knows a lot."

"It's good to know, just listen to me in the future, don't listen to Lan Chan."

Shen Fei was full of anger. What can Lazy Zen teach well? He himself is a pessimist with a "world-weary" plot and wants to die early and be detached. He taught a child who should be full of vigor to be so restrained and mature. If you don't teach him a lesson It can be considered that Shen Fei is magnanimous.

Joshua was caught in a tangle. On the one hand, he was his master Lanchan, on the other hand was his father's brother, and on the other hand, he was the elder of the monastery. Who should he listen to...

Shen Fei went to the Huxin Pavilion and found Fat Tiger who was carefully slicing ham with a knife, and roared: "Fat Tiger, I have something to do with you!"

Fat Tiger shook his hand, and the knife went straight into the ham, leaving a groove.

"I'll go, this is the best 5J quality Celia ham, I bought it with a lot of money! Now it's ruined, it's all ruined!"

Shen Fei didn't take it seriously: "In the past, you just hugged and gnawed directly, but now it's just a knife cut, what's the matter?"

Fat Tiger had tears in his eyes and was on the verge of crying: "What do you know, this piece of ham costs 300 gold coins, and the taste is the best when sliced ​​and eaten. Now there is a knife edge on it, and the slice will no longer be perfect. This piece of 5J The ham has also lost its poise..."

A piece of ham costs 300 gold coins, Shen Fei and Joshua gasped together.

Fat Tiger felt Shen Fei's murderous gaze, and the alarm bells rang in his heart, saying that he had leaked his mouth!
"My money is earned through hard work in the casino. It's hard-earned money!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a boy with yellow hair and blue eyes standing next to Shen Fei.

Fat Tiger was stunned for a moment, subconsciously stuffed the ham into his belly pocket, and jumped in front of Shen Fei with all his might.

"This child is Lucian's son, right?"

Joshua is also looking at Fat Tiger, but there is a little doubt in his eyes.

Fat Tiger smiled, two lumps of fat protruded from his cheeks, and he didn't show his teeth when he smiled, for fear of scaring the child.I rummaged in my belly pocket for a while, and took out a whole ham: "I don't have any gifts for you, you take this Celia 5J ham."

Joshua took the ham with both hands, and staggered slightly, not to mention that the ham is really big.

The breeze blows over the ham, and even the air is full of aromas, making the mouth salivate.

This is the highest-standard ham in the empire. The entire Seria region produces ham that can reach the 5J standard a year. It doesn’t even add up to a ton, and the output varies according to the annual rainfall and climate. They are all high-quality products. , even many nobles in the empire could not afford it.

"I just want to get rid of one piece of ham, Fat Hu, you are so shabby!" Shen Fei looked contemptuous, who did Fat Hu learn so much from?It must be in Tenjin Island again, right!
Fat Tiger looked disgusted, and his brows were full of contempt.

"Anyone can say this, but you, Shen Fei, are not qualified to say it, right? I hate the small gift I gave, what good thing did you give Joshua, let me hear it!"

Fat Tiger raised his head with his hips akimbo, as if he was number one in the world.Shen Fei's kind of coercion definitely didn't give him anything good, and he even has the face to say it, this isn't squatting in a latrine to beat a lantern—he's looking for death!

Shen Fei spouted cold air from his nose, if he was questioned by Fat Tiger in the past, he must have panicked a lot.

But this time he was rock solid.

"Joshua, tell yourself, what is the gift I gave you?"

Joshua said honestly: "Uncle gave me a check for 5 gold coins, and also gave me a Reiki card machine."

A check for 5 gold coins!

Fat Tiger got goosebumps all over his body when he heard this, he knew very well what kind of guy Shen Fei was, he was stingy and stingy, would this guy take out a check for 5 gold coins as a meeting gift?It's unbelievable!
Fat Tiger pulled Joshua into his arms, put his arms around his shoulders and whispered softly: "Don't be afraid, don't listen to Shen Fei's rhetoric, and don't give in to his lust, tell me honestly What kind of meeting gift does he give you, I am the White Tiger God, and I can protect you well."

Joshua hesitated for a moment and took out the check for 5 yuan from the inner pocket of his clothes.

"Baihu God, Uncle Shen really gave me a check..."

Fat Tiger snatched the check and looked at the sun, trying to see through this "false" check with a pair of tiger eyes, but it couldn't see any fraud in this check.

After returning the check to Joshua, Fat Tiger was extremely angry, this guy Shen Fei didn't play his cards according to the routine!

"Cunning villain!"

Fat Tiger couldn't help cursing, then opened his tiger skin pocket and rummaged hard to see if there were any valuables.

Shen Fei crossed his hands on his chest and said with a smile: "Okay, don't look for it anymore, just find any precious things in your pocket. Joshua was born prematurely and had a weak constitution. He came to the Wu Monk Temple to practice boxing and kicking to strengthen his body. .See if there is any way..."

Joshua had a shocked expression on his face, he was so frightened that he couldn't breathe and backed away again and again.

"It's absolutely impossible, my body doesn't dare to bother the White Tiger God..."

The sharp nails on Fat Tiger's palm were all retracted into the flesh, leaving only the soft flesh of the palm, and slapped Joshua on the head.

"What nonsense, call him Uncle Tiger!"

(End of this chapter)

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