my pet is boss

Chapter 231 Zhang Chun, a wonderful hand, with both virtue and art

Chapter 231 The wonderful hand rejuvenates, the virtue and art are both fragrant

Fat Tiger stretched out his hand to hold the tiger skin on his arm, and grabbed Joshua's arm to feel his pulse.

Shen Fei was dumbfounded, that Fat Tiger could still feel his pulse, and then asked Joshua to stick out his tongue to check the color of the tongue coating, and went through everything.

Shen Fei is a bit messy, this game is too casual, it's quite against the law to mix various elements together.

Shen Fei also went to the infirmary of the Buddhist monastery. The healing monks used the power of the green dragon to heal the wounded, but when they came to the white tiger, they used to look, smell and ask. Shen Fei was no longer surprised.

After Baihu checked, he took off the square-frame glasses and white coat that he didn't know when he put on.

"Well, the insufficiency of congenital qi causes the bones to shrink and the meridians to stagnate. Do you feel very cold every winter, and you can't keep warm no matter how thick you wear?"

Joshua nodded again and again, but Uncle Hu just glanced casually to get his pulse, and he knew what he had suffered in the past few years, as if he was there in person.

Shen Fei was worried when he heard this, what kind of child is this, every winter is bitterly cold, no matter how many clothes he wears, he can't keep him warm.But looking at Joshua, there is no trace of gloom or resentment on his face, his eyes are still curious about the world, exuding kindness.

"Fat Tiger, this matter..."

Fat Tiger shook his hand: "It was also this kid who was lucky enough to meet me, and it just so happened that this opportunity should be a gift for you."

Hearing Fat Tiger's tone, Shen Fei couldn't believe it, and said, "Joshua is weak, how can there be so many strong people in the Holy City who can't do anything?"

Fat Tiger snorted, and snorted coldly: "What is my strength and status, Fat Tiger? That is the level of a true god, and the Holy City is unique... Comparing those leaders of forces with me, are you sure you are not insulting me?"

Fat Tiger took Joshua to the Huxin Pavilion, and took out a stack of gold needles and silver needles wrapped in cloth bags from the tiger skin pocket.

"Take off your shirt."

Joshua didn't ask too much, since Uncle Hu said there was a way to give it a chance, he did it.

Fat Tiger prepared gold needles and silver needles, and said, "Do you think it's a tradition for Lucian to send Joshua to the Monk Temple to practice boxing and kicking? Holy light can save people, heal wounds and restore vitality, but for this kind of congenital birth, it is a tradition. The Holy Light is powerless to solve the problem. The mage claims to understand the energy changes of the elements, but in the end he doesn’t even understand the human body itself, so he dares to say that he has cracked the mysteries of the universe, what a shame!”

"The green dragon's enveloping breath is mainly for recovery. From the cultivation of mortals to the beginning of the monk, we call this process foundation building and laying a solid foundation. Joshua's foundation was sealed because the innate energy in his body was not fully nourished in the meridians. It was caused by stagnation and blockage of the meridians after premature birth, what I have to do now is..."

Don't look at Fat Tiger's fluffy and fleshy tiger paw, but he didn't expect to be dexterous enough to pick up a needle.There is always a sense of déjà vu that Li Kui picked up the embroidery needle.


As soon as the last four words came out, all the gold and silver needles in Fat Tiger's hand were slapped into the air, and then in a dazzling scene, Fat Tiger inserted all 108 gold and silver needles in the air into Joshua's body.

When the last golden needle was inserted into the Dazhui point on the back of Joshua's neck, Joshua's whole face twisted into a ball, and he vomited out a mouthful of black blood.Immediately afterwards, Fat Tiger put the tiger's palm on Joshua's two temples, and the mana gradually entered his body through the tiger's palm.

Joshua squinted his eyes, and felt as if he was wearing a warm hat on his head, and the temples on both sides of his head kept having slightly tingling warm currents entering his body and flowing into his limbs.

This warm current is like the warm sun in the afternoon in spring, warm.

It's just that in this warm current, there seems to be something sharp that is constantly stimulating my meridians, like a small needle pricking it once or twice, like... an electric current!
Shen Fei stood aside with a blank face the whole time.

Fat Tiger never said that he knew how to use acupuncture and thaumaturgy. This game is too well-made. This is forced acupuncture!
But looking at Fat Tiger's dazzling skills, it seems that there is really a way to unblock Joshua's congenitally closed meridians.

After a while, the fat tiger withdrew its tiger palm, and Shen Fei found that all the white spots on this guy had faded back to black.

That's a full bar of mana.

Shen Fei couldn't be more clear about what one piece of magic power can do, it can kill the Balrog, split the sky and cut the waves!
It takes so much to cure Joshua's congenitally disabled veins. This meeting gift is really no less than a 5 check.

"Hey, it's still a good thing that you, Fat Tiger, have a conscience."

All the gold needles and silver needles gradually withdrew from Joshua's body, Fat Tiger grabbed all the needles and laid them on the cloth bag again, and then stuffed them into the tiger skin pocket on his stomach.

Shen Fei looked at Joshua's sweating body, and quickly stepped forward to put clothes on him, but was stopped by Fat Tiger: "Don't put clothes on him yet, the stagnation and coldness in the body are dissipating through the meridians and acupuncture points. Come out, put the lid on now and it will shake things up."

Shen Fei stretched out his hand to hang over Joshua's head, and found that the white air coming out was not hot, but had a slight chill on the contrary.

"Will he return to normal in the future?" Shen Fei asked.

Fat Tiger glanced at it and said with a smile: "Not only that, he still retains a lot of my mana in his body, and I have also opened up the twelve main meridians and eight extraordinary meridians of his whole body. , become a genius among geniuses."

Shen Fei remembered the chance that Fat Tiger said before performing the acupuncture, and it turned out that this was what he was referring to.

Shen Fei couldn't help but gave a thumbs up: "The wonderful hand rejuvenates, the virtue and the skill are both fragrant! Fat Tiger, look at my meridians, am I a unique martial arts genius!"

It takes seven days for Fat Tiger to accumulate a mana point. Seeing Joshua's sudden transformation, Shen Fei didn't ask.

Fat Tiger glanced at Shen Fei, his eyes were full of contempt: "Don't think that I didn't see your thoughts, but it's just your bone meridian, hey..." Fat Tiger shook his head helplessly, quite reckless. The feeling of passing, and the meaning of hating iron but not steel.

"It's hopeless, your aptitude is too poor, and you can't become a martial arts master even if you have all the meridians."

Shen Fei pinched Fat Tiger's neck with both hands: "My self-created A kite technique is unparalleled in the world, and you actually slandered me for being too poor?"

Fat Tiger spits bubbles, some words must be spoken even if he dies!
"Forget it quickly, it takes three years to practice a kite technique, but it takes half a year for a genius to figure it out!"

Joshua gradually regained consciousness, and when he opened it, he saw Uncle Shen, who was standing upright on a high mountain, wrestling with the famous White Tiger God, who had plucked his genitals and plucked his hair for a thousand years, poking his eyes, scratching his itches and spitting. It was tragic enough to shock Joshua, who was under ten years old.

(End of this chapter)

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